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ISN 1.Glue in Economic Systems 2.Create Unit Page “US and Canada” 3.glue the US political map 4.glue the Canada political map 5.glue the physical map 6.Leave.

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Presentation on theme: "ISN 1.Glue in Economic Systems 2.Create Unit Page “US and Canada” 3.glue the US political map 4.glue the Canada political map 5.glue the physical map 6.Leave."— Presentation transcript:

1 ISN 1.Glue in Economic Systems 2.Create Unit Page “US and Canada” 3.glue the US political map 4.glue the Canada political map 5.glue the physical map 6.Leave a page for the mapping labs

2 US/Canada Vacation Warm-Up If you could take a vacation to visit a landform in the US or Canada where would you visit and why?

3 United States and Canada Physical Features

4 Regions of the US






10 A. The Rocky Mountains Link U.S. and Canada Stretch more than 3,000 miles north to south from British Columbia to New Mexico The longest mountain chain in North America


12 B. The Appalachian Mountains North America’s oldest & second longest mountain range Extend around 1,500 miles from Quebec to Alabama Heavily eroded over time, so not as tall and rugged as the Rockies


14 C. Mount McKinley The highest point in North America at 20,320 feet One of 7 summits Found in Alaska Also known as Denali

15 D. Mount Whitney The highest point in the lower 48 states of the U.S. Part of the Sierra Nevada Found in California

16 Sierra Nevada Mountain Range


18 E. Death Valley Found in California The lowest, driest, and hottest place in the North America, 282 feet below sea level Highest recorded temperature in North American history at 134*F in 1913


20 F. Grand Canyon Carved out by the Colorado River Found in Arizona Attains a depth of more than a mile and width of 18 miles in some places

21 F. Grand Canyon

22 G. Mississippi River Empties into the Gulf of Mexico at New Orleans The second longest river in North America, over 2,000 miles Considered the 4th longest river system in the world



25 H. Missouri River Tributary of the Mississippi River The longest river in the United States Explored by Lewis and Clark


27 I. The Great Lakes Largest group of freshwater lakes on Earth Created by glacial movement during the last ice age


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