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Australian Curriculum Mathematics Peter Tompkins

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1 Australian Curriculum Mathematics Peter Tompkins

2 Personal and social competence The elements of personal and social competence relevant to mathematics include the application of mathematical skills for personal purposes, such as the use of timetables, budgeting and personal problem solving, which are all important skills in self-management. S2

3 Intercultural understanding Intercultural understanding can be enhanced if students are exposed to a range of cultural traditions in mathematics. For example, through examining Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s perceptions of time and weather patterns, the networks embedded in family relationships and the algebraic concepts inherent in storytelling students’ broader cultural knowledge is enriched. It is also important for mathematics classes to explore the influences of many cultures in the development of mathematical thinking. S3

4 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories Students will explore connections between representations of number and pattern and how they relate to aspects of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures. They will investigate time, place, relationships and measurement concepts in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander contexts. Students will deepen their understanding of the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples through the application and evaluation of statistical data. S4

5 Evaluating statements When you cut a piece off a shape you reduce its area. When you cut a piece off a shape you reduce its perimeter. Literacy Critical and creative thinking Personal and social competence Understanding Reasoning Problem Solving S5

6 Card matching activities S6 Critical and creative thinking Personal and social competence Understanding Reasoning Problem solving

7 S7 Decide how many digits each answer would have… 12 x 234 5 x 689 9 x 3819 2345 ÷ 4 2345 ÷ 14 32476 ÷ 468 Critical and creative thinking Understanding Reasoning Problem solving

8 Percentages S8 Choose an amount of money and add 10% to it. Now decrease this new amount by 10%. We now have slightly less money than we started with. What happens if we increase an amount by 20% and then decrease the total by 20%? Critical and creative thinking Understanding Reasoning Problem solving

9 Symmetry Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Intercultural Understanding Critical and creative thinking Understanding Reasoning S9

10 How many triangles can be made of integer length sides that have a perimeter or 30cm? Critical and creative thinking Personal and social competence Understanding Problem Solving Reasoning S10

11 S11

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