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“Enterprise Ireland – Driving Innovation and Competitiveness in Irish Business” 6 th May 2011 Frank Ryan CEO Enterprise Ireland BMW Assembly 2011 Annual.

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Presentation on theme: "“Enterprise Ireland – Driving Innovation and Competitiveness in Irish Business” 6 th May 2011 Frank Ryan CEO Enterprise Ireland BMW Assembly 2011 Annual."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Enterprise Ireland – Driving Innovation and Competitiveness in Irish Business” 6 th May 2011 Frank Ryan CEO Enterprise Ireland BMW Assembly 2011 Annual Conference

2 “Enterprise Ireland – Driving Innovation and Competitiveness in Irish Business” Overview of EI’s Business Development Activity Taking the positives from the resilient performance of Irish Companies today Enterprise Ireland is a key enabler of applied research, incubation and commercialisation activities in the Institutes of Technology and Universities.

3 Enterprise Ireland partners with entrepreneurs, Irish businesses, and the research and investment communities to develop Ireland’s international trade, innovation, leadership and competitiveness. The ultimate objective is increased exports, employment and prosperity in Ireland. What is Enterprise Ireland’s Mission?

4 Entrepreneurs starting companies with the ability to compete in world markets Ambitious co’s with the ability to grow to scale and achieve significant global success Manufacturing and Internationally traded services companies employing ten or more Established SMEs Irish-based food and natural resource companies that are overseas owned or controlled MNC’s Enterprise Ireland works with Irish companies to develop export capability and grow jobs High Potential Start-Ups Scaling

5 How Enterprise Ireland Works with Companies Finance/Investment/VC Human Resources Organisation Dev. Training Production/Efficiency/Lean Research, Development and Innovation Marketing International Sales Business Strategy

6 20072008200920102011*2012*2016* US1.90.0-2.62.8 2.92.7 Eurozone2.90.4- UK2.7-0.1- China14. Japan2.4-1.2- Russia8.55.2- Brazil6.15.2- India9.96.26.810. Ireland5.6-3.5- *Forecast Source: IMF World Economic Outlook April 2011 World Growth Rates

7 Exports recovered to 2007 levels € Billion Year F=Forecast Impact of 2010 - Exports F 70% Recovery

8 Exports – our best bet to Grow “Ireland is Open for business” We have a positive story to tell: Ireland is punching above its weight globally – 1 st in the world for… A strong entrepreneurial culture with high volume of business start-ups Largest VC in Europe Irish diaspora in key positions of influence; new diaspora will be educated in Ireland “The significance of telling stories”

9 Innovating, Competing and Winning in the BMW Community Enterprise Centres Scheme

10 Jobs EI client companies employ a total of 34,400 Full-time in the BMW (2010), with a further 4,200 Contract/Part-Time Positions 2009 was the worst year on record - Jobs were lost, but the tide is turning EI clients made smaller losses, and greater gains than in 2009 Impact of Construction and related industries a major factor EI working with companies, in every town in Ireland, to secure employment and target overseas opportunities

11 Jobs Challenge Export growth will drive job creation in established companies Assisting Start-up and Scaling companies to achieve their potential Building Innovation and R&D capability and making sure Ireland benefits People – Working with the Leaders, Key Managers and Graduates who will form the finest business generation yet Filling the finance gap by partnering with the investment community

12 Enterprise Ireland has probably the largest portfolio of early stage equity investments in Europe (circa 800) Investment in > 80 new companies in 2010 Investment in > 120* companies targeted for 2011 (*including 40 new early stage Internet enabled businesses) Focus on Investing in High Potential Start-Ups

13 Innovation We are all agreed that Innovation is an important part of succeeding and winning in business. Innovation Strategy is important for industry to create competitive advantage – who are we competing with? Build World Class Research Groups relevant to industry Realise the potential of the research investment Develop greater synergies between industry and research

14 Innovation Challenge Giving Voice to the Customer Leadership and Strategy Structured Systems and Processes which facilitate Innovation Outcomes Making Your Organisation a Learning Organisation Collaboration and Connectedness with the Partners that Matter

15 Drive Commercialisation of the State Research Investment Drive Commercialisation of the State Research Investment Drive Increased R&D Activity in our Client Base Drive Industry Collaboration with Third Level Enterprise Ireland Science, Technology and Innovation Responsibilities

16 Getting the System Working Right  Quality R&D Performers  Skills to manage the absorption of technology  Funding  Contacts  Influence Where EI operates:  Sustained funding for infrastructure  Effective systems to capture and protect IP  Incubation space  A culture to recognise and reward commercialisation Research Environment TheInterface The InterfaceIndustry Building on Research Investment   Proper technology strategies – thinking ahead

17 Regional Collaboration in Ireland Competence Centres (~€2-3 million per annum over 5 years) Industry Led Research projects (~€2-3 million over 2-3 years) Innovation Partnerships (~€300k over 18 months) Innovation Vouchers (Once off payment of €5K) What Local Industry wants

18 Competitiveness Business in Ireland is facing a serious challenge to be competitive. It is about learning what is the best way to work and ensuring that you and your people are really committed to continually improving what, and how you do things. Introduction of the Lean initiatives (Start, Plus and Transform) a major strategic initiative to make companies competitive. Companies in food, cleantech, electronics and lifesciences have been approved funding in every County in the BMW. Already, improvements in lead times, unit costs and profitability in the order of 10-15% have been achieved by participating companies and Enterprise Ireland will continue this drive in 2011.

19 The Competitiveness Challenge Need for a banking sector that meets the needs of a modern, internationally focused enterprise base The availability of risk sharing schemes (e.g. Loan Guarantee) similar to those available for competing companies in other countries Mitigate identified skills shortages that are both sector specific (e.g. ICT and Software) and cross functional Energy and waste costs remain an issue as well as Local Authority Charges

20 Increased Focus on Exports Overseas Entrepreneurs New Seed Funding for Start-Up companies International Education Services Additional Competence Centres e.g. Cloud Computing Steadfast Focus is vital for success Our Objective: Increased exports, employment and prosperity in Ireland

21 Thank You Enterprise Ireland

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