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My Digital-Footprint Aaron Quilapio Block B. How can your digital footprint affect you future opportunities? Give at least two examples.

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Presentation on theme: "My Digital-Footprint Aaron Quilapio Block B. How can your digital footprint affect you future opportunities? Give at least two examples."— Presentation transcript:

1 My Digital-Footprint Aaron Quilapio Block B


3 How can your digital footprint affect you future opportunities? Give at least two examples.

4 “ ” To me your digital footprint can affect a lot of your opportunities. For one if you want to apply for a job your digital footprint can change the view of like a boss about you. You can be nice, cool and respectable in your interview, but maybe when your boss searches you up you could be the complete opposite of what you appear. Another example is that it can ruin your reputation it you already have a job.


6 Describe at least three strategies that you can use to keep your digital footprint appropriate and safe.

7 Strategy Number 1 Always put your things on private! You should always be aware of who can see what you have been up to. For many social medias you can add a privacy setting. Like no one can see what you have posted unless they add or follow you!

8 Strategy Number 2 Be aware of what you post! You never know who could see your post. Like maybe creeps, your mom and boss can see it. You could get fired from a job, almost get kidnapped or just get into trouble.

9 Strategy Number 3 If you can try to have just a bit of social media! Having like one or two social medias if way more safe then having like 10. You are probably more likely to show up on google if your name was searched up!

10 What information did you learn that you would pass on to other students? How would you go about telling them?

11 I learn that you digital footprint stay with you forever! I plan to tell this by maybe posting this on social media so friends, family and more can be aware!

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