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MARCH 16 TH -20 TH Olivia Hardison Week 7. SENIORS MONDAY MARCH 16 TH  Journal: Some people say that suffering is the only way to change someone’s habits.

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Presentation on theme: "MARCH 16 TH -20 TH Olivia Hardison Week 7. SENIORS MONDAY MARCH 16 TH  Journal: Some people say that suffering is the only way to change someone’s habits."— Presentation transcript:

1 MARCH 16 TH -20 TH Olivia Hardison Week 7

2 SENIORS MONDAY MARCH 16 TH  Journal: Some people say that suffering is the only way to change someone’s habits for good. Do you agree with this? Why or why not?  Literary Terms(define)-Personification, plot, point of view, resolution, rhetoric.  Vocabulary Terms(define)- averred, sojourn, expiated, reverence, sinuous, and tumult.  DGP (parts of speech): the four men worked hard to finish the job their boss gave them a large bonus

3 JUNIORS MONDAY MARCH 16 TH  Journal: Have you ever made a decision that you later regretted? Or, have you ever made a commitment to do something and then later changed your mind? Discuss these questions in a brief paragraph.  Literary Terms (define)-Personification, plot, point of view, resolution, rhetoric.  Vocabulary Terms (define)-Obliterate, Avarice, Resolute, Parsimony, Superfluous.  DGP (parts of speech): the four men worked hard to finish the job their boss gave them a large bonus

4 SENIORS TUESDAY MARCH 17TH  In The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, the Mariner has to wear the albatross around his neck after killing it. What do you think it would feel like if today people literally wore their sins around their necks?  Vocabulary Terms (synonym)-Obliterate, Avarice, Resolute, Parsimony, Superfluous.  DGP (parts of the sentence) : the four men worked hard to finish the job their boss gave them a large bonus  2 S, 1 VI, 1 inf pron, 1 obj of inf, 1 io, 1 do

5 JUNIORS TUESDAY MARCH 17 TH  What issues do people of today’s world have to deal with and how are they similar/different from problems from 50-200 years ago?  Vocabulary Terms (synonym)-Obliterate, Avarice, Resolute, Parsimony, Superfluous.  DGP (parts of the sentence) : the four men worked hard to finish the job their boss gave them a large bonus  2 S, 1 VI, 1 inf pron, 1 obj of inf, 1 io, 1 do

6 SENIORS WEDNESDAY MARCH 18 TH  Do you think that looking at things through a different perspective can free you of anger, guilt, or pain? Why or why not?  Vocabulary Terms (sentence)-Obliterate, Avarice, Resolute, Parsimony, Superfluous.  Literary Terms (example)-Personification, plot, point of view, resolution, rhetoric.  DGP (Clause and Sentence Type): the four men worked hard to finish the job their boss gave them a large bonus

7 JUNIORS WEDNESDAY MARCH 18 TH  This story was published in 1824 before people were conscious of what stereotypes were. Most women were thought to be housewives, African Americans were looked down upon, and Native American’s were thought of as savages. How do you feel about stereotypes and reading stories such as these today?  Literary Terms (example)-Personification, plot, point of view, resolution, rhetoric.  Vocabulary (sentence)-Obliterate, Avarice, Resolute, Parsimony, Superfluous  DGP (Clause and Sentence Type)- the four men worked hard to finish the job their boss gave them a large bonus

8 SENIORS THURSDAY MARCH 19 TH  Create your own poem using the two of the themes from The Rime of the Ancient Mariner and iambic trimester.  Make it pretty because we are going to post these! Draw a picture that represents your poem the best it can!  Get out your terms and get into pairs of two or groups of three. You must create your own game that enables you to study for your quizzes. The winner with the most creativity get 7 extra bonus points of tomorrows quiz!

9 JUNIORS THURSDAY MARCH 19 TH  What are the themes of this story? What is the tone? How would the tone change is someone such as Steven King wrote it?  Get out your terms and get into pairs of two or groups of three. You must create your own game that enables you to study for your quizzes. The winner with the most creativity get 7 extra bonus points of tomorrows quiz!

10 SENIORS FRIDAY MARCH 20 TH  Do you believe that there is a such thing as Divine Intervention or is everything ruled by the universe, self- regulation, etc.?  Study for your quizzes!

11 JUNIORS FRIDAY MARCH 20 TH  What is the objective summary of this story? Why? Create a thinking map in which you relate the characters to the vocabulary terms. Be sure to give one example cited from the text.  Study for your quizzes!

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