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Welcome to The Foundation Stage

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to The Foundation Stage"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to The Foundation Stage

2 Welcome! We are looking forward to working together and forming a partnership. We are free before school and after school if you need a chat or would like any advice or help. At the end of this session – questions and answers please!

3 Attendance/ Absence Children are to be here promptly, by 8.48a.m.
If your child is ill, please ring school by 9.30 a.m. If using voic , please speak clearly and leave your child’s name, class and reason for their absence. Extended leave - No holidays are allowed in term time as the Government guidelines have changed. The LA will issue a fixed penalty notice. Appointments – parents must provide proof at the office i.e. appointment cards.

4 Letters Whole school letters will be sent home every Friday. Please check book bags regularly. A weekly Foundation Stage curriculum newsletter will also be sent home to provide information for the following week’s activities. This will enable you to help your child or just talk about their week.

5 Book Bags Please make sure that book bags are emptied and bring them everyday – just books and reading record. The reading record is a line of communication. Please add comments or notes, particularly if you don’t come in regularly.

6 Reading ‘How to Help Your Child Read’ booklet is in the book bags tonight. This gives you advice and help with the books with words. Some children are beginning to move onto this stage but only because they are ready. Please can you initial your child’s reading record book so that we know whether they have read. We really value your comments!

7 Reading Reading is a pleasure. Choose an appropriate time to read which suits your family to ensure a routine. When reading a book with your child, focus on the words and the pictures. Ask lots of questions to help extend your child’s language. Please read every day!

8 Homework On Monday 5th October phonics homework will start. The children will have 3 or 4 letters to concentrate on each week. Please carefully read the instructions in your child’s homework book and feel free to ask any advice if unsure of the task.

9 Food Lunchtimes are one of the biggest concerns for parents. Do not worry! The hot dinners are a huge success. We monitor the children’s eating throughout the year. Parents will be informed if there are any problems.

10 Collection of children
If you cannot collect your child and somebody else is picking them up, please inform the school either by phone or directly to the teacher. When dropping off and collecting your child please do not block resident’s driveways.

11 Uniform Please name all belongings!
Uniform - grey socks, tights, black shoes only and no boots or trainers. Please make sure that children have appropriate haircuts for school; no ‘number one’ cuts etc.

12 General reminders P.E is always on a Wednesday morning. Please ensure that no earrings are worn (NO plasters!) Milk money is not paid until your child is 5. You will be notified by the office.

13 Workshops and important dates
There will be a phonics workshop on Thursday 15th October at 2 p.m. This is an opportunity for you to see how the letter sounds are pronounced and how to support your child with their reading. Our Math’s workshop will be held on November 18th at 9 a.m. A reminder will be sent out. Analysis of data has shown that the children of parents who regularly attended workshops last year did extremely well by the end of the school year.

14 New Admissions! New admissions are no longer completed in a booklet but online. If you have a child or you know somebody due to start school next year, please feel free to call into school for any help completing the form.

15 Open Days! Our open days are: Wednesday 7th October at 1.15 p.m.
Wednesday 4th November at 1.15 p.m. Friday 27th November at 9.15 a.m.

16 Library Please send library books into school on Monday. The children will go to the library to choose a new book. Purpose of library books are for them to choose a book which interests them and which you can share together.

17 Wow Cards! New initiative – ‘wow’ cards.
These are rewards for something very special observed both at home and in school.

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