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Using SEC Data for Program Evaluation Report on SEC Data Analysis for a State MSP.

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Presentation on theme: "Using SEC Data for Program Evaluation Report on SEC Data Analysis for a State MSP."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using SEC Data for Program Evaluation Report on SEC Data Analysis for a State MSP

2 Goal 1: Increase the quality and quantity of teachers' content knowledge in science to improve ability to create and lead inquiry-based lessons fostering reasoning and problem solving in 4-8 students. Goal 2: Increase teachers' knowledge of the state and national science standards to enable them to align their curricula and instruction in order to increase student achievement. Goal 3: Increase teachers' involvement as leaders in their profession. Goal 4: Increase the use of inquiry-based teaching strategies by project participants. Goal 5: Increase the appropriate use of technology as a teaching and learning tool. Goal 6: Increase teachers' use of high quality, authentic assessment strategies and their abilities to make targeted, real-world connections between and within science and mathematics. Goal 7: Enhance teachers' abilities to reflect on their performance and how they impact student learning. Goal 8: Increase collaboration between and among teachers, and between teachers and university faculty. Goal 9: Improve student performance on science MAP (Missouri Assessment Program) examinations. Missouri PRISM Project Goals

3 Goal 1: Increase the quality and quantity of teachers' content knowledge in science to improve ability to create and lead inquiry-based lessons fostering reasoning and problem solving in 4-8 students. Goal 2: Increase teachers' knowledge of the state and national science standards to enable them to align their curricula and instruction in order to increase student achievement. Goal 3: Increase teachers' involvement as leaders in their profession. Goal 4: Increase the use of inquiry-based teaching strategies by project participants. Goal 5: Increase the appropriate use of technology as a teaching and learning tool. Goal 6: Increase teachers' use of high quality, authentic assessment strategies and their abilities to make targeted, real-world connections between and within science and mathematics. Goal 7: Enhance teachers' abilities to reflect on their performance and how they impact student learning. Goal 8: Increase collaboration between and among teachers, and between teachers and university faculty. Goal 9: Improve student performance on science MAP (Missouri Assessment Program) examinations. Missouri PRISM Project Goals

4 Graduate course-work throughout the year Teacher collaboration with colleague not in program PD & Admin. of Formative Assessments Teacher Content Knowledge Assessments Develop criteria and protocols for observing inquiry-based lessons Administrator Training & Observations Teachers given PDA’s for planning/ organizing assignments Training in simulations and probe-ware Missouri PRISM Project Highlights

5 Assessments (Teacher & Students) Classroom Observations & Walk-thru Evaluations Video-taped classroom instruction Student-work Teacher-work Coach/Mentor field notes Teacher (SEC) Surveys Missouri PRISM Project Data

6 English Language Arts & Reading The SEC Data-set SUMMARY MEASURES ContentPracticeClimateProf. Dev./// Science Instructional Content Instr. Activities Tchr. Char./Opinions/Beliefs Professional Development Mathematics Social Studies (coming soon)

7 Comparison Groups MO-PRISM Group Teachers participating in the MO-PRISM project for 2 (n=51) or 3 (n=47) years Other MSP Groups Teachers participating in other state MSP projects for 2 (n=606) or 3 (n=174) years Non-MSP Groups Teachers participating in school/district-based school improvement initiatives for 2 (n = 73) or 3 (n=6) years.

8 Participation in Formal Course-work & Institutes

9 SEC Indicators of Quality Professional Development


11 SEC Reports of Instructional Practice



14 Two Strategies for Improving Alignment

15 MO-PRISM Student (Classroom) Assessments

16 Measuring the Learned Curriculum

17 SEC Longitudinal Data Patterns

18 The ‘Lag’ Effect

19 SEC Longitudinal Data Patterns The ‘Negative Growth’ Effect

20 SEC Longitudinal Data Patterns The ‘Sustainability’ Effect

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