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CEO’S REPORT State Board of Directors Meeting January 28, 2011.

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1 CEO’S REPORT State Board of Directors Meeting January 28, 2011

2 2010 Year in Review Legislative Regulatory Branding & Marketing Communications Staffing

3 Legislative AGC Legislative Committee reviewed over 3,000 pieces of legislation and closely monitored over 300. AGC sponsored 9 legislative bills  80% success  4 of the 5 bills that made it to the Governor’s desk were signed into law  4 bills carried forward in 2011 AGC scored a 100% in defeating legislative bills we asked to be vetoed.

4 Gas Tax Swap  Successfully negotiated provisions of the “gas tax swap” legislation to protect all transportation financing and generate an additional $650 million for highway construction beginning as early as 2011-12. Public-Private Partnerships (P3) & PIAC  Presidio Parkway improvement project was approved by the California Transportation Commission (CTC) as California’s first P3 project that will create approximately 22,000 new jobs and generate an estimated $12.7 million for local economy, and produce $2.5 million annually through operations and maintenance.

5 Regulatory Air Quality “Off-Road” Diesel Emissions  Saved contractors an estimated $300,000 a year on retrofitting equipment  Delayed implementation of the regulation requirements for at least four years  Increased the number of hours for “low-use” equipment exemptions Labor Relations  Meal and rest period flexibility  Advocated for proper and adequate prevailing wage coverage Stormwater  Launched a new California State Certified Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) training series FASB – Multiemployer Disclosure  Met with FASB board members for a more favorable rule  Delayed implementation for one year

6 Branding & Marketing “ It’s Good Business to do Business with an AGC Member” DVBE Membership  Exceeded our 5% membership goal and increased membership in this category by 8% over 2009. Awareness Activities  Host agency for the California Construction Expo  CEO serves as a commissioner on PIAC  Participated in the California Regional Transportation Workforce Development Summit  Construction Career Awareness Days

7 Communications “ SMART” Communications  Communicate effectively with members utilizing leading and services InFormz email communication  AGC Newsletters: Capitol Update, What’s News, Market Services, and Education Foundation Virtual Meetings  Used applications like SKYPE and CommPartners as a way to conduct business meetings and create a virtual “face-to-face” meeting for internal staff, members and clients. Website enhancements  Online events registration  Microsoft Outlook calendar integration  Integrated mapping  Restructured online Safety Video Lending Library for customized searches an online ordering

8 Organizational Announcements Staff Recognition Staff Transitions

9 “It’s good business to do business with an AGC member”

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