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INFN sezione di Milano (Italy)
The gamma decay of the GDR at finite temperature and of the pygmy resonance far from stability G. Benzoni INFN sezione di Milano (Italy)
G.AR.F.I.E.L.D. Outline 1- Pygmy Dipole Resonance in 68Ni background
experiment results perspectives Preequilibrium Dipole Resonance Background Experiment Results G.AR.F.I.E.L.D.
Pygmy Dipole Resonance
Giant Dipole Resonance Pygmy Dipole Resonance
Collective oscillation of neutrons against protons P N Average Transition charge densities Pygmy Dipole Resonance Collective oscillation of neutron skin against the core N Average Transition charge densities
How dipole response changes moving towards neutron rich nuclei ???
Physics Case: How dipole response changes moving towards neutron rich nuclei ??? Dipole strength shifts at low energy Collective or non-collective nature of the transitions? T. Hartmann PRL85(2000)274 48Ca 0.29% EWSR 40Ca 0.025% EWSR How to excite this mode?? Stable nuclei photoabsorption 132Sn 4% EWSR Exotic nuclei Virtual photon breakup LAND experiment Virtual photon scattering RISING experiment 124Sn Adrich et al. PRL 95(2005)132501
400 MeV/u 68Ni (2004) + 197Au 600 MeV/u 68Ni (2005) + 197Au
Two experiments performed: 400 MeV/u 68Ni (2004) + 197Au 600 MeV/u 68Ni (2005) + 197Au Beam energy selected in order to populate DIPOLE modes more effectively than other ones Higher statistics dataset 68Ni beam produced by fragmentation of 900 MeV/u on thick Be target (4g/cm2): 1010 ppspill 86Kr Spill length 6s, period 10 s T.Aumann et al EPJ 26(2005)441
High resolution g-spectroscopy at the FRS
FRS provides secondary radioactive ion beams: fragmentation and fission of primary beams high secondary beam energies: 100 – 700 MeV/u fully stripped ions FRS 2g/cm2 Au RISING
for beam identification
RISING ARRAY Euroball 15 Clusters Located at 16.5°, 33°, 36° degrees Energetic threshold ~ 100 keV Hector 8 BaF2 Located at 142° and 90° degrees Energetic threshold ~ 1.5 MeV Miniball 7 HPGe segmented detectors Located at 46°, 60°, 80°, 90° degrees Energetic threshold ~ 100 keV Beam identification and tracking detectors Before and after the target Calorimeter Telescope for beam identification CATE 4 CsI 9 Si
Coulomb excitation of 68Ni @ 600 AMeV
Outgoing 68Ni DE (Si) E (CsI) 1.2 % 4.4 % Incoming 68Ni beam AoQ 68Ni Z ~ 6 Days of effective beam time ~ 400 GB of data recorded ~ ‘ good 68Ni events ‘ ~ 35% Incoming+Outgoing 68Ni
A structure appears at 10-11 MeV in all detectors
Coulomb excitation of 68Ni (600 MeV A) Pygmy Dipole Resonance Preliminary GEANT Simulations A structure appears at MeV in all detectors
Coulomb excitation of 67Ni (600 MeV A)
The peak structure is roughly 2 MeV lower than in 68Ni There is indication from a more fragmented structure In all cases the measured width is consistent with that extracted from GEANT simulations with a monochromatic g source Resonance width G < 1 MeV Preliminary
