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The achievements in creation of hospital`s information system Hospital for traumatology and orthopaedics Riga Latvia 2001. - 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "The achievements in creation of hospital`s information system Hospital for traumatology and orthopaedics Riga Latvia 2001. - 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 The achievements in creation of hospital`s information system Hospital for traumatology and orthopaedics Riga Latvia 2001. - 2007.

2 Hospital backgraound  Specialized orthopaedic hospital  ISO 9001 certified hospital since 2001.  500 beds  550 employees  2000000 – 3000000 EUR yearly budged  6500 surgical procedures per year  8000 patients per year

3 Intranet structure  9 buildings – pavilion type structure  Optical connection cables  3 servers + 200 PC + 46 printers  Internet connection  Connection to Health Insurance IT system  2 system administrators

4 The history of IT implementation  2001. Computerised accounting and business management Office Line  2001. Hospitals intranet with e-mail  2002. Computerised staff management Personal Navigator  2005. Computerised document management DocLogix  2005. Hospital`s web page  2006. Computerised patient information in ambulatory care

5 Acceleration of IT processes 2005.-2006.  Increased number or PC in local intranet  Increased staff computer skills  ISO9001 quality management in computerised DocLogix  DocLogix becomes an enviroment for all manegement processes  Ārsta birojs is sucessfully introduced in seperate units.  The executive board is ready to push the process

6 The medical notes in ambulatory care unit

7 The planning of the patient flow

8 The necessety for IT at the hospital  Hospital`s management  Quality management  Accounting  Document management  Staff management  Management of the medical care

9 The necessety for IT at the hospital  Themain task of the hospital is to treat the patient  The quality of the treatment could be only mesuared by medical notes  The doctors mind must be with the patient not with the paperwork

10 What is quality in medical care ?  Quality for the provider - The hospital  Quality for the client – The patient

11 The organisational stucture of the hospital

12 Reģistratūra Uzņemšana Finansu vadības sistēmas Operāciju rindas Stacionārā vēsture Pacientu aprūpe Kase Operatīvās operāciju rindas Ambulatorā vēsture Peri- operatīvais atbalsts Radioloģijas IS Laboratorija Asins kabinets Diktofons Dispanse- rizācija Konsīlijs Operācijas resursu pārvaldība Statistika (ambulatorie taloni, stacionāru kartes, pārskati) Reanimācija un anestezio- loģija Portāls, e-pasts Analīze (datu noliktava) PACS Todays situation Lēmumu atbalsts Ārsta birojs Perio

13 Quality for the hospital  The golden standart result of the treatment  The real life result of the treatment

14 Quality for the patient  The degree of satisfaction about the final result of treatment accordings to patient`s expectations before the treatment

15 Demand for new tipe of medical notes  The notes should be mesuarable, comperable and they must be analised on regular basis  The doctor need quick access to easy understandable patient`s data  The patient desires better understanding of his desease and often wants to keep his date by himself for second opinion

16 The first lessons of Ārstu birojs  The staff is happy  The introduction process runs faster than expected  Everybody has new ideas  Surlprisingly less paper cosumption  The patient receives readable paper notes and CD with e-rays immediately after visiting the emergency department  Computer teaching is mandatory

17 The advantages of the new version of Ārstu birojs  All the notes are created in real time  There is a common enviroment of patient data for all the hospital staff  The doctor or nurse has selfservice for information  No delays in medical notes  No missing bills  Easy exchange of date with other institutions

18 Slimnīcas informācijas sistēmas pārskats (ideālais)

19 PCPC The pathogenesis of computermania Circulus vitiosus

20 IS e-health worth to implement?

21 Thank You ! Valdis Zatlers Orthopaedic surgeon

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