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Lafayette College Health Professions Advising Program Professor Nancy Waters Faculty Health Professions Advisor Dr. Julia Goldberg Associate Dean Health.

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Presentation on theme: "Lafayette College Health Professions Advising Program Professor Nancy Waters Faculty Health Professions Advisor Dr. Julia Goldberg Associate Dean Health."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lafayette College Health Professions Advising Program Professor Nancy Waters Faculty Health Professions Advisor Dr. Julia Goldberg Associate Dean Health Professions Ms Simona Glaus HP Administrative Assistant 30 September 2015 Pre-Application Meeting Are You Ready? Medical, Dental, Podiatry, Optometry and Veterinary Aspirants

2 How important are the Health Professions? The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that the health care industry will create over 15.8 million additional jobs by 2022, more than any other sector. At the same time, the U.S. Department of Commerce reports that total health care spending exceeds 17% of GDP. And of the 100 largest companies in the US, 75 of them— including surprises like Google, Intel, Microsoft, and Wal-Mart—are involved in the health industry.


4 …shout out for upcoming 2015 events Oct 1 st lunch Columbia U MS Nutrition Oct 9 th lunch Brainstorming HP Student Clubs Oct 13 th NIH Daytrip DC! (register by TODAY!!!) Oct 14 th lunch TCMC Admissions Oct 16 th CS Intern Scholar lunch & learn Oct 17 th Homecoming Student Alumni HP Open House (preregistration and networking workshop required) Oct 19 th 4 pm ‘Outside the Box’ faculty panel on smart choices Oct 20 th lunch Dr Duryea, PA-C, PhD So you want to be a PA? (small group sessions available) Oct 28 th lunch Study Abroad for HP Oct 29 th signup deadline for Externships Nov 4 th lunch MANDATORY Application Info Session with GreenSheet 2015 submission>>Personal Advising Sessions! Nov 18 th lunch Start Your Personal Statement CWP/HP Nov 23 rd 4 pm ‘Candid Conversations’ with Mark Koshar ‘70 MD ….lots to learn and lots to do!

5 Undergraduate Preparation for Admission to Graduate Schools in Health Professions Each HP school sets their own criteria and standards…but all weight several key areas: Academic/Science grades (45-55%)* Admissions tests (20-25%)* Health-related experiences Research experiences Community service and volunteer work Recommendation Letters (especially CLoE) HP school interview * Percentages as reported by NAAHP.

6 Schools will choose future health care professionals who best fulfill their mission! Interpersonal competencies: Service orientation, Social Skill, Culturally aware, Teamwork, Oral communication Intrapersonal competencies: Ethical responsibility to self and others, Reliability and dependability, Resilience and adaptability, Capacity for improvement Thinking and reasoning competencies: Critical thinking, Quantitative reasoning, Scientific inquiry, Written communication Science competencies: Life systems, Human behavior

7 AMCAS (May 2015) for 20,343 (from 20,055) seats 49,480 (2014) 48,014 (2013) 32,650 (2012)…731,595 applications were submitted, ~14/person AACOMAS (May 2015) for 6,392 (from 6,192) seats 17,944 (2014) 9,900 (2013)…185,162 applications were submitted, ~9/person mean age is now 24-25, 53.3% ♂, 47.8% ♀ The landscape now?

8 10 MD schools with most applicants? Drexel (14,648) LECOM (13,536) Georgetown (13,016) Temple (11,286) TJU (10,204) also Tufts, Boston U, NYMC, Western U of HS-CA, NYU 10 MD schools accepting the fewest? Morehouse SOM 85/5173, 1.6% Mayo MS 94/4692, 2.0% Stanford U 177/1452, 2.4% Georgetown 349/13.016, 2.7% Brown 243/8,240, 2.9% also GW, WFU, Howard, UCLA, Duke more landscape…

9 >Dentistry applications have risen from 1990 to 2010 by 134%, or 5% APR among 65 US and 10 Canadian schools. ADEA for 5,769 seats, fielded 12,162 applicants (2013) 53%♂ 47% ♀; DAT 19.9; GPA 3.54 >For veterinary medicine, 30 Colleges of Veterinary Medicine in US, plus 9 departments of VS, 8 of comparative medicine, 5 Canadian CVMs, 14 international CVMs and 6 affiliates. AAVMC for 4,127 seats, fielded 6,769 applicants (2013) with GPA 3.56 >For optometry, 21 schools saw 2,604 applicants with 13,164 applications (~5/student) with 69% ♀ and 31% ♂, aged 21-26 with GPA 3.31. Accepted students were 70%♀:30♂%. 1,846 received 1or more offers of admission. > With 9 colleges of podiatric medicine, AACPM reports 997 applicants and 671 matriculants (2013), with 61% ♀ and 39% ♂. > With 196 accredited programs, average entering PA students are 27 years old (25-28), 72.4%♀ and 27.6% ♂, with accepted GPA 3.49, and applied to 12 programs, with BIG shift toward MS programs more landscape…

10 GPA Decoded ! A: You are doing great so keep it up A- You are doing well, but work harder B+ You can do better B Your performance is average, and health professions schools have high standards B- This is for honey… …what schools require from you might differ from what Lafayette requires, but the more important question is…What do YOU demand from YOURSELF?

