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Aging and Disability Resource Center Partnerships Michigan’s Approach to Long Term Supports and Services.

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Presentation on theme: "Aging and Disability Resource Center Partnerships Michigan’s Approach to Long Term Supports and Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aging and Disability Resource Center Partnerships Michigan’s Approach to Long Term Supports and Services

2 2 Welcome to the Conversation… ◘ What an ADRC Partnership is ◘ How it works ◘ How to get involved

3 3 Aging & Disability Resource Center … or ADRC Call it ► a partnership… ► a collaborative… ► a coalition… ► a consortium… ► a forum ► a process more than an entity

4 4 In the ADRC world, these concepts all describe… an approach to providing a satisfying experience for the individual that’s easy, seamless, supportive, timely, meaningful, accommodating ► Person-centered ► Unifies community resources to help individuals navigate their care options

5 5 Simply put… THE PERSON is at the heart of the ADRC Partnership

6 6 A person-centered approach… ◘ ensures an individual’s right to choose what help they want, need, desire. All options are presented. ◘ honors and respects an individual’s choices and preferences and recognizes the individual as THE expert in her or his own life ◘ understands an individual’s wholeness – physically, emotionally, spiritually

7 7 “unified community resources” means….

8 8 Translation…. A partnership of existing organizations is best prepared to meet a person’s complex needs, wants, and desires. Each member of the partnership contributes to the greater good through its ► unique strengths ► usefulness ► successful practices

9 9 Foundational ADRC Components ◘ All Income Levels served ◘ Integration of aging and disability service systems ◘ High Level of Visibility and Trust ◘ No wrong door (person may reach any partner to connect to resources) ◘ Information and Assistance ◘ Options Counseling ◘ Streamlined program eligibility ◘ Person-centered Care Transitions

10 10 Required ADRC Membership Mix ◘ Individuals eligible for services ◘ Area Agencies on Aging ◘ Centers for Independent Living ◘ Local Long Term Care Ombudsman ◘ Medicare/Medicaid Assistance Program ◘ Benefit Enrollment Outreach Centers ◘ Hospitals ◘ Department of Human Services ◘ Service Providers

11 11 Elements of effective ADRC partnerships… Regular communication Written agreements Written referral protocols Co ‐ location of staff Regular cross ‐ training of staff I&R resources are shared Collaboration on client services Joint marketing and outreach activities

12 12 Expectations… ◘ Individuals eligible for services are involved in all partnership planning, decision-making, and ongoing activities. ◘ Partners understand that fellow members bring assets and the ability to participate in the partnership in varying degrees. ◘ Partnerships decide leadership roles, division of labor, and how ongoing communication will occur among and between members.

13 13 The ADRC of Northwest Michigan is ours to create…………… √ Letter of intent to apply for designation as an Emerging ADRC Partnership was filed in Sept. 2010. AAANM and DNNM designated as the “conveners”. √ A $5,000 Mini-grant to help develop an ADRC partnership was received in September 2011. √ An application must be completed that requests designation as an “Emerging” ADRC Partnership. This application includes a business plan. √ By 2014 the goal is to have all parts of the state operating under a “fully functional” ADRC model.

14 14 Presentation prepared in part by… State of Michigan OFFICE OF SERVICES TO THE AGING P.O. Box 30676 Lansing, MI 48909 517.373.8230

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