Predictions are available only for 68Ni
RPA RMF Preliminary 68Ni 68Ni ~10 MeV ~10 MeV G. Colo’ private communication D. Vretnar et al. NPA 692(2001)496 Both RPA and RMF predict for 68Ni Pygmy strength at approximately 10 MeV for 68Ni. The degree of collectivity is still debated Predictions are available only for 68Ni In the case of 67Ni as it is a vibration of the neutron skin the value of the neutron binding energy is important. As a simple rule the localization in energy of the strength should be linearly correlated to the neutron binding energy Eb (68Ni) 7.8 MeV Eb (67Ni) 5.8 MeV
Conclusions Measurement of high energy g-rays from Coulex of 68Ni at 600 MeV/u. First experiment of this type ever performed Strength at 10.5 MeV has been observed in all three kind of detectors Peaks line-shape is consistent with GEANT simulations (GPDR < 1 MeV) Low Energy Dipole strength has also been observed in 67Ni and 69Ni
RISING Collaboration A.Bracco, G. Benzoni, N. Blasi, S.Brambilla, F. Camera, F.Crespi, S. Leoni, B. Million, M. Pignanelli, O. Wieland, P.F.Bortignon, G.Colo’ University of Milano, and INFN section of Milano, Italy A.Maj, P.Bednarczyk, J.Greboz, M. Kmiecik, W. Meczynski, J. Styczen Niewodnicaznski institute of Nuclear Physics, Kracow, Poland T. Aumann, A.Banu, T.Beck, F.Becker, A.Burger, L.Cacieras, P.Doornenbal, H. Emling, J. Gerl, M.Gorska, J.Grebozs, O.Kavatsyuk, M.Kavatsyuk, I. Kojouharov, N. Kurtz, R.Lozeva, N.Saito, T.Saito, H.Shaffner, H. Wollersheim and FRS collaboration GSI J.Jolie, P. Reiter, N.Ward University of Koeln, Germany G. de Angelis, A. Gadea, D. Napoli, National Laboratory of Legnaro, INFN, Italy S. Lenzi, F. Della Vedova, E. Farnea, S. Lunardi, University of Padova and INFN section of Padova, Italy D.Balabanski, G. Lo Bianco, C. Petrache, A.Saltarelli, University of Camerino, Italy M. Castoldi and A. Zucchiatti, University of Genova, Italy G. La Rana, University of Napoli, Italy J.Walker, University of Surrey
Preequilibrium Dipole Resonance
All degree of freedom EQUILIBRATED
The Preequilibrium Dipole Response Charge NOT equilibrated All degree of freedom EQUILIBRATED GDR t=0 fm/c fusion CN Dynamic Dipole Charge equilibration in N/Z asymmetric heavy-ion collisions
A rapid re-arrangement of charge accompanied by emission of dipole radiation
The intensity of dipole emission depends on the absolute value of the charge that must be shifted to restore the mass balance (Dipole moment) information on the charge equilibration in relation to the reaction mechanism; information on the damping of the dipole mode; information on the symmetry energy of the nuclear matter at lower densities than the saturation one
Dependence on charge asymmetry mass asymmetry and incident energy.
THEORY: Preequilibrium dipole radiation present in all N/Z asymmetric reactions; Dependence on charge asymmetry mass asymmetry and incident energy. MeV/u V. Baran et al . PRL87(2001)182501
How to distinguish preequilibrium from thermalized emission?
