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Group 7 (MW 2:30pm to 4:00pm) Abella, Maria Erika Mei Cantero, Ejay Balindan, Nyan Mica Famularcano, Gem Torno, Alyssa Chloe.

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Presentation on theme: "Group 7 (MW 2:30pm to 4:00pm) Abella, Maria Erika Mei Cantero, Ejay Balindan, Nyan Mica Famularcano, Gem Torno, Alyssa Chloe."— Presentation transcript:

1 Group 7 (MW 2:30pm to 4:00pm) Abella, Maria Erika Mei Cantero, Ejay Balindan, Nyan Mica Famularcano, Gem Torno, Alyssa Chloe

2   Responsibility of an organization for the impacts of its decision and activities on the society and the environment through transparent and ethical behavior that is consistent with sustainable development and the welfare of society. Definition

3  There are five (5) dimensions an Operations Manager must consider.  The Social Dimension  The Stakeholder Dimension  The Economic Dimension  Environmental (Sustainability) Dimension  Voluntariness Dimension Building the Company’s CSR

4   The company’s:  Operations Strategy  Design Decisions  Improvement Decisions  Planning and Control Decisions An Operations Manager’s Decision Making Considerations

5   Environment  Philanthropy  Ethical labor Practices TYPES of CSR

6   Corporate governance and ethics  Health and safety  Environmental stewardship  human rights (including core labor rights)  sustainable development  conditions of work (including safety and health, hours of work, wages) CSR includes

7   industrial relations community involvement, development and investment;  involvement of and respect for diverse cultures and disadvantaged peoples;  corporate philanthropy and employee volunteering;  customer satisfaction and adherence to principles of fair competition;

8   anti-bribery and anti-corruption measures;  accountability, transparency and performance reporting; and  supplier relations, for both domestic and international supply chain

9   Globalization  Governmental and Intergovernmental Concerns  Advancers in Communications Technology  Consumers and Investors’ Demands CSR’s Importance

10   To Meet Ethical Standards  Social and Environmental Global Standards  To Meet Increasing Legislative Awareness of Social and Societal Standards  Reduces Risk of Business Disruptions CSR’s Importance

11   Ben and Jerry’s  Starbucks  Tom’s Shoes Examples of Good CSR

12  Stakeholder Engagement


14   A corporation’s stakeholders can include: shareholders, non- governmental organizations, business partners, lenders, insurers, communities, regulators, intergovernmental bodies, consumers, employees and investors. Stakeholders

15   comprises the formal and informal ways of staying connected to the parties who have an actual or potential interest in or effect on the business. STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT

16   Building social capital  Reducing risk  Fuelling innovation  Planning Why does stakeholder engagement matter ?

17   Doing  Checking  Improving Why does Stakeholder Engagement matter?

18   Identify stakeholders  Understand the reasons for stakeholder engagement  Plan the engagement process  Start the dialogue  Maintain the dialogue and deliver on commitments How to approach stakeholder engagement?

19  Implementation of CSR


21   Helps businesses operate in ways that benefit society  Helps improve public perception CSR Benefits

22  CSR as Risk Management


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