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Life Is short Make sure you choose the right Job! Before we start lets have a reality check----

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2 Life Is short Make sure you choose the right Job! Before we start lets have a reality check----

3 The Real World Begins When High School Ends

4 Ten Rules of Life Life is not fair. Get used to it. The average teen-ager uses the phrase “It’s not Fair” 86 times a day The real world won’t care as much about your self-esteem as your school does. You may be shocked.

5 Life is not Fair!!!! Sorry, you will not make $40,000 a year as soon as you get out of high school. You may even have to wear a uniform that doesn’t have a designer label on it. If you think your teacher is tough, wait until you get a bad boss.

6 Get A Job! Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity. Your grandparents had a different word for burger flipping. They called it Opportunity! It is not your parents’ fault if you mess up or you have problems, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE!

7 Be Responsible Before your were born, your parents weren’t boring, they got that way by paying bills and listening to you - responsibilities. Life is not divided into semesters and you do not get summers off. You do not even get spring break! You do not get a break after each hour either! You do not get to start over after each semester!

8 Wake UPPPPPPP----- When something is due in the real world, you do not get to turn it in late, you get to find a different job. If you are late to work, you do not get a lock out pass, you get less pay! After 3 late’s, you get to look for a different Job.

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