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How to run simulation job in BOSS Deng ziyan 2006.03.01.

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Presentation on theme: "How to run simulation job in BOSS Deng ziyan 2006.03.01."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to run simulation job in BOSS Deng ziyan 2006.03.01

2 Introduction Generator  Based on BESII GENBES  Integrated with BOSS  30 generators included Simulation  Based on Geant4  BOOST integrated with BOSS  Ascii data format

3 How to run simulation job Assuming you have done:  Setup your environment in ~/cmthome  Checkout package TestRelease to your $workarea (1) cd TestRelease/*/cmt (2) vi requirements  #======== for Generator ============  use PartPropSvc PartPropSvc-* Generator  use Tester Tester-* Generator/BesGenInterface  use Howl Howl-* Generator/BesGenInterface  use Radee Radee-* Generator/BesGenInterface  ……………………………………………………………..  #========= for Simulation ==============  use BesSim BesSim-* Simulation/BOOST

4 How to run simulation job (3) cmt broadcast cmt config (4) cmt broadcast gmake (5) source setup.csh (6) cd../run (7) edit jobOption file: jobOptions_sim.txt

5 jobOptions_sim.txt  ApplicationMgr.DLLs += { "Tester", "BesSim" };  ApplicationMgr.TopAlg += { "BesGenModule", "BesSim"};  #include "Bes_Gen.txt"  #include "PartPropSvc.txt“  BesSim.Mdc = 1; (0:no construction 1; construction)  BesSim.Tof = 1;  BesSim.Emc = 1;  BesSim.Muc = 1;  BesSim.Field = true;  BesSim.PhysicsList = 4;  1:BesPhysicsList 2:LHEP_GN  3:QGSP_GN 4:QGSP for BOSS 5.0.0

6 jobOptions_sim.txt ApplicationMgr.DLLs += { "G4Svc" }; ApplicationMgr.ExtSvc += { "G4Svc" }; // interactive mode G4Svc.InteractiveG4 = false; //Geant4 run macro, to set directory and file name of output data G4Svc.FADSMacro = "run.mac"; // geant4 verbosity G4Svc.RunVerbosity = 1; G4Svc.EventVerbosity = 0; G4Svc.TrackingVerbosity = 0; //number of events to simulate ApplicationMgr.EvtMax = 10; for BOSS 5.0.0

7 How to run simulation job (8) edit generator card (  same as in BESII  the generator name in must match with algorithm name in jobOptions_sim.txt  ApplicationMgr.DLLs += { “Rhopi", "BesSim" };  ApplicationMgr.TopAlg += { "BesGenModule", "BesSim"};  generator_name 'rhopi‘  rhopi_ipar 1  Ineffective control in  Event range (controlled in jobOption)  Random seed (will be added in the future by yugw) for BOSS 5.0.0

8 Particle ID in same as BESII

9 How to run simulation job (9) edit run.mac  /run/runID -9  /runAction/ascii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 /home/dengzy/boost.dat  you must specify a full directory name, such as  /ihepbatch/besdata/public/dengzy/boost.dat (10) boss -q jobOptions_sim.txt MDCTRUTHTOFTRUTHEMCTRUTHMUCTRUTHMDCDIGITOFDIGIEMCDIGIMUCDIGI for BOSS 5.0.0

10 How to run simulation job In brief  specify generator algorithm in jobOptions_sim.txt  ApplicationMgr.DLLs += { “Rhopi", "BesSim" };  G4Svc.FADSMacro = "run.mac";  ApplicationMgr.EvtMax = 10;  open generator in  generator_name ‘rhopi’  specify output data file in run.mac  /runAction/ascii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 /home/dengzy/boost.dat  using all the other default settings for BOSS 5.0.0

11 New interface in BOSS 5.1.0 BOSS 5.0.0  G4Svc.FADSMacro = "run.mac";  /runAction/ascii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 /home/dengzy/boost.dat BOSS 5.1.0  Control data output in jobOption, not in run.mac  BesSim.AsciiFlag = “11111111";  BesSim.AsciiFile =“/home/dengzy/boost.dat”; MDCTRUTHMDCDIGITOFTRUTHTOFDIGIEMCTRUTHEMCDIGIMUCTRUTHMUCDIGI MDCTRUTHTOFTRUTHEMCTRUTHMUCTRUTHMDCDIGITOFDIGIEMCDIGIMUCDIGI

12 Ascii data format (boost.dat) { EVHEAD runNo eventNo } EVHEAD { TrackTRUTH trackIndex PDGcode charge originalVertexIndex terminalVertexIndex px py pz minDaughterIndex maxDaughterIndex } TrackTRUTH { VertexTRUTH vertexIndex parentTrackIndex x y z time } VertexTRUTH

13 Ascii data format (boost.dat) { MDCTRUTH trackIndex layerId cellId edep driftD x y z posFlag } MDCTRUTH { MDCDIGI trackIndex layerNo cellNo energyDeposit driftTime } MDCDIGI { TOFTRUTH trackIndex partId scinNb x y z px py pz trackLength time } TOFTRUTH { TOFDIGI trackIndex partId scinNb forwADC forwTDC backADC backTDC } TOFDIGI

14 Ascii data format (boost.dat) { EMCTRUTH trackIndex partId numTheta numPhi x y z px py pz totalEdep } EMCTRUTH { EMCDIGI trackIndex partId numTheta numPhi energyDeposit time } EMCDIGI { MUCTRUTH trackIndex partId segId gapId stripId x y z px py pz } MUCTRUTH { MUCDIGI trackIndex partId segId gapId stripId } MUCDIGI

15 Geant4 PDGcode

16 Data flow Event  GenEvent  McGenEventCol  McEvent  McParticleCol  MdcMcHitCol  TofMcHitCol  EmcMcHitCol  MucMcHitCol  DigiEvent  MdcDigiCol  TofDigiCol  EmcDigiCol  MucDigiCol Generator BesGenModule Simulation BesSim Reconstruction EmcRec … Transient Data Store ① ② ③ ④ Ascii file evt.dat boost.dat EventSelector.InputFiles ="boost.dat"

17 retrieve MC truth from TDS retrieve TOF MCtruth from TDS SmartDataPtr aMcHitCol(m_evtSvc,"/Event/MC/TofMcHitCol”); Event::TofMcHitCol::iterator iMcHitCol; for(iMcHitCol=aMcHitCol->begin(); iMcHitCol!=aMcHitCol->end(); iMcHitCol++) { const Identifier ident = (*iMcHitCol)->identify(); std::cout getTrackIndex(); std::cout<<" "<<TofID::barrel_ec(ident);; std::cout<<" "<<TofID::layer(ident); std::cout<<" "<<TofID::phi_module(ident); std::cout getPositionX(); std::cout getPositionY(); std::cout getPositionZ(); std::cout getPx(); std::cout getPy(); ………………………………… }

18 retrieve digit from TDS retrieve TOF digits from TDS SmartDataPtr aDigiCol(m_evtSvc,"/Event/Digi/TofDigiCol"); TofDigiCol::iterator iDigiCol; for(iDigiCol=aDigiCol->begin(); iDigiCol!=aDigiCol->end(); iDigiCol++) { const Identifier ident = (*iDigiCol)->identify(); std::cout<<"partId: "<<TofID::barrel_ec(ident); std::cout<<" layer: "<<TofID::layer(ident); std::cout<<" scinNb: "<<TofID::phi_module(ident); std::cout getChargeChannel(); std::cout getTimeChannel()<<std::endl; }

19 The end! Any questions or suggestions?

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