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LA MUSICA DE CENTRAL AMERICA!. …Let’s start with Central America during the colonial period Sacred music usually made up of 2 musical textures: monophony.

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2 …Let’s start with Central America during the colonial period Sacred music usually made up of 2 musical textures: monophony and polyphony. Monks and nuns observed the Divine Office (fixed daily schedule of prayer and singing of psalms) These services were practiced: Matins, Lauds, Prime, Terce, Sext, None, Vespers, and Compline.

3 Mass was celebrated every day. Gradual contained complete plainchants. Contained a combo of spoken, recited, and sung elements. Motet was also involved during sections of the mass. Can you name which “sacred text” we listen to is sung at every Mass service?

4 Guatemala was the center of musical activity for Spanish colonists. Founded in 1534 After arrival of Spaniards, Guatemala became an important colonial musical center.

5 MAESTRO DE CAPILLA 1554-1573: Hernando Franco 1598 – 1603: Pedro Bermudez Composed Missa de Bomba Borrow themes from Mateo Flecha 1602: Gaspar Fernandes Left for Puebla Cathedral ---- : Miguel Pontaza Composed many villancicos

6 Central American Secular Music Secular music in Latin America is similar to that in colonial Mexico. Villancico in the 17th century was in 2 sections: refrain and verses Commonly have opening sections called introduccione Comes in 4-12 parts of single voice and choir voices. Usually in triple meter Composed with folk-like melodies

7 Expected to compose new villancicos Composers exchange music/text of existing villancicos One performance might include 7-9 villancicos. Not accepted as part of liturgy villancicos but as matins service for Christmas of Epiphany.

8 Most distinct villancico performed Character villancicos Musical characteristics did not differ in the time period. Now, would be considered racial and inappropriate

9 Composers and Works Vicente Saenz Composer/pianist Luis Felipe Used Guatemalan folk music, composer/pianist Studied in Italy for 8 years Known for the ability to improvise Age 25: director of the national music conservatory Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama share similar history and trait of art music.

10 Jesus Castillo Used indigenous melodies in his work (like Obertura indigena no. 1) Transcribed folk songs His music is also played on the marimba Ricardo Castillo Studied in Paris. Work included Guatemalan folk songs Had French musical training, work often used impressionistic vocab.

11 What is the national instrument of Guatemala?


13 Like a xylophone but with wooden keys Percussion instrument Struck with mallets Introduced by African slaves Indigenous population adopted the instrument “Charleo” is the desired buzzing sound for Latin and African marimbas. Symbolizes Guatemalan independence

14 Guatemalan Marimbas! Marimba de tecomates Parallel tuned wooden bars [right] Marimba sencilla (multiple musicians) Common in urban areas Marimba doble Larger marimbas Additional second row of chromatic keys

15 Various sized marimbas form ensemble called marimba orquesta Marimba tenor plays 5 octaves Marimba grande plays 6 and a half octaves Son guatemalteco is the dance of Guatemala entered into the common repertoire of the marimba

16 Nicaragua: Son nica Son nica is popular music of Nicaragua around the 1930s by Camilo Zapata In reaction to Mexican music dominating Nicaragua. Encountered music of marimba de arco trio (musical tradition)

17 Marimba de arco is always accompanied by guitar and guitarilla. Nicaraguan marimba is often in major key (rhythm is strumming pattern of dampened downbeat followed by two un-damped beats) Zapata’s delivery of text mimicked the fast dance movements of folk dances.

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