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Coaching for Resilience Elaine Akester, Leadership & Team coach, Emintell Ltd.

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Presentation on theme: "Coaching for Resilience Elaine Akester, Leadership & Team coach, Emintell Ltd."— Presentation transcript:

1 Coaching for Resilience Elaine Akester, Leadership & Team coach, Emintell Ltd

2 Workshop Flow What is Personal Resilience ? Context and History Core elements Neuroscience aspects Resilience Models Approaches & techniques Signposting Q & A Copyright belongs to emintell Limited 2015.

3 A thought……….. “More than education, experience, or training, an individuals level of resilience will determine who succeeds and who fails” Harvard Business Review Copyright belongs to emintell Limited 2015.


5 Definition of Resilience The ability,in the face of difficulty, to retain flexible cognitive, behavioural and emotional responses” Neenan and Dryden 2002 “ The mind of a warrior and the Peace of a Monk” “The capacity for an individual to deal effectively with stressors, pressures and challenge and perform to the best of their abilities irrespective of the circumstances in which they find themselves.” (Clough & Earle 2002) Copyright belongs to emintell Limited 2015.

6 Chinese Translation TAI SING Elasticity Resistance Springiness Adaptability Copyright belongs to emintell Limited 2015.

7 Some Statistics UK – Sick leave costs - £8.4 billion Reduced engagement– 1 in 3 workers UK – 9 th place among 12 largest economies Costs 26 billion pounds in lost GDP Copyright belongs to emintell Limited 2015.

8 “Stress is a condition or feeling experienced when a person perceives that demands exceed the personal and social resources the individual is able to mobilise” Richard S Lazarus What is Stress? © emintell Ltd Copyright belongs to emintell Limited 2015.


10 Pioneers Kobosa – 1970’s Theory of hardiness “ The ability to bear difficult conditions” Commitment, Control & Challenge Dienstbier – relationship between physiological and psychological toughening Jim Loehr – First popular use of Mental toughness “The ability to consistently perform towards the upper range of your capabilities regardless of competitive circumstances” Copyright belongs to emintell Limited 2015.

11 Recent Research Prof S. Southwick An ability to face reality with a sense of realistic optimism A willingness to accept the situation Recognise what they could and could not control Supportive networks Copyright belongs to emintell Limited 2015.

12 Self-Efficacy Optimism Humour Emotional self-control Purpose – sense of control Growth Mindset Support Networks Core Components Copyright belongs to emintell Limited 2015.

13 Neuroscience Aspects of Resilience Copyright belongs to emintell Limited 2015.



16 4 step Approach - READ Model Understand your response to pressure and current resilience levels Explore your relationship to the 5 C’s – at the core of good resilience Address unhelpful thinking styles and behaviours ABCDE model Develop self-supporting and sustaining habits Strategies for improving Resilience Copyright belongs to emintell Limited 2015.

17 Cognitive dysfunction SITUATION Thoughts Physical sensations Emotions Behaviours Copyright belongs to emintell Limited 2015.

18 A - Activating event B- Belief (Both positive and limiting) C - Consequences (action) D- Disputation (Challenging and finding a positive alternative) E- Energisation ( Positive impact as result) Harness the power of your mind © emintell Ltd Copyright belongs to emintell Limited 2015.

19 Example Activating event A bid proposal you have worked really hard on has not been successful BeliefNothing goes my way, I’ll never succeed (I’m not good enough.) ConsequencesYou feel negative, avoid taking on more challenging work and settle for less. Disputation It’s a one off. Of course it is disappointing but I have learned a lot and this only increases my motivation to succeed next time Energisation I’ll know in future not to react so negatively to setbacks, but take them as learning opportunities instead. © emintell Ltd Copyright belongs to emintell Limited 2015.

20 Personal Pervasive Permanent Optimism / pessimism - explanatory Style =ME =EVERYTHING =ALWAYS Copyright belongs to emintell Limited 2015.

21 Increases attentional control Increase ability to enjoy the present Counteracts automaticity Reduces stress, anxiety and depressive illness and associated symptoms Mindfulness Copyright belongs to emintell Limited 2015.

22 Acceptance & commitment Mindfulness Acceptance Defusion Present moment connection Sense of self Commitment and Behaviour Values Committed Action Copyright belongs to emintell Limited 2015.


24 Compassion Research Dr. Paul Gilbert, University of Derby - Focus on resources - Actively seeking and consuming WANTING -Focus on Affiliative and Emotional Security resources -Soothing, Experiencing Kindness & Safeness CONNECTING - Focus on threats - Anger, Disgust, Anxiety PROTECTING Copyright belongs to emintell Limited 2015.

25 Components of Self Compassion Self-kindness Kindness Understanding Common Humanity Suffering Is Universal Common Humanity Mindfulness Tolerating Distress Acceptance Copyright belongs to emintell Limited 2015.

26 Developing Self-Compassion Consider how you’d treat someone else Watch your language – inner critic Use compassionate phrases Meditation and mindfulness Copyright belongs to emintell Limited 2015.

27 Boundaries & Support Networks Developing flexibility in responses Supporting clients to set realistic boundaries & expectations Asserting needs Be a compassionate friend Reach out for support Copyright belongs to emintell Limited 2015.

28 Further interest? Follow @emintell Open workshop – 19 th June 2015, Kenwood Hall, Sheffield Organisational workshops & programmes Take a resilience profile…… MTQ48 questionnaire Copyright belongs to emintell Limited 2015.

29 “ Mastering the art of resilience does much more than restore you to who you once thought you were. Rather, you emerge from the experience transformed into a truer expression of who you were really meant to be.” Carol Osborn Copyright belongs to emintell Limited 2015.

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