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Revelation #7 Interlude & The Seventh Trumpet Revelation 10:1 - 11:19.

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2 Revelation #7 Interlude & The Seventh Trumpet Revelation 10:1 - 11:19

3 Revelation #7- Interlude & The Seventh Seal This is a difficult section of the Book. The first part (10:1 - 11:14) is an interlude of sorts. The storyline of the Seven Trumpets is interrupted after the Sixth Trumpet sounds. The Little Book, The Measuring of the Temple, and The Two Witnesses are highlighted before returning for the Seventh Trumpet’s sounding.

4 Revelation #7- Interlude & The Seventh Seal Remember, >Seven Seals have been broken bringing judgment to the wicked and victory for the redeemed. (chapters 6 - 7) >And then Seven Trumpets are sounded- each in turn, bringing woes and destruction to 1/3 of Earth, Sea, & Man. It is almost like the same basic story is being retold with an another vision.

5 Revelation #7- Interlude & The Seventh Seal But, as we learned in the previous lesson, man “did not repent” at the warnings of the Six Trumpets and their Woes, 9:20-21. So, the Seventh and final trumpet will sound and with it destruction will come. But first, there are a few remaining matters to be included which will be the basis for this lesson.

6 Revelation #7- Interlude & The Seventh Seal I. The Angel and the Little Book- the announcement of retribution, 10:1-11 >Another Angel comes- cp. 5:2; 7:1; 8:2; 9:1 >His attire signifies credentials of divine authority, v.1b >He has a “little book” in his hand- not the book with seven seals for the Lion of Judah had it (chp.5). This was was open, v.2a >The angel stood on the sea and on the land- signifying that authority had been given him over all the earth. >When he cried out, seven peals of thunder roared.

7 I. The Angel & the Little Book, 10:1-11 >But John was forbidden to write the message of the seven peals of thunder…. (v.4) Some forces of God’s judgment are at work to which are not revealed to man. We are told only what we need to know rather than all the details. It is enough for us that God hears the righteous, but turns his face from the wicked, 1Pet.3:10-16.

8 I. The Angel & the Little Book, 10:1-11 >The Angel proclaims, “there shall be delay no longer” vv.6-7 What is revealed tells us that the final chapters of how God will bring down the persecution of Rome & a final judgment on all mankind are about to unfold. >John is told to eat the little book, vv.9-11 It is sweet to his mouth- the message of hope for the faithful; But bitter to his stomach- the message of continued persecution and ultimate destruction.

9 II. The Temple & the Two Witnesses, 11:1-14 A. John was told to Measure the Temple, v.1 -Since “those who worship in it” are included, it seems to represent the faithful of God who are to be protected from the coming destruction- as did the 144,000 in the former vision of 7:3-8. -Those outside court of the Temple was to excluded from this calculation- perhaps indicating those who feign the worship of God without really coming inside by faithfulness, v.2a (cp. 1Pet.2:8-10; 4:17-18).

10 II. The Temple & the Two Witnesses, 11:1-14 B. The Nations will tread underfoot the Holy City for 42 months, v.2b Compare: >42 months of the Beast’s power in 13:5 >1260 days of prophecy by the 2 witnesses, 11:3 >1260 days the woman fled into the wilderness in 12:6 These are comparable in length and represent a period of 3 1/2 years…. half of the perfect 7! Thus a broken, or incomplete time.

11 II. The Temple & the Two Witnesses, 11:1-14 C. The Two Witnesses Prophesy, vv.3-13 >They proclaim God’s message with power for a time, vv.3-6 (compare Mk.16:20). >Then, when they have finished their testimony, the Beast comes up from the bottomless pit and kills them! v.7 >With their bodies lying in the streets, it appears Satan has won, vv.8-10. >But God resurrects them for all to see- signifying that the Cause of Christ shall not be overcome! vv.11-13 > Dan.2:44

12 III. The Seventh Trumpet 11:15-19 A. Victory is Proclaimed, v.15 >Though Satan killed God’s witnesses (through Rome), the Eternal Kingdom of the Church was established and Christ rules victorious! B. The Twenty-Four Elders Summarize: -the reign of Jesus the King has begun! v.17 -the nations were enraged but the judgment of God came upon them anyway, v.18 -Heaven was opened up to those who overcame by faithfulness to see the wonders of its power.

13 Conclusions Some have suggested, perhaps rightfully so, that the Book of Revelation is a telling and retelling of the same story of Christ’s ultimate victory over Satan through a series of analogous visions. That is, that the same story is told several times through different symbols. If so, we have seen the greatness of the story through the Seven Trumpets! Surely it brought great joy and hope to those for whom it was originally intended!

14 Conclusions Will you be victorious with Christ, or defeated with Satan?


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