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Girls Health Issues. Female Plumbing Anterior View.

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Presentation on theme: "Girls Health Issues. Female Plumbing Anterior View."— Presentation transcript:

1 Girls Health Issues

2 Female Plumbing

3 Anterior View

4 Female Reproductive Anatomy Ovary: produce female eggs/ovum and female hormones (estrogen, progesterone) Ovum: female reproductive cells that contribute X chromosomes. Fallopian tubes: tubes that transport ovum to the uterus; passageway where fertilization occurs; site of ectopic pregnancy; site where tubal ligation (sterilization) occurs. Uterus: also known as the � womb � when an egg is fertilized and implants in the lining of the uterus; when no fertilized egg is present the lining of the uterus sheds for the menstrual cycle. Cervix: lower end of the uterus; an opening between the uterus and vagina that passes sperm, menstrual fluid, and a fetus. Vagina: pathway for menstrual flow, birth canal, sperm, and STIs. Opening for sexual intercourse and contains vaginal secretions/lubrication. Urethra: opening for urine. Clitoris: sensitive tissue with sole purpose for sexual stimulation. Passageway of Ovum: Ovary - Fallopian tube - Uterus - Cervical Opening - Vagina

5 Menstruation Period Monthly Bill Time of the Month The Curse Monthly Gift Aunt Flow


7 Other Health Effects associated with Tampon Use Tampon use is associated with an increased risk of vaginal dryness and vaginal ulcers, especially if the tampons that are used are more absorbent than is needed to control menstrual flow. There is also a risk of serious hygiene problems if tampons are forgotten and not removed on time. M w. There is also a risk of s False Rumours about Tamponsted as false for the following reasons: It is illegal to contaminate a tampon, or any other product, with asbestos or other toxins. Health Canada has received no reports of any such contamination. The manufacturing processes used in the production of tampons sold in Canada are dioxin-free. Dioxins are a known environmental pollutant, so it's possible that tiny amounts may be found in tampons as a result of environmental pollution. However, these trace amounts do not pose a health risk to tampon users. There is no scientific evidence that tampons made of rayon pose a greater risk of TSS than tampons of the same absorbency that are made from cotton.

8 Male Plumbing

9 External Genitalia Scrotum The scrotum is a divided sac of skin that hangs outside the abdominal cavity, between the legs and at the root of the penis. Under normal conditions, the scrotum hangs loosely from its attachments, providing the testes with a temperature that is below body temperature for the production of healthy sperm. Penis The penis is designed to deliver sperm into the female reproductive tract. The skin covered penis consists of a shaft which extends in an enlarged tip (the glans penis). The skin covering the penis is loose, and it folds downward to form a cuff of skin called the foreskin. Frequently the foreskin is surgically removed shortly after birth, by a procedure called circumcision. Internally, the spongy urethra is surrounded by three elongated areas of erectile tissue, a spongy tissue that fills with blood during sexual excitement. This causes the penis to enlarge and become rigid. This event is called an erection, which helps the penis serve as a penetrating organ to deliver the semen into the female's reproductive tract.

10 Once a month, an ovary releases an egg that travels through the fallopian tube toward the uterus. 1.True 2.False

11 As boys mature they produce sperm about once a month. 1.True 2.False

12 At puberty, boys may experience erections at unpredictable times. 1.True 2.False

13 Fertilization occurs when an egg & sperm unite. 1.True 2.False

14 A wet dream is a sign that a boy is now producing sperm. 1.True 2.False

15 All girls should have their first period by age 14. 1.True 2.False

16 A friend is the best place to get answers to your questions about sex. 1.True 2.False

17 The penis is composed of bone, spongy tissue, blood vessels and nerves. 1.True 2.False

18 Exercise is good for girls during their periods. 1.True 2.False

19 During your period, your uterus sheds its blood filled lining. 1.True 2.False

20 There is a relationship between the size of the penis and sexual prowess. 1.True 2.False

21 The function of the clitoris is sexual pleasure. 1.True 2.False

22 Adolescence is a time when many gay and lesbian youth become aware of their sexual orientation. 1.True 2.False

23 Girls often have one breast slightly larger than the other. 1.True 2.False

24 Menstruation can occur more than once a month. 1.True 2.False

25 Abstinence is the only way to fully protect yourself from STI’s and pregnancy. 1.True 2.False

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