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Planning Your Revision Reviewing Your Course ◊ Have you got a copy of the syllabus? ◊ List the topics included in the course ◊ Group topics together ◊

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Presentation on theme: "Planning Your Revision Reviewing Your Course ◊ Have you got a copy of the syllabus? ◊ List the topics included in the course ◊ Group topics together ◊"— Presentation transcript:

1 Planning Your Revision Reviewing Your Course ◊ Have you got a copy of the syllabus? ◊ List the topics included in the course ◊ Group topics together ◊ Decide on your priorities for revision. Best and worst topics. What is asked regularly? ◊ If you don’t understand a topic ask your teacher for help Get Past Exam Papers And Questions ◊ Your teacher will be happy to give you past papers ◊ You will go through these in class ◊ Look through the answer papers Draw Up A Revision Timetable ◊ Plan in breaks of ten minutes every forty-five minutes ◊ Decide hoe long you need to spend on each topic ◊ Revise different topics in each sessions to help with concentration ◊ Decide on your best time to study during the day ◊ Set yourself target tasks and dates ◊ Leave time to relax and socialise Ideas To Help You Revise ◊ Make your notes imaginative and creative ◊ Stick notes around your study area as memory joggers ◊ Record information and play it back when relaxing or doing mundane tasks ◊ Study in groups as well as individually ◊ Read around the topic The Practicalities Of Revision ◊ Have a special place for revision ◊ Have a snack, drink and go to the toilet before you start revising ◊ Eat regular meals, regular exercise and have social time

2 A Month Ahead Check Your Exam Timetable ◊ Be clear on the times and locations of your exams ◊ Display your timetable somewhere clear ◊ Make sure you know what equipment you need for each exam Know What Different Questions Mean ◊ Look at past papers to familiarise yourself with how the questions are worked ◊ Know the difference between ‘describe’, ‘discuss’, etc. Focus Your Revision ◊ Begin to target your revision ◊ Focus on key ideas ◊ Practising answering question against the clock ◊ Talk over problems or concerns with your teacher A Few Days Before ◊ Go through your revision cards ◊ Don’t try to start learning new work ◊ Check all your equipment is working properly ◊ Keep to your usual routine When The Day Comes Before The Exam ◊ Give yourself plenty of time ◊ Try not to worry In The Exam ◊ Read through the instructions carefully ◊ Read through the questions carefully ◊ Divide up your time according to the marks ◊ THINK before you write ◊ Leave time to check your answers

3 Key revision websites Revision websites BBC bitesize - Yacapaca – revision quizzes on all topics - General revision topics – Revision guidance Quizzes and games for most subjects at Make a cartoon strip at Make a mind map using “freemind”

4 How do I Revise??? GCSE REVISION STRATEGY Regarding revision strategies; firstly you need to purchase the CGP OCR B Geography revision guide and work book. (Please Google this to find the website.) You do not need to revise the Population and Settlement topic. Here are a number of steps and strategies for revising Step 1: Recap and Relearn Write key word list with definitions. Make bullet point notes on the key concepts in each topic Mind map the key concepts together During this phase you should also write down any queries or misunderstandings and approach me about these. Step 2: Reinforce and Memorise Create colourful posters for your wall and look at them frequently Ask family and friends to test you from your key words lists and bullet points Rewrite information, condensing it each time After condensing the information, create a visual icon for each bullet point under each key concept or case study sub-heading Step 3: Complete past paper questions

5 Use post-it notes, strategically placed around your home, to remind you of tricky facts. This is a good place… You need to choose places you go to regularly.

6 Revise in a quiet environment. Close the door. Ask your friends not to call, text or e-mail you and tell your brothers and sisters to stay out!

7 Examination time is not a good time to go on a diet! Eat breakfast! Eat lunch! Eat dinner! Eat healthy snacks! You brain needs and uses energy and burns calories. So feed it!

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