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Wednesday, February 18, 2015. The AP shirt sale has been extended until Friday, February 27. If you did not order one, please see Mrs. Lores in the front.

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Presentation on theme: "Wednesday, February 18, 2015. The AP shirt sale has been extended until Friday, February 27. If you did not order one, please see Mrs. Lores in the front."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wednesday, February 18, 2015

2 The AP shirt sale has been extended until Friday, February 27. If you did not order one, please see Mrs. Lores in the front office.

3 Prom tickets for the underwater enchantment are now on sale for $20.00 each this week only. Next week through prom week they will be $25.00 each. Buy yours early to avoid those added costs. We are looking forward to a great prom this year on March 21st. This year is going to be a great one, so don't miss out.

4 Are you interested in taking Health Sciences or being a part of the Health Occupations Academy next year? If so, see Mrs. Luker in room 301 for an application. Registration for next year’s classes will begin soon so sign up today!

5 Any peer helper who has attended the special olympics field trip in the past who would like to go this year needs to see Mrs. Champion ASAP. The first 14 to sign up are the ones to go!

6 Attention all TA’s, plan to meet after school today in Mrs. Kilzer’s room, room 808.

7 Are you planning to sign up for the Lion Pride News Crew for next year? Well you better hurry as the deadline to apply is Friday. Applications are available now from Mrs. Lee in room 702. If you have already picked up an application, be sure to return it by Friday.

8 Have you gotten that special prom dress yet? The Heritage Junior Women's Club is proud to announce yet another year of Emily's Closet Prom Dress Giveaway. This year’s event will be held on Saturday, March 7th from 9am-12pm in the cafeteria at Baldwin County High School. They have plenty of dresses and they would love to get these dresses in the hands of the young ladies at Foley High School!

9 If you have not signed up for the The Optimist International Essay Contest, you better hurry as the deadline is Thursday! See Mrs. Cirilli in room 507 to pick up an application before it is too late.

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