40Ca + 100Mo 36S + 104Pd reaction CN Proj N/Z Target N/Z CN N/Z 40Ca + 100Mo 140Sm* 1 1.38 1.258 36S + 104Pd 1.25 1.26 Compare the high energy gamma-ray emission from a N/Z SYMMETRIC and a N/Z ASYMMETRIC reaction. Evidence of a prompt dipole emission: EXCESS of the high energy gamma-ray yield in the asymmetric reaction Linearized spectra 40Ca + 100Mo 36S + 104Pd The intensity is never higher than 25% of the total yield with stable beams The measurements need to be extremely clean and exclusive Flibotte et al. PRL77(1996)1448
Garfield + Hector @ Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro
g + LCP + residues comparison btw. N/Z Asymmetric and Symmetric reactions leading to same CN at same E* and I two different bombarding energies 8.1 AMeV and 15.6 AMEV BaF2 Garfield PPAC
Reaction studied to populate 132Ce* CN
Ebeam (MeV/u) E* (MeV) D (fm) 16O+116Sn 8.1 100 8.6 64Ni+68Zn 4.7 1.2 15.6 200 7.8 The analysis of the N/Z symmetric reaction lead to important results on Temperature dependence of different contributions to GDR width O.Wieland et al. PRL 97 (2006)
Large pre-equilibrium component
250 MeV 500 MeV Large pre-equilibrium component Counts [a.u.] Ea [MeV] Only statistical decay Determination of the preequilibrium component thanks to the measurement of the particles reaction Ebeam (MeV/u) E* (MeV) ECN (MeV) 16O+116Sn 8.1 100 95 15.6 200 165 Di che natura è la componente di preequilibrio???? Comparison with statistical model using the GDR parameters: EGDR= 14 MeV GGDR= 7.3 (8 MeV/u) 12.9 (15 MeV/u) S. Barlini et al., to be published in PRC
Comparison with statistical model calculations to extract extra yield
AMeV AMeV Extra gamma multiplicity 15 AMeV Preequilibrium emission is enhanced at high beam energy Same centroid as the GDR 8 AMeV
Excitation of collective dipole mode ~85 fm/c
Simulation of reaction dynamics allows the evaluation of the DIPOLE MOMENT during the preequilibrium phase (dinuclear system before CN equilibration) Excitation of collective dipole mode ~85 fm/c 16O+116Sn 8 MeV/u b=0 fm CN formation (equilibration) Bremsstrahlung formula gives directly the g emission of the dynamical dipole M. Di Toro, V. Baran, C. Rizzo V.Baran et al., PRL87 (2001)
6 MeV/nucleon (E*=117 MeV) 9 MeV/nucleon (E*=173.5 MeV) 16 MeV/nucleon
[1] [2] [3] S + Mo S + Mo Ar + Zr FGDR(Eg) (arb. units) Eg (MeV) Eg (MeV) Eg (MeV) D. Pierroutsakou . et al., PRC 71 (2005)
experiment simulation 16O+116Sn Centroid energy different from exp.
8 AMeV 15 AMeV experiment 16O+116Sn 15 MeV/u 8 MeV/u simulation Centroid energy different from exp. Yield increasing with energy even if absolute value is not well reproduced
Perspectives Stable beams: measure angular distributions
Measure an asymmetric reaction WITHOUT dipole moment in entrance channel Exotic beams Increase further the N/Z asymmetry Proj. Energy MeV/u Ta CN E* sfusion mb Spin D(T=0) fm D (mass) P.D. Yield* 132Sn 4.9 40Ca 172Yb 98.22 855 77 38 0.18 14 77Ni 3.9 95Mo 100 728 88 35 0.03 12 140Xe 5.4 32S 1016 74.8 29 0.22 9 94Kr 4.2 78Se 672 23 5 22Ne 6.4 150Nd 1443 71.51 10 0.29 2 48Ca 124Sn 99.8 857.8 0.14 1 * C. Simenel et al PRL 86 (2001) 2971 The isotopes has been selected from the list of page II-8 of spiral documentation
Garfield + Hector collaboration
A.Corsi, O.Wieland, A.Bracco, F.Camera, S.Brambilla, G.Benzoni, M.Casanova, F.Crespi, S.Leoni, A.Giussani, P.Mason, B.Million, D.Montanari, A.Moroni, N.Blasi, Dipartimento di Fisica, Universitá di Milano and I.N.F.N. Section of Milano, Milano Italy A.Maj, M.Kmiecik,M.Brekiesz, W.Meczynski, J.Styczen, M.Zieblinski, K.Zuber Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics Krackow Poland F.Gramegna, V.L.Kravchuk S.Barlini, A.Lanchais, P.F.Mastinu and L.Vannucci INFN, Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro, Legnaro, Italy G.Casini, M.Chiari, and A.Nannini INFN, Sezione di Firenze, Firenze, Italy A.Ordine INFN sez di Napoli, Napoli M. Di Toro, V. Baran, C. Rizzo
Conclusions Measurement of high energy g-rays from Coulex of 68Ni at 600 MeV/u. First experiment of this type ever performed Strength at 10.5 MeV has been observed in all three kind of detectors Peaks line-shape is consistent with GEANT simulations (GPDR < 1 MeV) Low Energy Dipole strength has also been observed in 67Ni and 69Ni Dynamical dipole mode measured in N/Z asymmetric reaction 16O+116Sn Complete treatment of preequilibrium particle emission Extra yield increasing with energy (8 MeV/u 15 MeV/u) Accordance with simulation based on bremsstrahlung emission G.AR.F.I.E.L.D.
