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Louvre- Museum Under Louis XIV (17 th cent.) it housed royal artifacts. 1793 under Robespierre, it opens as a museum.

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Presentation on theme: "Louvre- Museum Under Louis XIV (17 th cent.) it housed royal artifacts. 1793 under Robespierre, it opens as a museum."— Presentation transcript:

1 Louvre- Museum Under Louis XIV (17 th cent.) it housed royal artifacts. 1793 under Robespierre, it opens as a museum

2 Eiffel Tower- 1889 built as an entrance for the World’s Fair

3 Moulin Rouge- cabaret built in 1899

4 Cathedral of Notre Dame- “Our Lady” built in the 12 th century. Home to events during the Age of Louis XIV, French Revolution, and coronation of Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte. Damaged at times by: Radicals, Huguenots, and WWII

5 Arc de Triomph – 1806 under Napoleon after the French victory at Austerlitz

6 Paris= The “It” place to be  Many of our Founding Fathers “studied abroad” during the American Revolution in Paris –Studies culture, music, government, architecture etc. –France actually became the “center” of all things secular, and the world during the 17 th Century.

7 King Louis XIV- The Sun King 1643-1715

8 The Rise of the Sun King –Foundations of Absolutism in France Cardinal Richelieu * –Louis XIII’s chief minister helped STRENGTHEN the monarchy –Did this by: Controlled will of the nobles, executed conspirators, and controlled the Huguenots Cardinal Mazzarin –RAN the country when Louis XIII died! –Continued with Richelieus policies –Nobles held MAJOR rebellions known at the Fronde- who were against absolute rule in France

9 Achievements  VERSAILLES PALACE –French Culture thrived at Versailles –“Court Life” –Etiquette and manners  Baroque Art –Louis XIV was a patron of the Arts –Literature, plays, music, and art thrive in France  Trade/economy –Built roads, canals, and improved trade –Better/more products and goods for exporting (under Colbert)  Army –Well trained, vast, and powerful


11 Young Louis XIV

12 L’ouis XIV


14 L’ etat c’est moi! By Hyacinthe Rigaud By Hyacinthe Rigaud

15 Louis XIV’s Carriage

16 The Bourbon Family Crest

17 L’ ouis XIV as Apollo by Jean Nocret, 1670

18 The Sun Symbol

19 Louis XIV Giani Lorenzo Bernini, 1665

20 Jean-Baptiste Colbert

21 Versailles Statistics f 2,000 acres of grounds f 12 miles of roads f Cost (in today’s standards- $240,000,000) f 200,000 trees f 210,000 flowers planted every year f 80 miles of rows of trees f 12 miles of enclosing walls f 50 fountains and 620 fountain nozzles f 21 miles of water conduits f 26 acres of roof f 51,210 square meters of floors f 2,153 windows f 700 rooms f 67 staircases f 6,000 paintings f 1,500 drawings and 15,000 engravings f 2,100 sculptures f 5,000 items of furniture and objects d'art f 150 varieties of apple and peach trees in the Vegetable Garden

22 Louis XIII’s Old Chateau

23 Versailles Today

24 Palais de Versailles


26 Versailles Palace, Park Side

27 Garden View of Versailles

28 Chateau de Versailles


30 Versailles’ Northern Gardens

31 Gardens at Versailles

32 Chateau de Versailles Gardens

33 The Orangery

34 Grounds at Versailles

35 Fountains, Fountains, and More Fountains!

36 And More Fountains!


38 And Even More Fountains!!!

39 Temple of Love

40 Hall of Mirrors

41 The Queen’s Bed The King’s Bed

42 Louis XIV’s Chapel

43 Louis XIV’s Chapel Altarpiece

44 Organ in Louis XIV’s Chapel

45 Louis XIV’s Opera Stage

46 Cabinet with Views of Versailles, 19c

47 CONTROL  CONTROL OVER HIS PEOPLE –TAXATION: Fell heavily upon the 3 rd Estate (peasantry that made up 80%) –RELIGION: Revoked Edict of Nantes (by his grandfather Henry IV) “One King, One law, One faith” Destroyed Huguenot churches and closed Protestant schools –NOBLES: Very little political power, kept them “busy” at Versailles

48 Government and ruling  Law making body, the Estates General did not meet  Removed royal princes and nobles from his council  Was central policy making figure  Parlements (court of appeals) were weakened

49 War  Fought FOUR major wars –*Most important was the last one,War of Spanish Succession (he lost) Wanted Bourbon Dynasty to control Spain and France Ends with the PEACE OF UTRECHT 1713 –Balance of power in is Europe stable and peaceful –England- gains French territory in America –France- devastated financially, famine, new enemies

50 Quote by Louis XIV on his deathbed….. Did he really mean it?  “I urge you not to forget your duty to God; remember that you owe everything to Him…. Do not follow me in overspending. Take advice in everything; try to find the best course and follow it. Lighten your people’s burden as soon as possible, and do what I have had the misfortune of not doing.”

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