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Questionnaire Project Plan Alpha development Beta development Release for CMIP5 approval Production Phase After CMIP5 Questionnaire 01 Jan 2010 – 30 Dec.

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Presentation on theme: "Questionnaire Project Plan Alpha development Beta development Release for CMIP5 approval Production Phase After CMIP5 Questionnaire 01 Jan 2010 – 30 Dec."— Presentation transcript:

1 Questionnaire Project Plan Alpha development Beta development Release for CMIP5 approval Production Phase After CMIP5 Questionnaire 01 Jan 2010 – 30 Dec 2010 14 Sep 2010 – 30 Dec 2010 01 Sep 2009 – 14 Sep 2010 14 Jul 2009 – 01 Sep 2009 18 May 2009 – 13 Jul 2009

2 Alpha development Conformance to CMIP5 protocol Ingesting the software mindmaps Questionnaire layout Feedback Iterations Questionnaire validation protocol Data upload/descriptions Finalising software mindmaps Coupling Alpha: 18 May 2009 – 13 July 2009

3 Conformance to CMIP5 protocol Charlotte Bryan Sebastien Sarah Gerry Charlotte/Sarah will create CIM instances that describe the CMIP5 protocol Sebastian and Gerry will work out what questions to ask the users: Bryan to interact on this too. CIM, Simulation instances and Numerical Requirement Stuff Alpha: 18 May 2009 – 13 July 2009

4 Ingesting the software mindmaps Rupert Matt Marie-Pierre Ticket 245 Including completing the mindmaps flattening mindmaps Alpha: 18 May 2009 – 13 July 2009

5 Questionnaire layout Charlotte Matt Everyone Ticket 242 Examples of the layout of questionnaire panes are attached to ticket 242 Bug squashing! Adding new page templates for new information: Conformance Alpha: 18 May 2009 – 13 July 2009

6 Feedback Iterations Metafor Will take 3-4 weeks Alpha: 18 May 2009 – 13 July 2009

7 Questionnaire validation protocol Rupert Bryan Lois Gerry Ticket 203 Establishing policy Establishing Technical implementation. Lois/Gerry is going to transfer the whiteboard discussion to UML Alpha: 18 May 2009 – 13 July 2009

8 Data upload vs Data descriptions We will ask for users to upload cf-netcdf data files which tell us how they conformed to the numerical requirements of the cmip5 experiments. But this will not be possible in many instances so we will need to have descriptions of these "ancillary files" We will need a descriptions of the files So what questions shall we ask? ??? Alpha: 18 May 2009 – 13 July 2009

9 Finalising software mindmaps Marie-Pierre Bryan Everyone Ticket 247 We need to work out how to ask questions about the component domain These are nearly reusable concepts that are kind of about the model's dynamical core Marie-Pierre and Bryan to work on this by processing the ESG controlled vocabulary. Alpha: 18 May 2009 – 13 July 2009

10 Coupling Bryan Marie-Pierre See the and the for examples of how to do this Alpha: 18 May 2009 – 13 July 2009

11 Beta development Mapping variable names to components Discuss release protocol with Karl Taylor Feedback Iterations Ingestion procedure to get questionnaire output into the CIM and other formats Everything functioning and getting feedback about the questionnaire from people we know who have not been party to our discussions so far. Beta: 14 July 2009 – 1 September 2009

12 Mapping variable names to components Gerry Gerry: Mapping variables which have obvious associations with particular components. Beta: 14 July 2009 – 1 September 2009

13 Discuss release protocol with Karl Taylor Eric Bryan Ticket 246 We require a formal approval process for the questionnaire. When the questionnaire is ready we will ask for approval from Karl and Ron before it is released. Beta: 14 July 2009 – 1 September 2009

14 Feedback Iterations Community Beta: 14 July 2009 – 1 September 2009

15 Ingestion procedure to get questionnaire output into the CIM and other formats Rupert Allyn The output from the questionnaire will be xml documents o they will have the same form as the xml documents that Rupert made to generate the questionnaire o they will be smaller in some ways in that choices will have been made from the lists of controlled vocabulary o they will be bigger in other ways because they will also have descriptions entered by the users Rupert and Allyn will write the xslt to go from questionnaire xml to CIM xml Knowing the output xml format of the questionnaire will facilitate sharing the information we have gathered with Curator/ESG and ISENES for use in their portals Beta: 14 July 2009 – 1 September 2009

16 Release for CMIP5 approval Approval: 1 September 2009 – 14 September 2009

17 Production Phase Controversial variables Monitoring usage Support The data for models will be available once they have met their metadata requirements. The cmip5 data will be "launched" end 2010. Production: 14 September 2009 – 30 December 2010

18 Controversial variables For some variables it is not obvious which component created them o we need to ask questions about these (probably about 50 of them) Gerry to go through the CMIP5 variables to decide which ones are ambiguous o In the end we will find out what variables models actually produced from the netCDF data files. o Then we can have a suplementary questionnaire to link the controversial variables to components. Gerry Production: 14 September 2009 – 30 December 2010

19 Monitoring usage Production: 14 September 2009 – 30 December 2010

20 Support Production: 14 September 2009 – 30 December 2010

21 After CMIP5 Questionnaire Metafor Portal Linking the CIM instances with CMIP5 data files After CMIP5: 01 January 2010 – 30 December 2010

22 Metafor Portal Users need to be able to get to the metadata we collect in the questionnaire. The queries that get people to the data are out of scope for metafor After CMIP5: 01 January 2010 – 30 December 2010

23 Linking the CIM instances with CMIP5 data files How we get from CIM instances to the data (ISENES) After CMIP5: 01 January 2010 – 30 December 2010

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