11 …Admissions Tests… MCAT Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills Psychological, Social & Biological Foundations of Behavior Target: 510 (80 th %ile) and GPA 3.6+ DAT pplicants/Pages/TaketheDAT(DentalAdmissionTest).aspx Natural Science (biology, general and organic chemistry) Perceptual ability (2- and 3-dimensional problem solving) Reading comprehension Quantitative reasoning Target: 20-21 (75 th %ile) and GPA 3.6

12 …Admissions Tests Continued… OAT https:// Natural Sciences (Biology, Gen Chem, Organic Chem) Reading Comprehension Physics Quantitative Reasoning Target: 350 (75 th %ile) and 3.5 GPA GRE- General Test, Subject Tests home_greabout_a_150213 Verbal Reasoning Quantitative Reasoning Analytical Writing Biology (CMB, Organismal, EE) Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology VET and PA Target: ~155-160 (70 th %ile) and 3.4-3.8 GPA

13 Preparation – Academic coursework  As Juniors/Seniors you should have completed most of the following no matter your major program. HP schools EXPECT STRONG NATURAL SCIENCE foundation, but NO SPECIFIC MAJOR is required. All of this is on our HPwebsite and in the HPHandbook!  Typically, 1 Year of: Introductory Biology with laboratory (e.g., 101/102) Physics with laboratory (e.g., 111/112; 131/132/133; 151/152) Mathematics that includes calculus and statistics (e.g., 125 & 186, 141 & 186, 161 & 162 and BioStats) Writing-Intensive Coursework (e.g., FYS, plus 3 “W” courses).  Typically 2+ Years of Chemistry General Chemistry with laboratory (e.g., 121/122) Organic Chemistry with laboratory (e.g., 221/222) Biochemistry (e.g., 351)

14  Other relevant courses include: A&S 222 Medical Anthropology Biol 213 Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy Biol 251 Human Physiology (HPAC recommended) Biol 274 Bioinformatics Biol 340 Molecular Medicine CM 151 Introduction to Computational Science NSc 201 Introduction to Neuroscience Phys 220 Medical and Biological Physics Psych 240 Health Psychology Rel 223 Religion and Medicine …plan early for prerequisites; see MSAR, ADEA etc, for guidance; think ‘outside the box’ since coursework is crucial to your performance on your ADMISSIONS TESTS !

15 And by now you know about…… Advanced Placement OnLine and MOOCs Summer School Pass/Fail Study Abroad Research Electives Be true to who you are to be broadly well-educated

16 Preparation – Co-curricular Experiences Internships/Externships Shadow ACTIVELY! Volunteer at an animal shelter; Consider Medical Scribe, EMT; Make every experience count clinically. Show your commitment. Consult with your Gateway Advisor early and often! For Vet, PA, OT programs clinical hours matter! Extracurricular Activities demonstrate time management work in a hierarchy master communication exhibit collaboration provide evidence of sincere dedication ENHANCE don’t IMPEDE your academic record! Read about healthcare, health news. …be PASSIONATE! It is your LIFE!

17 Insightful Personal Essay (see space limitations at each CAS) Keep a journal! Use WA Program Resources to your benefit! Make all work perfectly error-free. Watch for HP programming on reflective writing! Well-Honed Interview Skills Be articulate, maintain good eye contact and confident body posture! Practice! A lot! Read! Prepare! Some obvious topics? healthcare reform, euthanasia, HIV, Ebola, resistance to vaccination, emerging infectious diseases, obesity, cancer, aging, end of life issues. Others? Your favorite course, book, leisure activity. Be able to answer: “How has SOMETHING IN YOUR RECORD prepared you for a medical career?” Watch for HP programming on interview skills! Timely Application Submission/Turnaround When you apply later, you encounter more intense competition for fewer available slots. Complete secondaries quickly!

18 Academic Integrity and Conduct HAVE INTEGRITY!!! Practice Principles of Intellectual Honesty; Make judicious choices in your behavior! Exhibit high personal standards of ethics— cheating, plagiarism, alcohol/drug violations, vandalism, etc. all compromise your character AND your HP application. Applications REQUIRE that the Dean report all disciplinary warning, action and/or conduct violations! Think before you ACT! No Candles ! ETIQUETTE: MANNERS MATTER! Do your homework! Be polite and demonstrate respect

19 When Can and Should You Apply? As a Junior? Matriculate right after graduation, but required elements are a challenge to complete on time for application. As a Senior? Use a growth year to fill in gaps. Deepen your experiences, enhance maturity, refine insight, strengthen your technical capabilities, competitive dossier of research, clinical internships/externships, and suitable extra- and co-curricular experiences. As an Alumnus? HP Advising can support your application for up to 3 years after graduation. If you begin our On-Campus application as a junior, but reconsider, your decision to re-activate and update your file in the next cycle is subject to same deadlines; check website for On-Campus & Re-Activation forms. Choose the timeline that works best for YOU! >small group advising October/November; HP Office Hours >Greensheet solo advising January/February HP Advising works with YOU when your package is ready!

