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Published byNora Blair Modified over 9 years ago
Presentation on Annual Action Plan for IWMP 2014-15 State Level Nodal Agency Department of Agriculture Government of Tripura
Summary of IWMP Sr Particulars Year of Appraisal Total NoNo Batch-I (2009-10) Batch-II (2010-11) Batch-III (2011-12) Batch-IV (2012-13) Batch-V (2013-14) 1 No.of Projects10 1117856 2 Project Area(Ha)3028330026301254362235480169536 3 Project Cost(Rs.Cr.)45.424545.03945.187565.43353.22254.304 4 Funds received (Rs. In Cr.) Central +State 44.10132.22119.25811.1652.425109.170 5 Total Expenditure (Rs. In Cr.) anticipated 44.0220.9710.325.630.2481.18 6 DPRs Sanctioned333033500146 7 Projects Closed/Cancellation Nil 8 Timelines for DPRscompleted June, 2014
IWMP-Abstract of Fund Requirement by SLNA during 2014-15 Rs. In Crores Sr No Item IstIIndIIIrdIV th Total (III+IV+ V+VI) Unspent Balance as on 01.04.2014 anticipated Actual requirement (VII-VIII) Quarter IIIIIIIVVVIVIIVIIIIX 1 Batch-I (Sanctioned in 2009-10) 0.650.410.140.201.400.081.32 2 Batch-II (Sanctioned in 2010-11) 9.056.644.164.9224.7711.2513.52 3 Batch-III (Sanctioned in 2011-12) 7.865.273.423.6920.248.9411.3 4 Batch-IV (Sanctioned in 2012-13) 8.935.983.213.7821.905.5416.36 5 Batch-V (Sanctioned in 2013-14) 4.462.621.221.339.632.187.45 6 Batch-VI(to be Sanctioned in 2014-15) 1.771.180.410.593.950 Total32.7222.1012.5614.5181.8927.9953.90
IWMP-Monthly proposed expenditure during 2014-15 Sr NoMonthProposed Expenditure(Rs. In Lakh) 1April 8.45 2May 11.45 3June 12.82 4July 12.30 5August 4.84 6September 4.96 7October 5.92 8November 2.87 9December 3.77 10January 2.92 11February 3.28 12March 8.31 Total81.93
IWMP-Fund Requirement for Year 2014-15- Batch-I(Projects Sanctioned in 2009-10) ( Amount in Lac) Sr No Budget ComponentToatal funds received Total Expenditure(31. 03.2014) anticipated % Expendit ure Fund Required for Year 2014-15 Remarks (Timelines etc.) 1DPR45.4245 100%Nil Evaluation of Preparatory Phase and Work Phase is completed and reports submitted to DoLR 2EPA181.7 100%Nil 3Training & IEC227.122226.12299.6%Nil 4Admin.Cost454.25453.2599.8%Nil 5Watershed Work2543.772 100%Nil 6Livelihood408.82 100%Nil 7 Production System & Microenterprises454.25 100%Nil 8Monitoring45.424544.7198.43%Nil 9Evaluation45.424543.9696.78%Nil 10Consolidation3.93950 132.32 Total4410.1274402.0 132.32
IWMP-Fund Requirement for Year 2014-15-Batch-II(Projects Sanctioned in 2010-11 ) (Amount in Lac) Sr No Budget ComponentTotal funds received Total Expenditure( 31.03.2014) anticipated % Expenditur e Fund Required for Year 2014-15 Remarks (Timelines etc.) 1DPR45.04 100%0 Preaparotry Phase evaluated & report submitted, Work Phase evaluation will be completed with June,14 and rest of activities also be completed by March,2015 2EPA180.16 100%0 3Training & IEC202.68123.6361%22.52 4Admin.Cost333.29163.3149%117.1 5Watershed Work1864.171137.1661%727.38 6Livelihood270.23206.1876%135.12 7 Production System & Microenterprises270.23211.5978%180.15 8Monitoring27.0216.7562%18.02 9Evaluation29.2813.1845%15.77 10Consolidation 135.12 Total3222.12097.00 1351.18
IWMP-Fund Requirement for Year 2014-15-Batch-III(Projects Sanctioned in 2011-12) (Amount in Lac) Sr No Budget ComponentTotal funds received Total Expenditure( 31.03.2014) anticipated % Expendit ure Fund Required for Year 2014-15 Remarks (Timelines etc.) 1DPR45.19 100% Evaluation of Preparatory Phase completed and report submitted to DoLR, Wok Phase evaluation will be completed within March,2015 2EPA180.75 100% 3Training & IEC169.4564.4538%33.89 4Admin.Cost212.3843.2620%122.3 5Watershed Work962.16523.8054%730.91 6Livelihood158.1686.4855%112.97 7 Production System & Microenterprises158.1678.2349%112.97 8Monitoring18.085.3329%9.04 9Evaluation21.474.5121%7.92 10Consolidation Total1925.81032.00 1130.00
IWMP-Fund Requirement for Year 2014-15-Batch-IV(Projects Sanctioned in 2012-13) (Amount in Lac) Sr No Budget ComponentToatal funds received Total Expendit ure(31.03.2014) % Expendit ure Fund Required for Year 2014- 15 Remarks (Timelines etc.) 1DPR65.4351.3979% Evaluation of Preparatory Phase will be completed within April- May,2014 and rest of the activities will be completed within March,2015 2EPA261.72243.4093% 3Training & IEC134.1936.1527%49.08 4Admin.Cost100.8616.8917%176.68 5Watershed Work390.74165.5542%1058.38 6Livelihood65.4328.2343%163.58 7 Production System & Microenterprises65.4321.3933%163.58 8Monitoring13.08 13.09 9Evaluation19.62 11.45 10Consolidation Total1116.5563.00 1635.84
