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Sir Issac Newton Legend Newton made a connection between why objects fall to the earth and what keeps the objects moving. When he watch an apple fall.

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Presentation on theme: "Sir Issac Newton Legend Newton made a connection between why objects fall to the earth and what keeps the objects moving. When he watch an apple fall."— Presentation transcript:


2 Sir Issac Newton

3 Legend Newton made a connection between why objects fall to the earth and what keeps the objects moving. When he watch an apple fall –Unbalanced force caused the apple to fall down on earth –Unbalanced force on the moon kept the moon moving in a circular motion –Force of attraction--gravity

4 Review Force What is force? –A force is a push or a pull.


6 Video Time St. Mary’s Physics: Force Man

7 Sir Isaac Newton –1 st Law – an object at rest or in motion stays at rest or in motion unless acted upon by an outside force * Known as the “Principle of Inertia” –2 nd Law – describes how an object accelerates or changes direction when a force is applied to it * F = ma –3 rd Law – for action there is an equal and opposite reaction

8 Newton’s 1 st Law of Motion An object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force. (outside force)unless acted upon by an unbalanced force The velocity of an object remains constant unless acted on by an unbalanced force. “Law of Inertia”

9 Newton’s 1 st Law of Motion

10 Inertia - the resistance(slowing down) an object has to a change in its state of motion. [Newton’s 1st Law] Equilibrium - if the net force on an object is zero, then it is said to be in equilibrium. –An object is in equilibrium when: at rest or moving at constant velocity.

11 Examples of equilibrium Equilibrium - resultant = 0 N Example 1

12 Examples of Equilibrium Velocity is Constant (rest or constant v)

13 Wacky Washers What is Newton’s First Law? Purpose: Does the mass of an object effect the inertia.

14 Wacky Washer Procedures: –1. Stack 4 washers on the floor. –2. Aim one washer at the bottom of the stack of 4 and flick with your finger. –3. Make observations on a separate sheet of paper. –4. Flick a stack of 2 washers in a stack of 4 washers. –5. Make observations on a separate s heet of paper. –6. Flick a stack of 4 washers in a stack of 4 washers. –7. Make observations on a separate sheet of paper.

15 Wacky Washers Analysis 1. Explain your observations in terms of Newton’s 1 st Law. 2. Does the mass of an object effect the inertia? Explain?

16 Wacky Washers Mass is the measure of inertia and if you change the mass the inertia will change

17 Balancing Act Purpose: To remove a paper circle from underneath a penny and keep the penny balanced.

18 Balancing Act 1. Balance a card (index/playing) on your index finger. 2. Place a penny on top of the card over your finger and balance the two together. 3. Squarely hit/flick the side of the card with your other index finger. If you properly hit the card, where does the coin end up?

19 Please fill in the following chart with your observations, either at rest or moving: ObjectState of Motion At Rest/Moving Before it was hit During it was hit After it was hit Card Coin

20 Balancing Act Analysis 1. When does the object move? 2. How does this activity relate to the “pull the tablecloth’ trick used by magicians?

21 2 nd law of motion The acceleration of an object depends on the mass of the object and the amount of force applied

22 Newton’s Second law of Motion Acceleration decrease if mass increased Acceleration increase if mass decreased Acceleration increase if force increase Acceleration decrease if force decrease


24 2 nd law of motion p?video_id=21643&title=Newtons_Law_2_ on_FMA p?video_id=21643&title=Newtons_Law_2_ on_FMA Video Link Above

25 Newton’s 3 rd Law Action-Reaction- for every action there is an opposite or equal reaction.

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