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4/2003 Rev 2 I.4.9j – slide 1 of 18 Session I.4.9j Part I Review of Fundamentals Module 4Sources of Radiation Session 9jFuel Cycle – High Level Waste Disposal.

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Presentation on theme: "4/2003 Rev 2 I.4.9j – slide 1 of 18 Session I.4.9j Part I Review of Fundamentals Module 4Sources of Radiation Session 9jFuel Cycle – High Level Waste Disposal."— Presentation transcript:

1 4/2003 Rev 2 I.4.9j – slide 1 of 18 Session I.4.9j Part I Review of Fundamentals Module 4Sources of Radiation Session 9jFuel Cycle – High Level Waste Disposal IAEA Post Graduate Educational Course Radiation Protection and Safety of Radiation Sources

2 4/2003 Rev 2 I.4.9j – slide 2 of 18 High Level Waste Disposal

3 4/2003 Rev 2 I.4.9j – slide 3 of 18 High Level Waste Disposal

4 4/2003 Rev 2 I.4.9j – slide 4 of 18 High Level Waste - HLW  Refers to long-life wastes from reprocessing (“first- cycle aqueous raffinate”) except in USA where there is currently no reprocessing  From Purex reprocessing, one 175 litre can containing 150 litres of HLW glass from 2 MTHM of SNF (better than 5:1 volume reduction)  DOE vitrified HLW uses 625 litre can  Dry storage of HLW containers

5 4/2003 Rev 2 I.4.9j – slide 5 of 18 Vitrified High Level Waste Loading silos with canisters containing vitrified high ‑ level waste in UK, each disc on the floor covers a silo holding ten canisters

6 4/2003 Rev 2 I.4.9j – slide 6 of 18 Yucca Mountain Nevada USA

7 4/2003 Rev 2 I.4.9j – slide 7 of 18 Yucca Mountain Nevada USA

8 4/2003 Rev 2 I.4.9j – slide 8 of 18 HLW Disposal Cannisters

9 4/2003 Rev 2 I.4.9j – slide 9 of 18 Waste Isolation Pilot Project (WIPP) Transuranic Waste Disposal

10 4/2003 Rev 2 I.4.9j – slide 10 of 18 Transuranic Waste Disposal

11 4/2003 Rev 2 I.4.9j – slide 11 of 18 Typical for the operation of a 1000 MWe nuclear power reactor Mining22,400 tonnes of 1% uranium ore Milling 280 tonnes of uranium oxide concentrate (224 t U) Conversion 331 tonnes UF 6 (with 224 t U) Enrichment 35 tonnes UF 6 (with 24 t enriched U, balance is tails) Fuel Fabrication 27 tonnes UO 2 (with 24 t enriched U) Reactor Operation7,000 million kWh of electricity Spent Fuel27 tonnes containing 240kg plutonium, 23 t uranium (0.8% U-235), 720kg fission products, also transuranics Material Balance in the Nuclear Fuel Cycle

12 4/2003 Rev 2 I.4.9j – slide 12 of 18 World Nuclear Association Australian Uranium Association Institute for Energy and Environmental Research Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (HHS) Australian Academy of Science Where to Get More Information

13 4/2003 Rev 2 I.4.9j – slide 13 of 18 World Information Service on Energy (WISE Uranium Project) http://www. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) US DOE Environmental Management US Energy Information Administration http://www.eia. gov/nuclear/ Where to Get More Information

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