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Thermoregulation: temperature balance Hannah Nevins Bio 1b: Zoology Spring 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Thermoregulation: temperature balance Hannah Nevins Bio 1b: Zoology Spring 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thermoregulation: temperature balance Hannah Nevins Bio 1b: Zoology Spring 2009

2 Thermal Strategies: Ectotherms ◦ Heat generated from outside ◦ Rely on external sources (e.g. solar radiation) ◦ e.g. reptiles Endotherms ◦ Heat generated from “within” ◦ Rely on metabolic heat production ◦ e.g. Mammals, birds




6 Adaptations: Anatomical insulation - fur, feathers, blubber heat radiators – big ears Physiological circulation counter-current Behavioral huddling bathing

7 Whale Blubber: fat & connective tissue


9 Behavioral mechanisms to loss heat: panting, seeking shade

10 Counter-current Heat Exchange:

11 Integument: role in thermoregulation


13 Frostbite: tissue damage from cold

14 Hypothalamus: thermostat

15 Antarctic Ice Fish Antifreeze blood – glycoproteins Lack RBCs and hemoglobin (vestigial DNA coding for Hb, Mb)

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