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T BB Hadronic matter Quark-Gluon Plasma Chiral symmetry broken Chiral symmetry restored Early universe A new view and on the QCD phase diagram Recent.

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Presentation on theme: "T BB Hadronic matter Quark-Gluon Plasma Chiral symmetry broken Chiral symmetry restored Early universe A new view and on the QCD phase diagram Recent."— Presentation transcript:

1 T BB Hadronic matter Quark-Gluon Plasma Chiral symmetry broken Chiral symmetry restored Early universe A new view and on the QCD phase diagram Recent Lattice Gauge Theory results Quarkyonic phase & TRIPLE POINT in HIC Quarkyonic Phase and the QCD Phase Diagram: HIC-II A-A collisions fixed x 1 st principle calculations: perturbation theory pQCD LGT

2 2 QCD thermodynamics in effective models Models based on same symmetries as QCD : chiral with order parameter center with order parameter due to universality one expects similar critical properties Approach based on the Schwinger - Dyson Equation Use Ads/QCD correspondence to gain information on QCD medium properties?

3 The existence and position of CP and transition is model and parameter dependent !! Introducing di-quarks and their interactions with quark condensate results in CSC phase and dependently on the strength of interactions to new CP’s 3 Generic Phase diagram from effective chiral Lagrangians 1st order Zhang et al, Kitazawa et al., Hatta, Ikeda; Fukushima et al., Ratti et al., Sasaki et al., Blaschke et al., Hell et al., Roessner et al.,.. then (Pisarski-Wilczek) O(4)/O(2) univ.; see LGT, Eijri et al 09 crossover Asakawa-Yazaki CP 2 nd order, Z(2) (Stephanov et al.) Hatsuda et al. Alford et al. Shuryak et al. Rajagopal et al.

4 4 Probing CP with charge fluctuations Net quark-number,isovector and electric charge fluctuations The CP ( ) and TCP ( ) are the only points where the baryon number and electric charge densities diverge! A non-monotonic behaviour of charge density fluctuations are excellent probes of the CP CP

5 Sasaki, Friman et al. 07

6 6 Finite baryon density LGT in 2+1 f and CEP Fodor & Katz 04: multi-parameter rewighting F. Karsch at al. 07 T [MeV] [MeV] Det M exactly included in calculations Use the Lee-Yang theorem to identify CP See also: S. Ejiri 08 Det M through Taylor expansion method: Study radius of convergence and fluctuations to identify CP; No strong evidence of CP till now

7 LGT EOS at finite T and vanishing baryon density 7 A. Bazavov et al. hotQCD Coll. 09 Abrupt but smooth change of energy density indicates crossover transition : Results still not free from finite size effects! Kurtosis an excellent probe of deconfinement and chiral dynamics: A cusp-structure at for small expected from O(2) scaling Asymptoticaly: 1.

8 Finite Size Effects in LGT Thermodynamics Y. Aoki et al. 09 hotQCD Coll. 07 T>0 Thermodynamics from p4fat action with is still calculated with non- physical mass spectrum; 8 Different critical temperatures: Y. Aoki et al 09 hotQCD Coll. 07

9 Thermodynamics in LGT with Highly Improved Staggered Quarks (HISQ) 9 Tendency of shifting the transition region to lower temperatures than in previous asqtad and p4 studies on lattice ! A. Bazavov1 & P. Petreczky, HotQCD Coll. 09

10 Novel Phase of QCD in the limit “ Quarkyonic Phase “ L. McLerran & R. Pisarski 07-09 10 Quarks O( ) Gluons O( ) L. McLerran, C. Sasaki and K.R. 09 M. Harada, C. Sasaki, S. Takemoto 09 Quarkyonic phase can persists for “quark-yonic” :

11 Deconfinemnet at finite number of color 11 At finite quarks destroy 1 st order deconfinement phase transition to cross-over

12 Quarkionic Phase (QP) in models with Quarkionic T [GeV] Quarkyonic QP M. Harada, C. Sasaki, S. Takemoto 09 Polyakov Loop extended NJL model (PNJL) L. McLerran, C. Sasaki & K.R. 09 The Quarkionic Phase can persists for, thus could be also there in QCD? Order parameter of sym. Order parameter of chiral symmetry restoration

13 Probing the QCD Phase Boundary in HIC Baryon dominant Meson dominant CP Freezeout line provide lower bound of the QCD phase boundary with clear separation of baryonic and mesonic dominance at Possible phase diagram of QCD with “Triple Point” and Quarkyonic Phase L. McLerran, R. Pisarski et al.

14 Particle ratios in HIC from SIS to RHIC An abrupt change in excitation functions of particle ratios at [GeV] change of production dynamics from quarkyonic ( etc.) to partonic via hadronization of the QGP? A. Andronic, P. Braun-Munzinger, J. Stachel 09 Quarkyonic Phase and HIC: Andronic,Blaschke, Braun-Munzinger, Cleymans, Fukushima, McLerran, Oeschler, Pisarski, Redlich, Sasaki, Satz,,Stachel arXiv:0911.4806

15 HBT & Freezeout volume 15 Minimum of HBT and freezeout Volume at energies where Triple Point is expected to appear in QCD phase diagram

16 16 Summary Effective chiral models provide a powerful tool to study the critical consequences of the chiral symmetry restoration and deconfinement in QCD, however to quantify the QCD phase diagram and thermodynamics requires the first principle LGT calculations New results from LGT constrain the critical temperature at vanishing density to be < 170 MeV New phase diagram of QCD with Quarkyonic Phase results in Triple Point where three phases Hadronic Matter, Quarkyonic Matter, and a Quark-Gluon Plasma meet. Some properties of HIC data are consistent with existence of such Triple Point: Physics for FAIR & NICA to develope

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