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INTEGRATION OF THE CBM SILICON TRACKING SYSTEM U. Frankenfeld for the CBM collaboration supported by BMBF, EU-FP7 HadronPhysics3 and CRISP.

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Presentation on theme: "INTEGRATION OF THE CBM SILICON TRACKING SYSTEM U. Frankenfeld for the CBM collaboration supported by BMBF, EU-FP7 HadronPhysics3 and CRISP."— Presentation transcript:

1 INTEGRATION OF THE CBM SILICON TRACKING SYSTEM U. Frankenfeld for the CBM collaboration supported by BMBF, EU-FP7 HadronPhysics3 and CRISP

2 Location FAIRCBM 04-Mar-13 2 STS integration STS

3 STS Building Blocks: Module STSxyter chip cable Sensor chip cable FrontEndBord FEB STSxyter chip 04-Mar-13STS integration 3

4 STS Building Blocks: Ladder Carbon ladder Ladder sensor FEB cooling box Ladder 04-Mar-13STS integration 4

5 STS Building Blocks: Station Halfstation 04-Mar-13STS integration 5

6 Boundary conditions Top down approach From physics requirements to sensor layout and their mounting on ladders Spatial requirements Inside dipole Magnet MVD upstream RICH/MUCH downstream Target and beam pipe Mechanics Precision Stability Thermal requirements Sensor cooling FEE cooling Dry gas Services LV/HV Cooling Data and control 6 04-Mar-13STS integration

7 Magnet Magnetic field in detector area 1 T Working gap 1400x2500mm 7 04-Mar-13STS integration

8 STS 8 Magnet MVD Beam pipe STS STS enclosure MVD enclosure STS stations Target 04-Mar-13STS integration

9 Installation and maintenance Installation steps Assembly of modules to a ladders Test of the ladder Assembly of ladders to a half-station Test of half-station Installation and positioning of the half-stations into the STS box Installation of the services Test of STS Insertion into the magnet Maintenance requirements remove an arbitrary half station without dismantling the others Minimize removal of services remove an arbitrary ladder from a half station without dismantling the others Repair ladder Replace module 9 04-Mar-13STS integration

10 Dismantling sequence 04-Mar-13 10 STS integration

11 Services Power Dissipation 212 Electronic blocks ~40 kW power Sensors operation below -5°C 1 mW/cm 2 innermost sensors Services LV ~2000 Power domains ~40 kW HV 500 lines Cooling ~ 30 – 200 cooling line pairs Gaseous sensor cooling Nitrogen at -7°C Optical data links 484 Control lines 04-Mar-13STS integration 11

12 Evaporative CO 2 cooling LHCb VELO and AMS R&D CERN and NIKEF High heat transfer at small tube diameters Active plant outside cave CBM activities: Cooling plant Traci XL (1 kW) FEB cooling efficiency 04-Mar-13STS integration 12 Heat transfer (W/mm 3 K) Tube diameter (mm)

13 min73 0 2000 1060 720 671 720 Extra space for vacuum pump Adds: 1.Extra pressure sensor after spiral 2.Inlet for filling up the system 3.Changes in MARCO Accumulator to adapt it to TRACI XL 1 2 3 LEWA remote head pump (LDC1) Sizing of the hydraulic pipe Traci XL 04-Mar-13STS integration 13 Jorge Sanchez - GSI/DetektorLab

14 Cooling Mockup FEB cooling efficiency 200 W 04-Mar-13STS integration 14

15 Outlook: Integration approach Workgroup with weekly meeting Aim to get coarse CAD model fulfilling boundary conditions and including all services Optimize in respect to operation and maintenance Include details 15 04-Mar-13STS integration

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