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Chapter 13 Section 2 Terms FeudalismFiefVassalPrimogenitureManorialismSerfsChivalry.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 13 Section 2 Terms FeudalismFiefVassalPrimogenitureManorialismSerfsChivalry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 13 Section 2 Terms FeudalismFiefVassalPrimogenitureManorialismSerfsChivalry

2 Chapter 13 Section 3 Terms Sacraments Saint Benedict Canon Law InterdictHereticsSimonyInquisition

3 Objectives Explore how feudalism helped shape political and social development in Europe during the Middle Ages. Explore how feudalism helped shape political and social development in Europe during the Middle Ages. Identify the ways in which the manorial system influenced economic growth in Europe during the Middle ages. Identify the ways in which the manorial system influenced economic growth in Europe during the Middle ages. Explore how the church influenced life in medieval Europe. Explore how the church influenced life in medieval Europe.


5 Feudalism The legal and social system that existed in medieval Europe after the fall of Charlemagne’s empire. The legal and social system that existed in medieval Europe after the fall of Charlemagne’s empire. Under this System a noble (Lord) granted land (Fief) to a lesser noble (Vassal). Under this System a noble (Lord) granted land (Fief) to a lesser noble (Vassal). In exchange for the fief a vassal promised loyalty, and military service to the lord. In exchange for the fief a vassal promised loyalty, and military service to the lord.

6 The Manorial System Manorialism: the economic system in much of Europe during the middle ages. Manorialism: the economic system in much of Europe during the middle ages. People who lived on manors needed to be self-sufficient. People who lived on manors needed to be self-sufficient. A lord and several peasant families shared the land of the manor. A lord and several peasant families shared the land of the manor. Lord kept about 1/3 of the lands for him self (called the domain) Lord kept about 1/3 of the lands for him self (called the domain)

7 Peasant Life Peasant life was difficult. Peasant life was difficult. Peasants (or serfs) could not leave the land without the lord’s permission. Peasants (or serfs) could not leave the land without the lord’s permission. Meal consisted mainly of bread, lentils, some vegetables, and ale. Meal consisted mainly of bread, lentils, some vegetables, and ale. Life expectance was short. Life expectance was short. Lived, worked, and died all in the village they were born. Lived, worked, and died all in the village they were born.

8 Nobles’ Lifestyles Did not live in luxury. Did not live in luxury. Castle had thick walls and small windows; rooms were dark and chilly. Castle had thick walls and small windows; rooms were dark and chilly. Lords spent the day looking after their land and dispensing justice among his vassals and serfs. Lords spent the day looking after their land and dispensing justice among his vassals and serfs.

9 Chivalry Code of conduct that dictated knights’ behavior towards others. Code of conduct that dictated knights’ behavior towards others. Knights were expected to be courageous, fight fairly, be loyal, keep their word, treat conquered foes gallantly, and be courteous to women and the less powerful. Knights were expected to be courageous, fight fairly, be loyal, keep their word, treat conquered foes gallantly, and be courteous to women and the less powerful.

10 COAT OF ARMS ASSIGNMENT: Create your own Coat of Arms. ASSIGNMENT: Create your own Coat of Arms. Use the handout and page 299 of your textbook to create your own Coat of Arms. Use the handout and page 299 of your textbook to create your own Coat of Arms. Your Coat of Arms must include: Your Coat of Arms must include: 1. Background/Field color. 2. Other colors of the shield (Follow the handout closely). 3. Charge (picture): Animal, pun on your family name, important event or quality of your life. (Something that represents you!)

11 The Church Medieval Church had broad political powers (central governments were weak) Medieval Church had broad political powers (central governments were weak) Church powers extended across kingdoms and through every social and political level. Church powers extended across kingdoms and through every social and political level.

12 Church vs. Monarchs and church members: Page 302- 303 Canon Law: The church had its own laws and courts. Members of the church and the clergy could be tried and convicted in church courts. Policy/ActionWhat is it?How was it used to make the church powerful? Excommunication Interdict Lay Investiture Simony Inquisition

13 Political Economic and Social Role of the Church. Popes held some political power, not just spiritual power over European monarchs. Popes held some political power, not just spiritual power over European monarchs. Church had its own code of law, called, and its own courts. Church had its own code of law, called cannon law, and its own courts. Members of the church and members of the clergy could be found guilty in court and Members of the church and members of the clergy could be found guilty in court and excommunicated. Excommunication: Person is kicked out of the church and not allowed to participate in the sacraments and other ordinances needed for the afterlife. Held much economic power during the Middle Ages. Held much economic power during the Middle Ages. –One of Europe’s leading landowners. –Many of its leaders were powerful feudal overlords. The clergy was involved with social work and took care of the poor and needy, and established hospitals. The clergy was involved with social work and took care of the poor and needy, and established hospitals.

14 Problems of the Church The church’s great wealth and influence led to many problems. The church’s great wealth and influence led to many problems. Churches in an entire region would be closed and no sacraments or ordinances performed. Interdict: Churches in an entire region would be closed and no sacraments or ordinances performed. People could buy high positions within the church hierarchy from a Lord (Simony). People could buy high positions within the church hierarchy from a Lord (Simony). In the 1200’s the church attempted to reform itself by seeking out (people who do not believe or live the doctrines of their faith). In the 1200’s the church attempted to reform itself by seeking out Heretics (people who do not believe or live the doctrines of their faith). The search for heretics is known as the Inquisition. The search for heretics is known as the Inquisition. –Those who confessed could be forgiven. –Those who did not confess were punished (ex. burned at the stake).

15 Monarchs vs. Popes 1) Create a catchy newspaper headline for each event listed below. 2) Write a story in your own words for each headline using at least 3 sentences. Use pages 311-313: Use pages 311-313: 1) Henry III 2) Henry IV and Pope Gregory VII *Be sure to include the Concordat of Worms *Be sure to include the Concordat of Worms 3) Pope Innocent III *Be sure to include King John and Philip Augustus. *Be sure to include King John and Philip Augustus.

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