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The Failure of the Articles of Confederation Mrs. Turner.

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Presentation on theme: "The Failure of the Articles of Confederation Mrs. Turner."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Failure of the Articles of Confederation Mrs. Turner

2 After Shay’s Rebellion – Delegates met in Philadelphia to revise the Articles of Confederation – Actually decided to scrap them and start again

3 Issues Debated *All centered on Representation (Power)-how many representatives would each state have Large States vs Small State North vs South Central Government vs Strong States

4 Large State Plan Virginia Plan Proposed by James Madison Bi-cameral house Representation in both houses based on population

5 Small State Plan New Jersey Plan Proposed by Roger Sherman Uni-cameral house Each state to have one vote

6 Great Compromise/Connecticut Compromise Upper House -Senate -Elected by the state legislatures -Each state having two senators Lower House -House of Representatives -Elected by the people -Representatives determined by population

7 North vs South Slaves should not be counted when deciding congressional delegates Slaves should be counted when levying taxes Slaves should be counted when deciding congressional delegates Slaves should not be counted when levying taxes

8 3/5ths Compromise For purposes of representation and taxation, slave would be counted as 3/5ths of the population

9 Central Gov. vs Strong States Authority derives from the people New plan of government with central government being stronger than states Authority comes from the states Modified Articles of Confederation with the states remaining stronger than central government

10 A New Government Form of Federalism-system where power is divided between national and state government Separation of Powers-3 separate branches of government with their own powers & checks and balances Electoral College-electors chosen by states to vote for president

11 Federalists Supported the Constitution Favored a strong central government Loose interpretation of the Constitution Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Jay Wanted three branches of government Created the Federalists Papers

12 Anti-Federalists Suspicious of the Constitution Feared gave too much power to the central government Strict interpretation of the Constitution Wanted a Bill of Rights – Strong national government can take away human rights won in the revolution. Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry, James Monroe

13 Not Unlike Political Parties Today! Democrats Big Government (Federalist) Republicans Smaller Government (Anti-Federalist)

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