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Paper 4 The Continuous Writing Paper Key issues, using the mark scheme and suggested strategies.

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Presentation on theme: "Paper 4 The Continuous Writing Paper Key issues, using the mark scheme and suggested strategies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Paper 4 The Continuous Writing Paper Key issues, using the mark scheme and suggested strategies

2 The Continuous Writing Paper 2 pieces of writing in 75 minutes, 110-140 words in length 25 marks available per question Communication – 5 marks (20%) points must be in correct tense Quality of Language – 15 marks (60%) General Impression – 5 marks (20%) dictated by Language mark TotABCDEFG 25171397531

3 Question 1 types "Point of view" questions –Describe something e.g. your school / region etc. –Give and justify your opinion about it –Talk about the advantages / disadvantages –Say whether you are for or against it This could be in the form of… –A letter to a friend (informal) –A letter to a French school or family (e.g. about an exchange) –A letter to a magazine or newspaper –An article Text type features counted for language marks e.g. letter openings / endings Could affect General Impression mark

4 Question 1 types Specific letters –Job applications (explain why you want the job, why you are capable & when you are free) –Formal letters to hotels Letters of complaint e.g. about a stay in a hotel) Letters explaining you have left something at the hotel –Persuasive letters (e.g. persuade a family to visit you by giving information about your house, region, climate and what you need to bring) –Explanatory letters (e.g. a family is coming to visit you and you need to change the dates of the visit because you have had an accident)

5 Question 2s Always requires the use of past tenses Description of past events (have to describe at least 3 things that happened using accurate grammar to get communication marks) Describe someone else’s reactions e.g. « my parents were surprised » Describe your reactions / whether you liked / disliked something

6 Key features of mark scheme 140 words max If the task is a letter, addresses and dates do not count towards the total word count. The definition of a word is “a group of letters surrounded by a space” A group of letters containing a hyphen or apostrophe is regarded as one word. –L’homme = one word –La dame = two words –Qu’est-ce que c’est = three word –Il y a = three words –Y a-t-il…? = two words All numbers count as one word whether written as figures or words –21 = one word –Vingt et un = one word

7 Key features of mark scheme Marking units –Verbs –Noun + adjective –Noun + preposition –Adverbs –Conjunctions Zero marks for –Nouns (but do get mark if possessive is used) –Très, bien, et, mais –Faulty gender & agreement Tolerances –Use of accents (except -er in perfect tense) hyphens and punctuation –Accept declared gender (not name on front) Lots of moderation essential… Top 10 common mistakes Top 15 features to include

8 Suggestions for improving continuous writing skills Languages online –Year 10 spelling improvement programme –GCSE silly mistakes from essays –Verb busters Intensive translation work using mini-whiteboards Encourage lower ability students to stick to basic structures (e.g. regular -ER verbs in perfect tense) and learn “bonus phrases” IGCSE style tasks in formal assessments from Year 7 “Correct the mistakes” exercises Peer marking focusing on 1-2 elements from mark scheme Lots of practice papers and log sheet for mistakes (with tallies)

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