IWMP-Fund Requirement for Year 2014-15-Batch-V(Projects Sanctioned in 2013-14) (Amount in Lac) Sr No Budget ComponentToatal funds received Total Expendit ure(31.03.2014) % Expendit ure Fund Required for Year 2014-15 Remarks (Timelines etc.) 1DPR47.897.7516% DPR preaparation and EPA activities will be completed within June,2014 and rest of the works will be complted within March,2015 2EPA149.139.947% 3Training & IEC21.542.813%133.05 4Admin.Cost23.943.5115%79.83 5Watershed Work 399.15 6Livelihood 53.22 7 Production System & Microenterprises 53.22 8Monitoring 10.64 9Evaluation 15.97 10Consolidation Total242.524.00 745.08
IWMP-Fund Requirement for Year 2014-15-Batch-VI(Projects to be Sanctioned in 2014-15) ( Amount in Lac) Sr No Budget ComponentFund Required for Year 2014-15 Remarks (Timelines etc.) 1DPR66.02March,15 2EPA264.08March,15 3Training & IEC33.00March,15 4Admin.Cost33.00March,15 5Watershed Work 6Livelihood 7 Production System & Microenterprises 8Monitoring 9Evaluation 10Consolidation Total396.10
(1) Capacity Building Plan for State(for all levels of Stakeholders prepared or not). ---Prepared (2) Whether CB plan approved by SLNA and date of approval by SLNA. ---Approved on 14.03.2014 in 9th Governing Body Meeting of SLNA (3) Whether CB plan uploaded on SLNA website or not. ----Uploaded in SLNA (4) Whether Modules of Training have been prepared or not (for all levels of stake holders) ----Prepared (5) Whether Modules of training in local language have been approved by SLNA or not and date of approval. ----Under preparation (6) Whether approved Modules are uploaded on SLNA Website or not. ----Approved module in English language is uploaded in SLNA website- (7) Whether calendar of training for 2014-15 have been finalised or not? if finalised,whether it is uploaded on SLNA's Website or not. -----Prepared & uploaded in SLNA (8) What is the total budget required for Capacity Building during 2014-15. -----Rs. 2.57 Crores Capacity Building
Proposed Capacity Building Plan for Tripura State for the year 2014-15 SL No. Level of Stakeh olders No. of traini ngs No.of Benefici aries Subject of training programmeName of Training institute propsed expendit ure 1SLNA 31 344 * Strategic plan of watershed development *Institutional and financial arrangement * Impact assesment and Soical Audit * Training on Common Guideline (revised) of Watershed Development Projects * Practical training on MIS-IWMP * Use of GPS and GIS in implementation of IWMP * Operational guideline of IWMP * Training on Detailed Project Report(DPR) of IWMP projects Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Lembucherra, Tripura Centre, Krishi Vigyan Kendra(ICAR & NGO), Agricultural Technology Management Agency (ATMA),The North Eastern Regional Institute of Water and Land Management (NERIWALM),Watershed Support Services and Activities Network(WASSAN),National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD), Centre for Rural Studies, Deptt. of Rural Development and Development(Tripura University), Resource Deptt. Like Fisheries, ARDD department,College of Agriculture(Tripura), College of Fisheries, Veterenary College(Tripura) 18.48 2 District Level 145 1740 1.Key features,processes and mechanisms in the new common guidelines for watershed development Projects 2.Concepts & Components of ridge to valley approach for preparing treatment & management plan 3.Delineation,Prioritization & Mapping of watersheds 4.Planning & design of catchment area treatment 5.Community organisation,Social mobilization, institution development & entry point activities 49.41 Rs in lakhs