Thank you
If (N/Z)proj≠(N/Z)targ
t=0 fm/c t 10-22s CN formation t s GDR oscillation If (N/Z)proj≠(N/Z)targ the system displays dipole oscillation due to charge equilibration Simulation code developed by Baran et al. based on BNV model applyed to
-displays collective features like GDR
This oscillation: -displays collective features like GDR -produces g emission Simulation code developed by Baran et al. based on BNV model applyed to
This g emission can be calculated with the bremsstrahlung formula once known D:
The Dynamical Dipole Mode – Prompt dipole
REARRANGMENT of p and n to establish the charge to mass equilibrium Pre-equilibrium Thermal Equilibrium s Density plots, projected on the reaction plane, for central collisions Time evolution of the dipole moment parallel to the deformation axis for b=0. Simenel et al. PRL86(2001)2971 A rapid re-arrangement of charge accompanied by emission of dipole radiation (timescale of the order of s) The intensity of dipole emission depends on the absolute value of the charge that must be shifted to restore the mass balance From Centroid energy E0 one can estimate the value of bsym vs nuclear density bsym vs neutron number From the FWHM extract information on the damping mechanism Time needed to damp the dipole oscillation Understand how nucleons move in the fusion process Ganil October 2005
Virtual photon scattering technique first experiment with a relativistic beam
GDR - PYGMY Excitation 400 MeV/u 68Ni (2004) + 197Au 600 MeV/u 68Ni (2005) + 197Au T.Aumann et al EPJ 26(2005)441
Why Pygmy Resonance is important ?
Pygmy Resonance has an important impact on the r-process nucleosynthesis Nupecc long range plan 2004 Goriely et al PLB436(1998)10 Different mean field approaches give different predictions in terms of collectivity, strength and line-shape of the pygmy resonance Isovector properties of nuclear force
If (N/Z)proj≠(N/Z)targthe system displays dipole oscillation due to charge equilibration
displays collective features like GDR -produces g emission Simulation code developed by Baran et al. based on BNV model applyed to
Experimental problems:
few combination proj-target can produce the same CN fusion reaction selection spin selection No contaminations from target impurities the CN has to be produced at the same E* and I The intensity is never higher than 25% of the total yield with stable beams The measurements need to be extremely clean and exclusive MeV/u Baran et al . PRL87(2001)182501 Open questions: Centroid is at lower energies not yet seen exp. Still to study angular distribution check if pure dipole The dinamical contribution will show a clear anisotropic g-emission The higher N/Z asymmetry the stronger the effect
Future plans ????????
Conclusions We have measured high energy g-rays from Coulex of 68Ni at 600 MeV/u. First experiment of this type ever performed Strength at 10.5 MeV has been observed in all three kind of detectors Peaks line-shape is consistent with GEANT simulations (GPDR < 1 MeV) Low Energy Dipole strength has also been observed in 67Ni and 69Ni
Coulomb excitation of 68Ni (600 MeV A) Pygmy Dipole Resonance
Eg [MeV] BaF2 at 142° BaF2 at 90° Preliminary Preliminary The structure does not appear at 142° because of the much higher background Calls for further investigation in view of new campaign
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