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ROOTS It’s where it’s all at..

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Presentation on theme: "ROOTS It’s where it’s all at.."— Presentation transcript:

1 ROOTS It’s where it’s all at.

2 Agri The root “agri” means field or soil. AGRICULTURE, AGRIBUSINESS

3 Aud The root “aud” means to hear. Audience, audible, audio.

4 Bene The root “bene” means good or kind.
Benefactor, Beneficiary, Beneficial.

5 Circum The root “circum” means around.
Circumference, Circumvent, Circumnavigate

6 Corp The root “corp” means body Corpse, corporation.

7 Dict The root “dict” means to say or speak
Diction, Dictionary, Dictator.

8 Dur The root “dur” means lasting or stable Durable, Duration

9 Equ/Equi The root “equ/equi” means equal
Equator, Equidistant, Equiangular.

10 Hydro The root “hydro” means water.
Hydraulics, dehydrate, hydroplane, hydroelectric

11 Luna The root “luna” means moon. Lunar, lunar eclipse

12 Nav The root “nav” means to drive or lead.
Navigate, Navigation, Naval.

13 Ped The root “ped” means foot. Pedal, Pedestrian.

14 Psych The root “psych” means mind or soul.
Psychiatry, Psychiatrist, psychology

15 Sci The root “sci” means to know Conscious, Science.

16 Sent The root “sent” means to feel. Sentiment, Sentimental, Sensitive.

17 Sol The root “sol” means alone. Solitude, Solitary Confinement.

18 Spec The root “spec” means to look. Specter, Spectacle, Spectator.

19 Aero The root “Aero” means air. Aerodynamics, Aerospace, aeronautics

20 Aqua The root “aqua” means water. Aqueduct, Aquarius, aquamarine

21 Biblio The root “biblio” means book. Bibliography, bibliographer

22 Bio The root “bio” means life. Biography, Biology.

23 Chron The root “Chron” means time. Chronology, chronicle, chronograph

24 Dem The root “dem” means people. Epidemic, Democracy.

25 Geo The root “geo” means earth. Geography, Geode.

26 Graph write. graphic, stenograph, cardiograph.
The root “graph” means to write. graphic, stenograph, cardiograph.

27 Hemi The root “hemi” means half. Hemisphere,

28 Meter The root “meter” means measure. Diameter, Kilometer, centimeter

29 Micro small. The root “micro” means
Microscope, Microfilm, Microbiology.

30 Migr The root “migr” means to move. Migration, immigrants.

31 “Hey don’t copy my work!”
Mim “Hey don’t copy my work!” The root “mim” means to Copy…copy Mimic, Mime.

32 Mort The root “mort” means death. Mortal, Immortal, Mortician.

33 Phon The root “phon” means sound. Telephone, Phonograph.

34 Photo The root “Photo” means light.
Photograph, Photocopy, Photosynthesis.

35 Scrib The root “scrib” means to write. Subscript, Scribble, Subscribe.

36 Tele The root “tele” means distant. Telegraph, Television.

37 Test The root “test” means to bear witness. Testimony.

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