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English 3 College Prep SAT “Hot Words” Lesson 5. 1. CAJOLE It was Blanche’s plan to cajole Archer into buying a bungalow at the seashore. If anyone can.

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1 English 3 College Prep SAT “Hot Words” Lesson 5

2 1. CAJOLE It was Blanche’s plan to cajole Archer into buying a bungalow at the seashore. If anyone can cajole a man on a bridge from jumping, it’s Sgt. Loomis. First he tried to cajole the witness into testifying, then he used threats.

3 1. CAJOLE verb To persuade by pleasant words or false promises It ends in “ole”, which is what the crowd cheers when a bull misses a falsely promised target Synonym: persuade -- Antonym: discourage

4 2. CALLOUS  Nurse Blatt was falsely accused of being callous toward her terminal patients.  It was a surprise to see the tears flowing from someone we had considered to be callous.  Long experience with criminals’ pleas for mercy had made Judge Safian understandably callous.

5 2. CALLOUS adj Unfeeling; insensitive Think of a callous (noun) on your hand, which is hardened skin with no feeling Synonym: insensitive Antonym: sensitive

6 3. CAPITULATE  Colonel Leeds was adamant in his decision not to capitulate under any terms.  When the workers studied management’s final offer, they agreed to capitulate.  Since the proposed terms were so ambiguous, we vowed not to capitulate until they were clarified.

7 3. CAPITULATE verb To surrender; to cease resisting When a student complains about getting a tardy, the teacher will say “Cap It, U Late!” so the student will stop resisting Synonym: surrender Antonym: resist

8 4. CAPRICIOUS  Our weather is so capricious that it’s difficult to make weekend plans.  Lloyd’s attorney was certain of acquittal because the charges against him were decidedly capricious.  Gloria’s reputation for being capricious, for making spur-of-the-moment decisions was deserved.

9 4. CAPRICIOUS adj Changeable; fickle Synonym: fickle Antonym: constant

10 5. CARPING  We were disgusted with Hillary’s carping remarks about the food.  His carping criticism of the book was upsetting the author.  The challenger’s carping analysis of Senator Thorp’s platform was to be expected.

11 5. CARPING adj. Complaining A fisherman complains when he catches a “carp” because they are inedible Synonym: complaining Antonym: encouraging

12 6. CATALYST  Our articulate new principal was the catalyst for school reform.  When a patent was granted for genetically altered mice, it was the catalyst for new lab research.  The rock star played the role of catalyst in raising funds for AIDS research.

13 6. CATALYST noun Someone or something that brings about a change Synonym: motivator Antonym: deviation Genetically altered mouse

14 7. CATHARSIS  The tragedy on stage brought about a catharsis among the spectators.  The good news from the war zone led to a catharsis in the Defense Department.  Ancient Greeks felt that after a catharsis an individual is better able to cope with setbacks.

15 7. CATHARSIS noun An emotional purification or relief Synonym: relief Antonym: pain

16 8. CAUSTIC  The comedienne played the part of buffoon, but inwardly she suffered from the caustic criticism.  Caustic substances should be kept out of the reach of children.  George’s caustic remarks were the antithesis of what we expected from such a mild-mannered gentleman.

17 8. CAUSTIC adj Stinging, biting Synonym: sarcastic Antonym: sincere

18 9. CELESTIAL  The new astronauts will be the celestial pioneers of the 21st century.  Ever since Lydia was a youngster, she was deeply interested in celestial matters.  Miss America was praised lavishly for her celestial grace.

19 9. CELESTIAL adj Having to do with the heavens; divine Synonym: heavenly Antonym: evil

20 10. CENSURE  Congress agreed to censure the outspoken senator.  The station president will probably censure the TV host for his poor taste.  A vote of censure was taken by the faculty against the radical professor.

21 10. CENSURE verb To blame; to criticize adversely When a politician does something wrong, the House and Senate may vote to censure that person to cause public humiliation Synonym: criticize --- Antonym: compliment

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