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CoBrow Collaborative Browsing A Virtual Presence Service RE 1003 RE 4003.

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Presentation on theme: "CoBrow Collaborative Browsing A Virtual Presence Service RE 1003 RE 4003."— Presentation transcript:

1 CoBrow Collaborative Browsing A Virtual Presence Service RE 1003 RE 4003

2 CoBrow pleased to meet you on the Web The Web n The Web is a virtual world. u Places u streets, street corners u shops u travel agencies u... è Things known from the real world

3 CoBrow pleased to meet you on the Web People n The Web seems to be lifeless and static. u But: there are people u entering stores u browsing around u some slowly, others faster u robots, etc... è Cobrow makes them visible

4 CoBrow pleased to meet you on the Web Benefits n Online Stores: u talk to customers while they there n Fun and hobby sites: u enhanced experience n Exhibitions: u meet at the stand è Once People are visible u communication more natural u like in the real world

5 CoBrow pleased to meet you on the Web Security and Privacy n No disclosure of privat information n Measures against unauthorized access n Users are notified n Users can always switch it off n Only information provided by user è More privacy than in the real world

6 CoBrow pleased to meet you on the Web Potential n Virtual Presence Services like CoBrow will cover u a large part of the Web u a larger Web n Presence Notification is already a big business u ICQ (Millions of users) u RVP (Microsoft upcoming) è CoBrow is Presence Notification on the Web

7 CoBrow pleased to meet you on the Web 1. Users move through the Web 2. CoBrow Server computes neighbors: 3. Neighbors are displayed How it works Document + Neighbors Communication

8 CoBrow pleased to meet you on the Web Status n Server Software u Prototype, well tested, stable n Client Software u Java based (zero installation) u VR-Display, Windows native, HTML n CoBrow hosting started u running CoBrow server for other Web sites n Protocol published (Internet Draft) n Port assigned by IANA

9 CoBrow pleased to meet you on the Web Software available n CoBrow Web site: u u more information u download (1 click installation) n Try the showcase: u n Try the software u send feedback u request features

10 CoBrow pleased to meet you on the Web Virtual Presence n CoBrow is a VP Implementation n VP is the concept of u user - user associations, based on u user - location associations n VPP u Virtual Presence Protocol HTTPIMPP VPP DocumentsUsers Technical

11 CoBrow pleased to meet you on the Web Dynamic Updates n HTTP: GET u static information u single response n VPP: SUBSCRIBE u dynamic information u multiple responses u generalized GET u currently: HTTP encapsulated è dynamic updates through HTTP

12 CoBrow pleased to meet you on the Web Subscriptions rule n Subscription paradigm u user properties u name, icon, neighbors,... u Peers subscribe u get changes n Subscriptions for communication u message property u peers subscribe u get updates = instant messages è No extra instant message protocol !

13 CoBrow pleased to meet you on the Web VP Links n Hypertext references u  VP Link u default length = 1 n Server options u define link length (per link) u shape virtual space u Example: conference room n User options u visible area (in links) u filtering

14 CoBrow pleased to meet you on the Web Federated Servers n VP links across border links n LINK/UNLINK n Communication between presence servers è Visibility across Web servers

15 CoBrow pleased to meet you on the Web What is Next ? n 2nd generation Server u 10,000,000 pages u 1.000,000 passive users u 1,000 active users u application plug-ins n Dynamic HTML Display u commercial partners  Java n Native clients u MS Windows, Linux u less limitations, more features

16 CoBrow pleased to meet you on the Web 5th Framework n CoBrow/R u created prototype n CoBrow/D u user trials and deployment n ShopAware u Integration with eCommerce u VP as marketing tool u teaming up with eCommerce companies u software distributors shop  customer customer database

17 CoBrow pleased to meet you on the Web Ubiquitous Presence n Today u Online Presence, ICQ, AIM u dedicated chat pages n Soon u VP: Presence on the Web u communication everywhere

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