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NETS UPS REPLACEMENT. NETS has UPS’s in all of our Communications Rooms Provide clean, reliable, AC power to protect from power blackouts, brownouts,

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Presentation on theme: "NETS UPS REPLACEMENT. NETS has UPS’s in all of our Communications Rooms Provide clean, reliable, AC power to protect from power blackouts, brownouts,"— Presentation transcript:


2 NETS has UPS’s in all of our Communications Rooms Provide clean, reliable, AC power to protect from power blackouts, brownouts, swells, sags, surges, and interference. Provide AC power to the load when the utility power fails and automatically transfer load back to utility power. The UPS provides surge protection and EMI/RFI filtering correcting high and low input voltage without drawing power from the battery.

3 NETS strives to have its UPSs provide 90 minutes of backup power to keep the network, phones and security systems active. The majority of power outages last a few minutes before power is restored. The UPS can easily provide power for those short outages and seldom have to shutdown because the batteries are exhausted. The majority of the NETS UPSs are reaching or have reached an end. We will be replacing the UPSs over the next 7 years starting with the oldest of the units. During this time we will continue to replace batteries in the existing units as necessary to continue to provide a reliable network.

4 All of the UPS’s are beyond the replacement schedule Every 7 Years for UPS Every 3 Years for Batteries

5 UPSs By Age DateAgeQuanity 1996111 1997101 199891 199987 200071 200168 200254 200340 200437 200520 200612

6 The majority of the UPSs and all of the old units are manufactured by American Power Conversion. They were chosen was due to the available power outlets, etc. L14-30, L6-30, L6-20 and 5-15’s At the time we purchased these, the MX5000 was the only unit we were able to find that had the necessary power connections.

7 The same problem exists today with available power outlets. Most manufacturers put the required variety of connectors only on their larger units, above 5Kva. The SURT5000, manufactured by American Power Conversion has these connectors available and is intended to be the replacement for the MX5000.

8 The new units will fit seamlessly into the system allowing the monitoring NETS does today to continue. Both the old and new units use the same SNMP card and configuring the units will not be significantly different. The name and IP address will not change. The new units could be installed and the SNMP card moved from the old unit to the new unit. Then the unit could be accessed using the web interface for the minor changes required.

9 There are a total of 32 UPSs in the NETS communications rooms. They breakdown as follows: APC Symmutra1 APC MX500024 APC Surt50001 APC 22003 Powerware3

10 The estimated cost for each type of replacement is: APC MX500 replaced by APC Surt5000$5000.00 APC 2200 replaced by APC Smart-UPS$1000.00 APC Symmutra replaced by Symmutra$8000.00 Powerware 5115$1000.00

11 We will schedule 4 to 5 ups’s each year until all have been replaced. The lower price UPS’s, 2200’s could be the best time to order the higher number. The UPSs should be replaced in the following order, oldest first:

12 YEAR 1 – 2007 SITEEXISTINGNEWCOST MAR-26APC2200 SmartUPS$1000.00 ML-350APC2200Surt5000$5000.00 FB-12APC2200SmartUPS$1000.00 FL1-203MX5000Surt5000$5000.00 FL1-2152MX5000Surt5000$5000.00 TOTAL = $17000.00

13 YEAR 2 - 2008 SITEEXISTINGNEWCOST FL2-2069MX5000Surt5000$5000.00 FL2-2104MX5000Surt5000$5000.00 FL3-3068MX5000Surt5000$5000.00 FL3-3087MX5000Surt5000$5000.00 FL4-2060MX5000Surt5000$5000.00 TOTAL = $25000.00

14 YEAR 3 - 2009 SITEEXISTINGNEWCOST FL2-3095SymmetraSymmetra$8000.00 ML-062MX5000Surt5000$5000.00 ML-16CMX5000Surt5000$5000.00 ML-47MX5000Surt5000$5000.00 TOTAL = $23000.00

15 YEAR 4 - 2010 SITEEXISTINGNEWCOST ML-50 MX5000Surt5000$5000.00 ML-243B MX5000Surt5000$5000.00 ML-371 MX5000Surt5000$5000.00 JEF-126 MX5000Surt5000$5000.00 FL0-1092 MX5000Surt5000$5000.00 TOTAL = $25000.00

16 YEAR 5 - 2011 SITEEXISTINGNEWCOST CG1-0103 MX5000Surt5000$5000.00 CG1-2175 MX5000Surt5000$5000.00 CG2-MR MX5000Syummetra$8000.00 CG4-1980 MX5000Surt5000$5000.00 TOTAL = $23000.00

17 YEAR 6 - 2012 SITEEXISTINGNEWCOST ML-312MX5000Surt5000$5000.00 FL4-1012MX5000Surt5000$5000.00 JEF-16MX5000SmartUPS$1000.00 CG1-2673MX5000Surt5000$5000.00 TOTAL = $16000.00

18 YEAR 7 – 2013 SITEEXISTINGNEWCOST CG3-2050MX5000Surt5000$5000.00 FL0-1042SURT5000Surt5000$5000.00 JEF-200-1PW5115PW5115$1000.00 JEF-200-2PW5115 PW5115$1000.00 JEF-1APW5115 PW5115$1000.00 TOTAL = $13000.00

19 TOTAL COST Total cost to replace all UPSs over the 7 year replacement schedule 2007$17000 2008$25000 2009$23000 2010$25000 2011$23000 2012$16000 2013$13000 TOTAL$142000

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