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Jeopardy – Native American & Jamestown Native American Geography Colonization of the New World TermsSurvivalPot Luck 10 20 30 40 50.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy – Native American & Jamestown Native American Geography Colonization of the New World TermsSurvivalPot Luck 10 20 30 40 50."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy – Native American & Jamestown Native American Geography Colonization of the New World TermsSurvivalPot Luck 10 20 30 40 50

2 What is this Geographical/Cultural area called?





7 The first Permanent colony in the new world?

8 What were the reasons for English Colonization?

9 Who financed the Jamestown Colony?

10 Why was the location of Jamestown selected?

11 The man who was in charge of the Jamestown expedition?

12 Native American Chiefs were also called what?

13 Issued by England to allow colonists to Continue to be citizen of England in the New world.

14 A domed native American dwelling is called what?

15 What is an economic endeavor/venture?

16 What is a culture group?

17 What is the main thing that affected Native American Survival?

18 What are the two main things colonists had To worry about in order to survive?

19 Name 2 dangers the colonists faced

20 Native Americans in the Northeast woodlands came together to form what in hopes in enhancing their survival?

21 Out of the 500 original colonists In Jamestown, how many survived?

22 Name 3 of the 4 natural resources we Talked about in class.

23 The only president in history to receive every electoral vote, he also had false teeth.

24 The band who’s song “Rapper’s Delight” Was the first Hip Hop hit (top 40) in history in 1979. They are from Englewood, NJ.

25 The name of the Building that is replacing the world Trade Center in NYC.

26 Thomas Edison invented the light bulb, record player and motion picture projector in his lab located here.

27 What is Northeast Woodlands

28 What is the Southeast

29 What is the Great Plains

30 What is the Southwest

31 What is Mesoamerica

32 What is Jamestown

33 England wanted to establish an American colony to increase her wealth and power. 1 – By finding silver and gold in America 2 – By providing a source of raw materials 3 – Would open new markets for trade.

34 Virginia company of London

35 1 - easily defended 2 – shore was deep enough for ships to dock 3 – good supply of fresh water

36 Who was John Smith

37 Who is the climate of their region

38 Who is food and shelter

39 What are Disease, Starvation, Native American attack, Wild Animals Malnutrition

40 What was the Iroquois league

41 What is 60

42 What is Sachem

43 What is a Charter

44 What is a Wigwam

45 Any undertaking with the goal of making money.

46 A group of people who live in the same region

47 What Are trees, water, stones and Buffalo (animals) treeswaterstonesbuffalo

48 Who was George Washington

49 What are the Sugarhill Gang

50 What is Freedom Tower

51 Where is Menlo Park

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