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Attract & Retain Your Employees Build & Preserve Your Business Protect Your Family Larry Ricke and Mike Ricke are registered representatives offering securities.

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Presentation on theme: "Attract & Retain Your Employees Build & Preserve Your Business Protect Your Family Larry Ricke and Mike Ricke are registered representatives offering securities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Attract & Retain Your Employees Build & Preserve Your Business Protect Your Family Larry Ricke and Mike Ricke are registered representatives offering securities products through MML Investors Services, Inc. 8425 Woodfield Crossing, Suite 220, Indianapolis, IN 46240. (317) 469-9999. Ricke & Associates is not a subsidiary or affiliate of MML Investor Services, Inc. Tracking #055504-000 Business Succession Plan Where do I Start? The information contained in this presentation is being provided with the understanding that it is not intended to be interpreted as specific legal or tax advice. Individuals are encouraged to see the guidance of their own personal legal or tax counsel.

2 Attract & Retain Your Employees Build & Preserve Your Business Protect Your Family Larry Ricke and Mike Ricke are registered representatives offering securities products through MML Investors Services, Inc. 8425 Woodfield Crossing, Suite 220, Indianapolis, IN 46240. (317) 469-9999. Ricke & Associates is not a subsidiary or affiliate of MML Investor Services, Inc. Tracking #055504-000 Succession…The Final Test of Greatness The rewards of owning a business can be great both financially and emotionally. One of the most critical challenges of any business owner is how to exit the business and reap the benefits of all of their hard work. That’s where a well thought out succession plan comes in to play.

3 Attract & Retain Your Employees Build & Preserve Your Business Protect Your Family Larry Ricke and Mike Ricke are registered representatives offering securities products through MML Investors Services, Inc. 8425 Woodfield Crossing, Suite 220, Indianapolis, IN 46240. (317) 469-9999. Ricke & Associates is not a subsidiary or affiliate of MML Investor Services, Inc. Tracking #055504-000 What is Succession Planning? Broadly speaking, succession planning is a lifelong process encompassing everything aimed at ensuring the continuity of the business through the generations.

4 Attract & Retain Your Employees Build & Preserve Your Business Protect Your Family Larry Ricke and Mike Ricke are registered representatives offering securities products through MML Investors Services, Inc. 8425 Woodfield Crossing, Suite 220, Indianapolis, IN 46240. (317) 469-9999. Ricke & Associates is not a subsidiary or affiliate of MML Investor Services, Inc. Tracking #055504-000 When Do I Start Thinking About a Succession Plan? Thinking early about exit strategies is sensible. The first night you sleep well as a business owner, satisfied that you have a viable company, is the signal to begin thinking about the continuity of the enterprise. Most owners begin thinking about succession in earnest at about 45 or 50 years of age, with plans to retire at about 60 or 65. A succession plan can take up to 15 years to finalize.

5 Attract & Retain Your Employees Build & Preserve Your Business Protect Your Family Larry Ricke and Mike Ricke are registered representatives offering securities products through MML Investors Services, Inc. 8425 Woodfield Crossing, Suite 220, Indianapolis, IN 46240. (317) 469-9999. Ricke & Associates is not a subsidiary or affiliate of MML Investor Services, Inc. Tracking #055504-000 Why is Succession Planning Important? Planning for succession helps prevent the two most common threats to the ongoing survival of businesses: –Unresolved family disagreements –The forced sale of the business to pay unanticipated estate taxes

6 Attract & Retain Your Employees Build & Preserve Your Business Protect Your Family Larry Ricke and Mike Ricke are registered representatives offering securities products through MML Investors Services, Inc. 8425 Woodfield Crossing, Suite 220, Indianapolis, IN 46240. (317) 469-9999. Ricke & Associates is not a subsidiary or affiliate of MML Investor Services, Inc. Tracking #055504-000 Five Important Issues That Can Make or Break the Future of Your Business 1.Letting Go Without Losing Control 2.Providing Income For the Owner 3.Knowing What Your Business is Worth 4.Having Enough Cash 5.Taking Care of Employees

7 Attract & Retain Your Employees Build & Preserve Your Business Protect Your Family Larry Ricke and Mike Ricke are registered representatives offering securities products through MML Investors Services, Inc. 8425 Woodfield Crossing, Suite 220, Indianapolis, IN 46240. (317) 469-9999. Ricke & Associates is not a subsidiary or affiliate of MML Investor Services, Inc. Tracking #055504-000 Letting Go Without Losing Control Turning over control of a business isn’t easy. But there are planning techniques which use life insurance to transfer ownership without passing on control until the time is right for both generations.