20 Are you ready to apply? Is your application strong and competitive?

21 What do we ALL need? Compassionate Constructive Criticism (external) Honest Self-Assessment (internal) C AN I DO B ETTER ? C AN I BE B ETTER ?

22 “Things I wish I had known/done…” -STUDIED available online resources! MSAR, HPAC handbook, links, etc! -PREPARED BETTER for admission tests -PRACTICED interviews, REVIEWED questions, READ more -OWNED my personal choice of schools— ASKED myself the “ONLY” question! -HONESTLY assessed my application; AVOIDED this trap: “Except for xxxx, my app is good.” -Thought more STRATEGICALLY

23 Is financing part of the equation and your decision? It should be! Median cost for 4 years of HP school: $278,455 (private) or $207,868 (public) Median debt for 4 years of HP school: $174,000 Federal loans: 6.8-7.9% Undergraduate indebtedness: $29,400 Residency training salaries average $55,300 annually for 3+ years, so an added debt load of ~$30,000 yearly …watch for HP programming on this!

24 Components of a Successful Application Strong Admissions Test Score (MCAT, DAT, OAT, or GRE), taken as early as possible when you are ready! Plan on 500 hours! Limited test dates and locations. Early registration reduces costs. TESTING FEES (scores reported within 4 weeks): MCAT$300 DAT $415 OAT $390 GRE general$195 GRE subject test fees $150 APPLICATION FEES (verification 4-6 weeks): AMCAS$160+ $37 AACOMAS$195 + $35 ADEA AADSAS$245 + $93 OptomCAS $160 + $60 VMCAS$195 + $100 AACPMAS$180 + $45/60 CASPA$175 + $50

25 Application Timeline for AY ‘15-’16 To matriculate Fall 2017 -core coursework completed successfully -multiple competitive experiences in HP settings -recruit 3-5 recommenders Nov/Dec 2015 to write for you -start your reflective essay & personal statement Nov 2015 -sit for solo GreenSheet Advising Jan/Feb 2016 -arrange for disclosures by 1 February 2016 -arrange for waivers/letters by 1 March 2016 -submit completed Personal Information Form 1 March 2016 -interview on-campus with HPAC in April/May 2016 -sit for exams by 1 May 2016 to have scores by 1 June 2016 -open application services begin ~1 June 2016 -2 ndary requests extended beginning July 2016 (2-7 days) -interviews extended beginning August 2016 -offers extended within 3 weeks… or by late August 2017! …is it any wonder why incoming classes are ages 24-25!

26 …enter the GAP year (NOT a ‘year off’ by any measure) What to do??? Assess your portfolio REALISTICALLY… Then…fill in the gaps! Enhance and focus! Be creative and innovative! Push beyond your comfort zone! Is a Post-Bac Program a good fit? What elements should you consider? Your Goal? Raise your competitiveness among applicants! With a gap year, you enter on-campus HPAC application cycles during your senior year or thereafter, not your junior year; you complete secondaries and interviews subsequently! …But stay connected so you do not miss meeting the on campus deadlines! Submit your materials so HP Advising can work with you!

27 Your Ongoing Obligations? 1) Study – Maintain your grades! 2) Be strategic (May & June) and prepared for your application test! 3) APPLY EARLY! APPLICATION PORTALS OPEN ~ 1 June 2016! 4) Get additional PRACTICAL experience over Interim 2015-2016; volunteering, externships, internships deadlines at CS is Halloween! Summer 2015 ONLY counts on 2 o applications! 5) Complete your undergraduate RESEARCH experience, with resultant product (poster, paper, etc.) by 1 June 2016. 6) Provide evidence of commitment through COMMUNITY SERVICE AND CO-CURRICULAR EXPERIENCES. Hone your people and social skills, leadership, teamwork, work ethic. 7) Have one or two or three specific backup plans! Be able to articulate them and meet reapplication deadlines!

28 All of us at Lafayette look forward to your success! We want to help further your career plans! Stay abreast of what is happening by visiting our web site: Register for and Attend HPAC events; BE PROACTIVE & TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR CAREER!!!

29 168 hours in one week 4 courses per semester, perhaps 2 with labs, means 18 hours in class per week BUT 3 hours outside preparation …54 hours each week in academics 8 hours of sleep per night …56 hours each week in sleep 2 meals each day, 1 hour per meal …14 hours each week eating 2 hours each day shower, dressing, etc …14 hours each week personal time 2 hours each day in extracurricular activities …14 hours each week …152 hours, so 16 hours leisure time…USE IT WISELY!!!

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