SL No. Level of Stakeho lders No. of traini ngs No.of Benefi ciaries Subject of training programmeName of Training institute propsed expendit ure 3 WDT level (CLRC) 2505690 1.Need of watershed management,project concept and orientation 2.Roles & responsibilities of PRIs in IWMP 3.Participatory approach to watershed planning 4.PRA tools & training 5.Financial management & accounting procedures in IWMP 6.Institutional arrangements 7.Participatory ground water management 8.Participatory Natural Resource Management Planning Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Lembucherra, Tripura Centre, Krishi Vigyan Kendra(ICAR & NGO), Agricultural Technology Management Agency (ATMA), National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development(NABAR D), Centre for Rural Studies, Deptt. of Rural Development and Development(Tripura University), Resource Deptt. Like Fisheries, ARDD department, College of Agriculture(Tripura), College of Fisheries, Veterenary College(Tripura) 81.38 5 WC level (vilage) 4979940 1.Need of watershed management,project concept & orientation 2.Awareness generation of watershed programme 3.Community organisation & formation of WC,SHG and UGs 4.Roles & responsibilities of Watershed committee 5.Participatory planning & implementation process 6.Participatory Natural resource Management Planning. 7.Package of practices of Horticultural crops 8.Soil fertility management through conservation & development of biomass. 121.9 Total92317714 271.17
Implementation Strategy For Projects Proposed For 2014-15 Area Allocated for 2014-15(lakh ha)0.44013 No.of Projects9 No.of Districts5 Timeline for completing the initial capacity building March,2015 Timeline for completion of DPRsMarch,2015 Completion of EPWMarch,2015 Constitution of WCsJune,2014 Training of WcsAugust,2014
IWMP Financial Targets for 2014-15 Name Of the State- Tripura Rs in Lakhs Sr. N o Components Fund Released upto previous year (31-03- 2014) Expendit ure up to previous year (31-03- 2014) Unspent Balance as on (31-03- 2014) Annual target for 2014-15 Actual Require ment of grant (X-V) Ist Quarter IInd Quarter III Quarter IV th Quarter TOTAL( VI+VII+ VIII+IX) I IIIIIIVVVIVIIVIIIIXXXI 1Administrative cost1124.72680.22444.50388.37262.32149.08172.23972.00527.50 2Monitoring103.6066.7936.8134.7623.4813.3415.4287.0050.19 3Evaluation115.7961.6554.1441.5528.0715.9518.43104.0049.86 4 Entry Point Activity(EPA) 953.46795.95157.51168.21113.6264.5774.60421.00263.49 5 Institution &Capacity Building 754.98453.15301.83228.95154.6487.88101.53573.00271.17 6 Detailed Project Report(DPR) 248.97194.7954.1847.9532.3818.4121.26120.0065.82 7NRM Work(Total)5760.844370.281390.561720.511162.08660.44762.984306.002915.44 8 Livelihood for the asset- less persons 902.64729.71172.93254.92172.1897.85113.05638.00465.07 9 Production System & Micro-enterprises 948.07765.46182.61276.90187.02106.29122.79693.00510.39 10Consolidation Phase3.940.003.94109.8874.2242.1848.73275.00271.06 Total10917.038118.012799.03272.02210.001256.001451.008189.005390.0
Status of Evaluation of Preparatory Phase of IWMP Name of State: Tripura Sr.NoItems For projects sanctioned in 2009-10 For project sanctioned in 2010-11 For Projects sanctioned in 2011-12 1 Status of empanelment of Evaluating Agencies WASSAN & IBRAD is empanelled for evaluation 2 Status of Evaluation of Preparatory Phase (completed/on-going/not done) Completed 3 If evaluation not done then timeline for completion. If completed then status of Submission of Evaluation) NA 4 Report along with ATR to DoLR.(Submitted/not Submitted) Submitted 5 If not submitted,then time line report submission along with ATR NA
Status of Evaluation of Works Phase of IWMP Name of State: Tripura Sr.NoItems For projects sanctioned in 2009-10 For project sanctioned in 2010-11 1 Status of empanelment of Evaluating Agencies CompletedTender being floated 2 Status of Evaluation of Work Phase (completed/on-going/not done) CompletedNot done 3 If evaluation not done then timeline for completion. If completed then status of Submission of Evaluation) June,2014 4 Report along with ATR to DoLR.(Submitted/not Submitted) SubmittedNA 5 If not submitted,then time line report submission along with ATR NA
Status of engagement of Agencies for Concurrent Monitoring and Evaluation Name of State: Tripura Sr.NoItems 1Date of advertisement- 26.02.2014 2Status of Selection of Agencies- already advertised, Tender floated 3If not done then timeline for completion.-NA 4 If completed then status of submission of Report along with ATR to DoLR.(Submitted/not Submitted)-NA 5If not submitted, then timeline report submission along with ATR-NA
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