8 Attract & Retain Your Employees Build & Preserve Your Business Protect Your Family Larry Ricke and Mike Ricke are registered representatives offering securities products through MML Investors Services, Inc. 8425 Woodfield Crossing, Suite 220, Indianapolis, IN 46240. (317) 469-9999. Ricke & Associates is not a subsidiary or affiliate of MML Investor Services, Inc. Tracking #055504-000 Providing Income For the Owner If you want your succession plan to work, the business owner and owner’s spouse must receive a secure source of income, especially if they choose to retire from the business. Life insurance can help you accumulate money outside the family business, creating income security for you and your spouse during your lifetime and beyond. With those income needs taken care of, your family can go forward more confidently with the succession process.

9 Attract & Retain Your Employees Build & Preserve Your Business Protect Your Family Larry Ricke and Mike Ricke are registered representatives offering securities products through MML Investors Services, Inc. 8425 Woodfield Crossing, Suite 220, Indianapolis, IN 46240. (317) 469-9999. Ricke & Associates is not a subsidiary or affiliate of MML Investor Services, Inc. Tracking #055504-000 Knowing What the Business Is Worth Establishing a fair price for the business is an important step in succession planning. It affects more than the buy/sell agreement drawn up between the generations. The fate of the business is also at stake because the value determines how much impact estate taxes will have on the business. With life insurance as part of your plan, you can avoid estate tax surprises. You can also build up funds outside the family business to benefit your family without affecting the business’s value.

10 Attract & Retain Your Employees Build & Preserve Your Business Protect Your Family Larry Ricke and Mike Ricke are registered representatives offering securities products through MML Investors Services, Inc. 8425 Woodfield Crossing, Suite 220, Indianapolis, IN 46240. (317) 469-9999. Ricke & Associates is not a subsidiary or affiliate of MML Investor Services, Inc. Tracking #055504-000 Having Enough Cash If you are like most business owners, most of your family’s assets are in the family business. Too often, that means the business may have to be sold to pay estate taxes. Using life insurance owned by a trust or family member is a creative way to make sure there’s enough cash to cover the needs of the business and the family, including heirs not involved in the business, the owner’s spouse, and other relatives.

11 Attract & Retain Your Employees Build & Preserve Your Business Protect Your Family Larry Ricke and Mike Ricke are registered representatives offering securities products through MML Investors Services, Inc. 8425 Woodfield Crossing, Suite 220, Indianapolis, IN 46240. (317) 469-9999. Ricke & Associates is not a subsidiary or affiliate of MML Investor Services, Inc. Tracking #055504-000 Taking Care of Employees The continued success of a business relies on motivating, rewarding, and retaining key employees. Life insurance is a very affordable, flexible means of enhancing the compensation package of selected individuals within your business. You can provide for loyal employees as well as their families who depend upon your business.

12 Attract & Retain Your Employees Build & Preserve Your Business Protect Your Family Larry Ricke and Mike Ricke are registered representatives offering securities products through MML Investors Services, Inc. 8425 Woodfield Crossing, Suite 220, Indianapolis, IN 46240. (317) 469-9999. Ricke & Associates is not a subsidiary or affiliate of MML Investor Services, Inc. Tracking #055504-000 Conclusion Preparing to pass the business on to the next generation is perhaps the toughest and most critical challenge facing the business owner. Before beginning the process in earnest, business owners should prepare estate, strategic, and family- mission plans as a foundation for succession. Then, a specific succession plan, including the process for choosing a successor, should be created.

13 Attract & Retain Your Employees Build & Preserve Your Business Protect Your Family Larry Ricke and Mike Ricke are registered representatives offering securities products through MML Investors Services, Inc. 8425 Woodfield Crossing, Suite 220, Indianapolis, IN 46240. (317) 469-9999. Ricke & Associates is not a subsidiary or affiliate of MML Investor Services, Inc. Tracking #055504-000 A Succession Planning Checklist Develop children’s values and capabilities Create lifelong financial security for parents Finalize the family’s mission statement Finalize the owner’s estate plan* Finalize the business’s strategic plan Select a successor Plan successor’s personal development Map career paths for other family members Transfer ownership and control Build a family team of owners Write participation policy for family members Retain non-family managers Install outside directors Prepare for retirement Prepare contingency plan for succession in crisis Develop a new management team *Estate planning is in conjunction with your estate planning attorney, tax attorney, and/or CPA.

14 Attract & Retain Your Employees Build & Preserve Your Business Protect Your Family Larry Ricke and Mike Ricke are registered representatives offering securities products through MML Investors Services, Inc. 8425 Woodfield Crossing, Suite 220, Indianapolis, IN 46240. (317) 469-9999. Ricke & Associates is not a subsidiary or affiliate of MML Investor Services, Inc. Tracking #055504-000 The Help You Need For Planning As you and your family face these issues, you will find yourselves weighing the business and family sides of every option. That’s were we can help. Together, with your other advisors, we can prepare a plan so your business will go on, intact and healthy, for generations to come. For More Information, Please Contact: Ricke & Associates 425 Bank Street New Albany, IN 47150 Phone: (812) 944-4461, 1-888-537-4253 Fax: (812) 945-1328 Ricke & Associates does not give legal or tax advice.

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