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IPV6 DEPLOYMENT IN SINGAPORE 1 st Global IPv6 Summit in Asia Pacific 26 Feb 2003, Taipei Mr Lim Choon Sai (SGNIC)

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Presentation on theme: "IPV6 DEPLOYMENT IN SINGAPORE 1 st Global IPv6 Summit in Asia Pacific 26 Feb 2003, Taipei Mr Lim Choon Sai (SGNIC)"— Presentation transcript:

1 IPV6 DEPLOYMENT IN SINGAPORE 1 st Global IPv6 Summit in Asia Pacific 26 Feb 2003, Taipei Mr Lim Choon Sai (SGNIC)

2 SGNIC@2003 2 CONTENTS Status Research & Education (R&E) Internet and Telecommunications Service Providers (SP) Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore Singapore Network Information Centre Conclusion

3 SGNIC@2003 3 STATUS Research & Education (R&E) Singapore Advanced Research and Education Network, SingAREN Institute for Infocomm Research, I 2 R

4 SGNIC@2003 4 STATUS (R&E) SingAREN’s IPv6 Project: Provide IPv6 transit service Deployed an IPv6 exchange-Singapore IPv6 Internet eXchange (SIX) SIX allows entities to interconnect/access IPv6 connectivity Pseudo TLA allocates IPv6 addresses

5 SGNIC@2003 5 STATUS (R&E) SingAREN con’t SIX

6 SGNIC@2003 6 STATUS (R&E) SingAREN con’t Deployment of IPv6 network & services

7 SGNIC@2003 7 STATUS (R&E) Institute for Infocomm Research, I 2 R A1NET2  Testbed to study the challenges of realising an all IP network  QoS issues in core network and building an IP telephony system based on SIP AMASE  Middleware framework that enable mobile devices to move between wired and wireless IP network while access multimedia services  Combines mobility, security and QoS functions and operates with IPv6 networks

8 SGNIC@2003 8 STATUS (R&E) Institute for Infocomm Research, I 2 R (con’t) PING  IPv6 TCP/IP protocol stack development on the Microsoft Windows suite of OS RATTLESNAKE  Provide reliable performance improvement protocol for next generation wireless network

9 SGNIC@2003 9 STATUS (R&E) Institute for Infocomm Research, I 2 R (con’t) NEBULA  Integrate the various I 2 R projects  Enable users to see and experience the inter- working of the modules from end-to-end

10 SGNIC@2003 10 STATUS Internet and Telecommunication Service providers (SP) MobileOne Pacific Internet SingTel StarHub

11 SGNIC@2003 11 STATUS (SP) MobileOne Support IPv4/IPv6 interoperability in the transition period Deployment depends on availability of 3GPP release 99 GPRS/WCDMA terminals Infrastructure should probably support IPv6 by 2003/2004

12 SGNIC@2003 12 STATUS (SP) Pacific Internet Obtained /32 IPv6 addresses Testing IPv6 tunneling protocol Upgraded network equipment and server OS to support IPv6 Plan to connect to SingAREN

13 SGNIC@2003 13 STATUS (SP) SingTel Obtained two /32 IPv6 addresses Internal testing of IPv4-IPv6 transition mechanisms and IPv6 features Native IPv6 testings being planned between SingNet & SingTel Internet eXchange Vendor IPv6 equipment testings No commercial service planned

14 SGNIC@2003 14 STATUS (SP) StarHub Looking into business case in 3G and Internet eXchange Planning to conduct in-house trial on IPv6

15 SGNIC@2003 15 STATUS (GOVT) Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore, IDA Vision for Infocomm Technology Roadmap  “For home technologies to take off, these technologies ….., and that deployment of IPv6 is critical to meet the demand for address, QoS and security” Actively soliciting IPv6 deployment status from the industry Possibly some IDA lead initiatives on IPv6 in the near future

16 SGNIC@2003 16 STATUS (NIC) Singapore Network Information Centre, SGNIC Formation of a technical work group Intend to invite representations from ISPs, Research and Education Institutions, IDA IPv6 is one of the area of interest

17 SGNIC@2003 17 STATUS Activities SingAREN Seminar : “Moving from IPv4 to IPv6” CISCO- I 2 R Seminar : “Practical Aspects of Internet Evolution- The What, Why, How and When of IPv6” Formation of the Singapore chapter of IPv6 Forum

18 SGNIC@2003 18 STATUS (SUMMARY) Summary R & D effort Monitoring IPv6 development Wait-and-see

19 SGNIC@2003 19 CONCLUSION IPv6 Deployment Ease of IPv4 transition to IPv6 Availability killer applications, business case

20 SGNIC@2003 20 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Institute for Infocomm Research, I 2 R (www.i2r.a- MobileOne ( Pacific Internet ( SingAREN ( SingTel ( StarHub (


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