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A practical look at the factors and support strategies that can make or break a job placement.

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Presentation on theme: "A practical look at the factors and support strategies that can make or break a job placement."— Presentation transcript:

1 A practical look at the factors and support strategies that can make or break a job placement.

2 * Dr Marc Gold (1939 – 1982) - Pioneered skills training in the late 1960’s and in the process created a revolution for People with Disabilities. * Dr Greg Lewis and Sue Robertson – Who took Marc’s theories and Wolfensburgers’ values (SRV) and applied them so effectively here in WA and across Australia.

3 * Establish Partnerships with Co- workers. * Observe the Job. * Evaluate and Describe the Job. * Prompting, reinforcing and fading. * Modifying. * Enlisting Co-worker support.

4 * Ask Questions. * Acknowledge their skills * Promote the workers strengths * Dress and Act appropriately. * Give Feedback

5 * Most people will only observe what they are expecting to see!


7 * So keep an open mind!!!

8 * Flow of work. * Safety issues. * Quality issues. * Productivity targets

9 * Jot down each step * Chains? (links between steps) * Sketch the Job Layout * Trial your plan * Review and modify



12 1. Collect watering can 2. Fill to line with water 3. Water each plant for 10 seconds (min 5 max 15secs) 4. Repeat steps 2 & 3 till all plants watered (No plants can be missed)

13 1. Hold watering can with left hand 2. Turn tap with right hand 3 turns 3. Wait for water to reach mark on can 4. Turn tap off with left hand

14 * Always use the least intrusive prompt! * Environmental/self prompt * Visual Prompt * Gestural Prompt * Indirect Verbal Prompt * Direct Verbal Prompt * Demonstration Prompt * Partial Physical Prompt * Full Physical prompt



17 * Involve Co workers from the beginning * Ask questions about the job * Feedback progress * Look for champions * Offer to help * Meal breaks * Promote the workers other interests * Encourage conversation * Start with a low profile and keep it that way

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