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03b | Manage Test Cases (2 of 2) Anthony Borton | ALM Consultant, Enhance ALM Steven Borg | Co-founder & Strategist, Northwest Cadence.

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Presentation on theme: "03b | Manage Test Cases (2 of 2) Anthony Borton | ALM Consultant, Enhance ALM Steven Borg | Co-founder & Strategist, Northwest Cadence."— Presentation transcript:

1 03b | Manage Test Cases (2 of 2) Anthony Borton | ALM Consultant, Enhance ALM Steven Borg | Co-founder & Strategist, Northwest Cadence

2 Create Test Cases Create Test Steps Define Parameters Manage Shared Steps Manage Requirements Module Overview

3 Microsoft Virtual Academy Define Parameters

4 What the Study Guide says… Define parameters –managing Test Case iterations –creating a parameter variable –renaming parameters –deleting parameters

5 The need for data driven tests Testers will often run tests multiple times using different data for each test run

6 Parameterising tests When recording manual tests you simply prepend an “@” symbol in your test step in front of the place where the parameter should appear. For example. –“Enter the @username in the sign-in textbox” –The step above would create a parameter called “username” and this will appear in a table as the bottom of the MTM as a column heading in a table. –Add values under the column heading for each iteration of the test case

7 Playback of parameterised test cases When you use the Microsoft Test Runner to execute a test case that contains parameters, the parameters are shown in the specific test step where you created them To reduce typo’s and increase speed, you can select a control where you want to place the parameter value and simply choose Paste (CTRL+V) to have the appropriate value pasted into the control. This process also maps the parameter to the control for subsequent test iterations

8 DEMO Microsoft Virtual Academy Define Parameters

9 Microsoft Virtual Academy Manage Shared Steps

10 What the Study Guide says… Manage Shared Steps –creating Shared Steps –designing Shared Steps that can be reused effectively across different Test Cases –moving Shared Steps –creating Action Recording for Shared Steps

11 The need for shared steps As any testers who have had development experience will know, developers often refactor code to identify sections that can be easily reused and duplication of code in an application is frowned upon In the same way, a tester can identify steps that are used in multiple test cases (eg. A user signs into the application) and these can be “refactors” out into what is called a shared step.

12 Shared Steps Characteristics of shared steps; –Are like mini test cases –Can be imported into any part of a test case, not just at the start or end –Can be created by selecting a number of steps and choosing “Convert into Shared Steps” from the context menu –Can be easily changed and the change automatically applies to everywhere the shared step is referenced

13 DEMO Microsoft Virtual Academy Manage Shared Steps

14 Microsoft Virtual Academy Manage Requirements

15 What the Study Guide says… Manage requirements –reviewing requirements –verifying requirements –verifying all requirements are accounted for –validating Test Coverage

16 DEMO Microsoft Virtual Academy Manage Requirements

17 Practice adding test iterations Be sure you can work with parameters Understand the benefit of Shared Steps Use Shared Steps in Test Cases

18 ©2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Office, Azure, System Center, Dynamics and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

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