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The Medici Family and Palazzo Vecchio Florence. Palazzo Vecchio.

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Presentation on theme: "The Medici Family and Palazzo Vecchio Florence. Palazzo Vecchio."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Medici Family and Palazzo Vecchio Florence

2 Palazzo Vecchio

3 Originally called the Palazzo della Signoria after the ruling body of the Republic of Florence Commissioned around 1300 because the people of Florence wanted a grand palace Architect was Arnolfo di Cambio Built upon the ruins of two older Palazzos Kept existing tower which made it asymmetrical

4 Architecture The Palazzo is a cubical building that is made entirely out of stone Has two rows of Gothic windows and a set of decorative arches that are painted with the nine coats of arms of the Florentine Republic Above the entrance to the palace is ornamental marble flanked by two gilded lions Michelangelo’s David (replica) and Baccio Bandenelli’s Hercules and Cacus stand by the entrance as well

5 The palace contains three courtyards and many ornate rooms The rooms were originally built to house the work of the Signoria, but many evolved over time Rooms either named for their use or the artwork that is found there Terrace of the Sun, The Hercules Room, The Lion House Also has a chapel: Chapel of the Signoria Interior

6 Became Palazzo when Duke Cosimo I de’Medici moved his family into it Since 1872 the office of the mayor of Florence has been housed here, along with the city council Evolution

7 Medici Family Background: Originally from an agricultural region in the north of Florence Connected to elite Florentines through marriages and partnerships Began there rise to power through the wool trade

8 Rise To Power Giovanni Di Bicci de’Medici founded the Medici bank, and consequently became one of the richest men in Florence Medici’s were innovators in financial accounting -Invented the ledger Created the florin(currency) which at one point was used throughout Europe as the preferred currency Came to manage most of the great fortunes in Europe

9 Power Giovanni’s son took over the family business in 1434 Cosimo, Piero, and Lorenzo controlled Florence without abolishing the representative government Strongest rulers in the family Fought over power with the Albizzi family Took turns exiling each other The Medicis controlled the Papacy while in power

10 Contributions To The Renaissance: Sponsored a many art works and architecture during the High Renaissance Brunelleschi, Donatello, Fra Angelico Lorenzo was the greatest patron in the family Took in Michelangelo and served as a patron to Leonardo da Vinci Public Works: Brunelleschi’s Dome Rebuilding of the San Lorenzo Parish Lorenzo’s salons and art school Private Works Medici Palace David by Donatello Family Tombs


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