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Kelso High School English Department. Chapter Twenty Three.

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1 Kelso High School English Department

2 Chapter Twenty Three

3 In today’s lesson we will: Analyse Chapter Twenty Three in relation to: Plot Theme: Grief and Loss Foreshadowing Symbolism

4 Plot Discuss briefly with your partner the main events of Chapter Twenty Three. Check that your chapter summary notes include all relevant information. This chapter is a tying up of loose ends for the Salmon family. They can say goodbye and leave Susie behind as they know that she will always be in their heart.

5 Theme: Grief and Loss The extended Salmon family continues to heal emotionally in this chapter. Buckley's drums are a way for him to pound away his existing anger. Abigail’s act of speaking to the dead Susie heals a long gaping wound. Finally, the connection to Ruth will allow Lindsey and Samuel to have their dream house, and with it their loving dream life.

6 Theme: Grief and Loss / Foreshadowing When Susie says at the end of this chapter, “and I was gone,” it prepares us for her finally coming to terms with her death and her ability to let go of the living. Her grandfather had told her she was almost there. Now she is.

7 Symbolism : The Lovely Bones “ These were the lovely bones that had grown around my absence: the connections - sometimes tenuous, sometimes made at great cost, but often magnificent - that happened after I was gone. And I began to see things in a way that let me hold the world without me in it.” Susie explains how her death impacted the world while she was in it and how it has impacted the world without her. This is also the basis for the title of the novel.

8 Symbolism: The Lovely Bones The phrase is a sort of oxymoron so has a slight shock factor. You have to read the whole book to find out what the lovely bones mean and symbolise. As stated before, Sebold talks about the ‘architecture’ of loss. The ‘bones’ make some reference to Susie’s body but are really a metaphor for the new framework of relationships that form around the loss of a close family member. The family has learned to live with the loss of Susie but their abiding love for her is the skeleton around which their new connections have formed.

9 Symbolism: The Lovely Bones Abigail has learned to understand, appreciate and tolerate her mother who is very different from her in personality. Jack and Abigail have renegotiated their relationship. Sam has helped Lindsey rebuild her life and so on. “These were the lovely bones that had grown around my absence”

10 Symbolism: The Lovely Bones Now Susie knows that the “lovely bones ” are not her body; instead, they are the connections created in her absence between the members of her family and she knows that she can see things now in a way that “lets her hold the world without her in it. ” Then, Ray and his mother arrive with the pie and more connections begin expanding outward from Susie’s death. Ray tells them that Ruth’s father owns the house and had bought it for the exact reason that Samuel wants it: to renovate and restore it. The present is moving on into the future and with that, Susie is gone.

11 Symbolism: The Lovely Bones After this Susie accepts that she is dead and can move on. “I was done yearning for them, needing them to yearn for me. Though I still would. Though they still would. Always.”

12 The End: Well done!

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