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The Seven Sacraments Intro. Part 1 The Sacraments in General.

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1 The Seven Sacraments Intro

2 Part 1 The Sacraments in General

3 The Two Ordinary Means of Grace and Salvation for Us 1. Prayer By prayer, we obtain all kinds of graces from God. (special help, forgiveness, healing, miracles, etc.) By prayer, we obtain all kinds of graces from God. (special help, forgiveness, healing, miracles, etc.) 2. The Seven Sacraments The sacraments create- produce special graces within us! The sacraments create- produce special graces within us!

4 The List of the 7 Sacraments 1. Baptism: Re-Birth, “born again”, in Christ 2. Confirmation: Courage; Martyrdom 3. The Holy Eucharist: Food of Eternal Life; Bread of Life; the Bread of Angels. 4. Confession: The Forgiveness of Sins 5. Extreme Unction: Anointing of the Sick 6. Matrimony: Marriage and Family Life 7. Holy Orders: the Sacred Priesthood of the New Testament; the Priest as man of God

5 Definition Sacrament: An outward sign, instituted by Christ, to give grace. Sacrament: An outward sign, instituted by Christ, to give grace. The definition has 3 Parts 1. An Outward Sign: a physical, visible sign, subject to the 5 senses (water, bread, wine, oil, etc.) 2. Instituted by Christ: all of the seven sacraments were given to the Church by Christ Himself, the source of all grace. 3. To Give Grace: salvation and our sanctification is the reason for the sacraments.

6 An Outward Sign The outward sign is composed of 2 things: Matter and Form. 1. MATTER: the sensible thing or exterior action used in the administration (“giving”); such as water, oil, bread, wine. 2. FORM: consists in the words spoken by the minister when he applies the matter; such as “I baptize you, in the Name of the Father…” In order to have an actual sacrament, need both the MATTER and FORM! In order to have an actual sacrament, need both the MATTER and FORM!

7 Why Sacraments? Sensible things do not have power in it of themselves, but Christ works through simple objects to produce extraordinary effects. During His life, Christ used ordinary things to produce spiritual effects: Used mud to cause a blind man to see; A woman was healed of a hemorrhage by merely touching his robes. The Apostles likewise did the same: A crippled man was healed when St. Peter’s shadow covered him; St. Paul’s handkerchiefs and aprons healed the sick and expelled demons! St. Peter’s Shadow (Acts 5:12-16)

8 Part 2 3 Divisions of the Sacraments

9 1. Perfection To perfect the individual: Baptism Baptism Confirmation Confirmation The Holy Eucharist The Holy Eucharist Confession Confession Extreme Unction Extreme Unction To perfect society: Holy Orders Holy Orders Matrimony Matrimony These last two are also called sacraments of free choice, because no one is obliged to receive them. These last two are also called sacraments of free choice, because no one is obliged to receive them.

10 2. The Living and the Dead For the “living”, must be in the state of grace: Confirmation The Holy Eucharist Extreme Unction Holy Orders Matrimony For the “dead”, either when we do not have grace or its meant to restore lost grace: Baptism Confession

11 3. Unique Reception Sacraments which can be received only once: Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Orders Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Orders Because these 3 sacraments imprint a sacramental character. Because these 3 sacraments imprint a sacramental character. Sacramental Character: an indelible (“incapable of destruction”) mark or seal on the soul. Sacramental Character: an indelible (“incapable of destruction”) mark or seal on the soul. Baptism: marks one as a citizen of the Kingdom of Christ; Baptism: marks one as a citizen of the Kingdom of Christ; Confirmation: marks one as a soldier of Christ; Confirmation: marks one as a soldier of Christ; Holy Orders: marked as a priest and captain in the army of Christ. Holy Orders: marked as a priest and captain in the army of Christ. “Once a priest, always a priest!”

12 Part 3 The Effects of the Sacraments

13 Sacraments are the Work of God The sacraments always impart grace because they are the work of Christ through His instrument, the priest. The sacraments always impart grace because they are the work of Christ through His instrument, the priest. Ex Opere Operato: (“from the work having been done”) by the sacramental act itself; Christ is the guarantee that the sacraments will always produce their intended effects Ex Opere Operato: (“from the work having been done”) by the sacramental act itself; Christ is the guarantee that the sacraments will always produce their intended effects Ex Opere Operantis: (“from the work of the one working”) the sacraments do not depend on the individual holiness or worthiness of the priest/minister of Christ. Ex Opere Operantis: (“from the work of the one working”) the sacraments do not depend on the individual holiness or worthiness of the priest/minister of Christ. His Holiness, Pope Pius XII (reigned: 1939-1958)

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