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Internet Safety Prepared by Donna Kirkland January 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Internet Safety Prepared by Donna Kirkland January 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Internet Safety Prepared by Donna Kirkland January 2009

2 Life Experiences Students may be tech savvy. Adults have life experiences. Do NOT assume that students understand what is obvious to adults.

3 Strangers Everyone in Cyberspace is a stranger. Act accordingly.

4 Caution Caution is the key to a safe internet experience. Never give personal information or locations to other internet users. With websites like and, a phone number can bring a stalker to your doorstep.

5 Identification Do not list home address or phone. Use an initial instead of a name. Do not use obvious screen names.

6 Location Keep computers in open areas. All computers should be easily visible. As stated in the handbook, students are to use hardware and software under the direction and supervision of the teacher.

7 Who Owns this Site Be careful of websites with similar names. Check the owner of the website at



10 Site History Check the history of a website. The history and changes of a website can be viewed at



13 It’s Forever Once posted, written content has the potential to reach thousands. Posted content, becomes permanent. Many companies now look at online postings before hiring.

14 Websites Direct students to reliable websites. The first website on a search is not necessarily the most reliable. Check extensions when checking website reliability.

15 Extension Information Always note the extension. Not all extensions are restricted. Consider who is telling the story. Think American Revolution!


17 Spam Make students aware of false emails announcing that they have won a great prize. Caution students about opening emails from unknown people.

18 Tell, Tell, Tell Encourage students to tell a trusted adult of any questionable behavior they experience online. At school, notify the teacher if inappropriate content is displayed. Students should spend some cyber time with parents.

19 It’s a Secret Never share a password. A malicious user can can cause damage to your reputation. A strong password contains numbers and letters.

20 Observe Observe student behavior. Listen to students. Watch for a change in social skills.

21 History Check the history on the computer to see sites the user has visited. Check to see when the user visited the site. Check Recent Documents to see where the user has been working.

22 A Few Acronyms POS-Parent Over Shoulder ALS-Age,Location, Sex LMIRL-Let’s meet in real life

23 Internet Risks Financial Psychological Safety Inappropriate Material Loss of Privacy Predators

24 Real World Risks Financial Psychological Safety Inappropriate Material Loss of Privacy Predators

25 Benefits Instant Communication Research Real Time Information Entertainment

26 The Choice Follow school rules Operate with caution. Use reliable websites. Be observant. Remember that everyone is a stranger in cyberspace.

27 Enjoy The internet provides may opportunities for adults and students. The internet should be enjoyed like other activities...with care.

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