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Finding the right fit. Mis-hires are bad for everyone Candidate ends up unhappy and may find himself looking for a new position. Employer loses a lot.

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Presentation on theme: "Finding the right fit. Mis-hires are bad for everyone Candidate ends up unhappy and may find himself looking for a new position. Employer loses a lot."— Presentation transcript:

1 Finding the right fit

2 Mis-hires are bad for everyone Candidate ends up unhappy and may find himself looking for a new position. Employer loses a lot of money - it has been estimated 3 times the salary of the position Causes of mis-hires –Bad cultural fit (90%) –Wrong skills

3 Finding a Good Fit Finding a company with the same mission, vision, purpose and core values(culture) is key. Skills can be learned, but if you don’t agree with the culture of the company, you will be unhappy in the job. Never take a job “because I need the money” (unless you REALLY do need the money).

4 How do you fit the job? Do you have the right skills? (resume/seminar) Are you a cultural fit? (interviews)

5 Determining if the job is right for you Why do you want this job? How do you fit this job? How will you grow with this job? Will this job go where you want to be?

6 My Hiring Criteria Skills and Training –Specific skills –Verbal and writing skills Personality –Will this person work well within the company/team Past History –Employment history –References

7 How to get an interview Low probability - send a resume with a cover letter saying you are the best Respond to an ad - better - resume should match the job Have yourself recommended by your mentor or colleague - best

8 Resume Hints Never, ever, ever lie! Despite what you hear on the news, companies put very high value on honesty and integrity Edit your resume to match the job - research the company and emphasize the matches Don’t be obtuse Don’t claim to be a Renaissance Man –Example: Computer skills - Java, C, C++, Perl, Ruby, Tcl/Tk, FORTRAN, csh, bash, Windows, LINUX, UNIX…

9 The interview Relax Don’t talk too much Don’t overdress –On the West Coast ties aren’t needed Don’t underdress –On the East Coast you’d better wear a tie. You will interview with a number of people - don’t assume you know who the key decision maker is (clue - it is not the CEO and it is not the HR person)

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