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Published byHarold Gallagher Modified over 9 years ago
How to run simulation job in BOSS Deng ziyan 2006.03.01
Introduction Generator Based on BESII GENBES Integrated with BOSS 30 generators included Simulation Based on Geant4 BOOST integrated with BOSS Ascii data format
How to run simulation job Assuming you have done: Setup your environment in ~/cmthome Checkout package TestRelease to your $workarea (1) cd TestRelease/*/cmt (2) vi requirements #======== for Generator ============ use PartPropSvc PartPropSvc-* Generator use Tester Tester-* Generator/BesGenInterface use Howl Howl-* Generator/BesGenInterface use Radee Radee-* Generator/BesGenInterface …………………………………………………………….. #========= for Simulation ============== use BesSim BesSim-* Simulation/BOOST
How to run simulation job (3) cmt broadcast cmt config (4) cmt broadcast gmake (5) source setup.csh (6) cd../run (7) edit jobOption file: jobOptions_sim.txt
jobOptions_sim.txt ApplicationMgr.DLLs += { "Tester", "BesSim" }; ApplicationMgr.TopAlg += { "BesGenModule", "BesSim"}; #include "Bes_Gen.txt" #include "PartPropSvc.txt“ BesSim.Mdc = 1; (0:no construction 1; construction) BesSim.Tof = 1; BesSim.Emc = 1; BesSim.Muc = 1; BesSim.Field = true; BesSim.PhysicsList = 4; 1:BesPhysicsList 2:LHEP_GN 3:QGSP_GN 4:QGSP for BOSS 5.0.0
jobOptions_sim.txt ApplicationMgr.DLLs += { "G4Svc" }; ApplicationMgr.ExtSvc += { "G4Svc" }; // interactive mode G4Svc.InteractiveG4 = false; //Geant4 run macro, to set directory and file name of output data G4Svc.FADSMacro = "run.mac"; // geant4 verbosity G4Svc.RunVerbosity = 1; G4Svc.EventVerbosity = 0; G4Svc.TrackingVerbosity = 0; //number of events to simulate ApplicationMgr.EvtMax = 10; for BOSS 5.0.0
How to run simulation job (8) edit generator card ( same as in BESII the generator name in must match with algorithm name in jobOptions_sim.txt ApplicationMgr.DLLs += { “Rhopi", "BesSim" }; ApplicationMgr.TopAlg += { "BesGenModule", "BesSim"}; generator_name 'rhopi‘ rhopi_ipar 1 Ineffective control in Event range (controlled in jobOption) Random seed (will be added in the future by yugw) for BOSS 5.0.0
Particle ID in same as BESII
How to run simulation job (9) edit run.mac /run/runID -9 /runAction/ascii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 /home/dengzy/boost.dat you must specify a full directory name, such as /ihepbatch/besdata/public/dengzy/boost.dat (10) boss -q jobOptions_sim.txt MDCTRUTHTOFTRUTHEMCTRUTHMUCTRUTHMDCDIGITOFDIGIEMCDIGIMUCDIGI for BOSS 5.0.0
How to run simulation job In brief specify generator algorithm in jobOptions_sim.txt ApplicationMgr.DLLs += { “Rhopi", "BesSim" }; G4Svc.FADSMacro = "run.mac"; ApplicationMgr.EvtMax = 10; open generator in generator_name ‘rhopi’ specify output data file in run.mac /runAction/ascii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 /home/dengzy/boost.dat using all the other default settings for BOSS 5.0.0
New interface in BOSS 5.1.0 BOSS 5.0.0 G4Svc.FADSMacro = "run.mac"; /runAction/ascii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 /home/dengzy/boost.dat BOSS 5.1.0 Control data output in jobOption, not in run.mac BesSim.AsciiFlag = “11111111"; BesSim.AsciiFile =“/home/dengzy/boost.dat”; MDCTRUTHMDCDIGITOFTRUTHTOFDIGIEMCTRUTHEMCDIGIMUCTRUTHMUCDIGI MDCTRUTHTOFTRUTHEMCTRUTHMUCTRUTHMDCDIGITOFDIGIEMCDIGIMUCDIGI
Ascii data format (boost.dat) { EVHEAD runNo eventNo } EVHEAD { TrackTRUTH trackIndex PDGcode charge originalVertexIndex terminalVertexIndex px py pz minDaughterIndex maxDaughterIndex } TrackTRUTH { VertexTRUTH vertexIndex parentTrackIndex x y z time } VertexTRUTH
Ascii data format (boost.dat) { MDCTRUTH trackIndex layerId cellId edep driftD x y z posFlag } MDCTRUTH { MDCDIGI trackIndex layerNo cellNo energyDeposit driftTime } MDCDIGI { TOFTRUTH trackIndex partId scinNb x y z px py pz trackLength time } TOFTRUTH { TOFDIGI trackIndex partId scinNb forwADC forwTDC backADC backTDC } TOFDIGI
Ascii data format (boost.dat) { EMCTRUTH trackIndex partId numTheta numPhi x y z px py pz totalEdep } EMCTRUTH { EMCDIGI trackIndex partId numTheta numPhi energyDeposit time } EMCDIGI { MUCTRUTH trackIndex partId segId gapId stripId x y z px py pz } MUCTRUTH { MUCDIGI trackIndex partId segId gapId stripId } MUCDIGI
Geant4 PDGcode
Data flow Event GenEvent McGenEventCol McEvent McParticleCol MdcMcHitCol TofMcHitCol EmcMcHitCol MucMcHitCol DigiEvent MdcDigiCol TofDigiCol EmcDigiCol MucDigiCol Generator BesGenModule Simulation BesSim Reconstruction EmcRec … Transient Data Store ① ② ③ ④ Ascii file evt.dat boost.dat EventSelector.InputFiles ="boost.dat"
retrieve MC truth from TDS retrieve TOF MCtruth from TDS SmartDataPtr aMcHitCol(m_evtSvc,"/Event/MC/TofMcHitCol”); Event::TofMcHitCol::iterator iMcHitCol; for(iMcHitCol=aMcHitCol->begin(); iMcHitCol!=aMcHitCol->end(); iMcHitCol++) { const Identifier ident = (*iMcHitCol)->identify(); std::cout getTrackIndex(); std::cout<<" "<<TofID::barrel_ec(ident);; std::cout<<" "<<TofID::layer(ident); std::cout<<" "<<TofID::phi_module(ident); std::cout getPositionX(); std::cout getPositionY(); std::cout getPositionZ(); std::cout getPx(); std::cout getPy(); ………………………………… }
retrieve digit from TDS retrieve TOF digits from TDS SmartDataPtr aDigiCol(m_evtSvc,"/Event/Digi/TofDigiCol"); TofDigiCol::iterator iDigiCol; for(iDigiCol=aDigiCol->begin(); iDigiCol!=aDigiCol->end(); iDigiCol++) { const Identifier ident = (*iDigiCol)->identify(); std::cout<<"partId: "<<TofID::barrel_ec(ident); std::cout<<" layer: "<<TofID::layer(ident); std::cout<<" scinNb: "<<TofID::phi_module(ident); std::cout getChargeChannel(); std::cout getTimeChannel()<<std::endl; }
The end! Any questions or suggestions?
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