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Utilisation of bacteria for anti-fouling biofilm able to avoid the settlement and growth of micro&macro organisms.

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Presentation on theme: "Utilisation of bacteria for anti-fouling biofilm able to avoid the settlement and growth of micro&macro organisms."— Presentation transcript:

1 Utilisation of bacteria for anti-fouling biofilm able to avoid the settlement and growth of micro&macro organisms

2 Fouling mechanism 1: adherence of bact. Colony (Van der Waals)
2: anchoring (pilis) 3: polysaccharide matrix 4: M.O. Attachment 5: More fouling

3 State of research... Study of inhibitory effect of various bact. strains on various M.O. Characterization of attachment mechanism of fouling agents Characterization of inhibiting extracellular products

4 Advantages/drawbacks
+ - Up to 90 % inhibition of MO Many different MO types → effect limited to spec. species No toxic paint on hulls Mutations: cancel inhib. effect

5 Feasibility Genetically: ? Sea: very complex medium
Need significant upstream research (surface materials, ) Need experimental validation of designed bacteria with many different conditions → more time than actual engineering ? Lots of economical interest in this

6 Bacteria used Alteromonas
Pseudoalteromonas : extensively studied for its anti-fouling activity => Inhibit the settlement and growth of a large number of organisms

7 Anti-fouling substance produced
Protein or peptide Thermostable Hydrophilic >3500 daltons in molecular size Inhibition of settlement by 2 ways: direct: induce lysis in cultures Indirect: emission from the bacteria of chemical products which inhibit growth and settlement

8 Two possibilities Continuous secretion of a given molecule which will avoid the deposit of molluscs on the hull Secretion in response to a given input (e.g. shear stress)

9 Description of the bioparts
Input: when bacteria sense an external input, triggering of the production of a certain molecule to avoid the deposit of plants and mollusc, for example in response to pressure => possibility to use luxR for example for the modelisation = inducible promoter, normally off, which turn on in response to an external input

10 Description of the bioparts
2. Output: the bacteria can produce a molecule in order to kill molluscs attached or to prevent the adhesion. => possibility to use something like GFP as an output in our modelisation

11 Description of the bioparts
3. Filter: need to avoid the noise coherent feedforward loop with AND-gate. Input  fast degrading primary messenger  stable secondary messenger  AND- gate

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