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Biodiversity Activity Microcosmos Timeline Activity Initial Engagement.

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Presentation on theme: "Biodiversity Activity Microcosmos Timeline Activity Initial Engagement."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biodiversity Activity Microcosmos Timeline Activity Initial Engagement

2 Background 4 Microcosmos Earth History curriculum was used as the source 4 First activity for the course 4 Activity was used to interest students in the discussion of evolution and the earliest forms of life

3 Materials 4 Need 2 Class Periods 4 5 ribbons, each a different color and each 1/2 to 1 inch wide and 2 to 4 feet long 4 Markers 4 Microcosmos Timeline materials (cartoon slides) 4 Overhead Projector 4 Paper clips and Scotch tape

4 Activity Highlights 4 5-part ribbon timeline hung around the room. –Each color represents 1 billion years 4 Groups of 3 students discuss cartoon representations of major events in Earth History –Class guesses when events took place by guiding fellow in attaching cartoon to timeline

5 Activity Highlights (2) 4 At home, students determine true dates –Cartoons are moved to the right places 4 Relationship between Life, evolution, and long periods of time is discussed in class discussion 4 Teacher begins lecture on cells as basic units of life

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