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Vocabulary Level F Unit # 5. audio   https://www.sadlier- _F/Unit_5/Vocabulary_LevelF_Unit5. mp3 https://www.sadlier-

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1 Vocabulary Level F Unit # 5

2 audio   https://www.sadlier- _F/Unit_5/Vocabulary_LevelF_Unit5. mp3 https://www.sadlier- _F/Unit_5/Vocabulary_LevelF_Unit5. mp3

3 amnesty ( noun) pardon for an offense against the government; in general- any act of forgiveness Syn: pardon Mitch Albom needs to declare amnesty and forgive himself for not staying in touch with Morrie after college.

4 autonomy (noun) self- government; political control Syn: independence home rule self-governedAnt: Colonial status Morrie lost all sense of autonomy as his body surrendered to ALS.

5 axiomatic (adj) self-evident; expressing a universally accepted principle or rule Syn  self- evident  taken for granted  Obvious Ant question able question able Morrie said the concept of love is_____ by too many people who think money is the most important thing in life.

6 blazon (Verb) to adorn or embellish; to display conspicuously, publish or proclaim widely Syn: broadcast broadcast Trumpet Trumpet She couldn’t wait to blazon her “In a Relationship” status on Facebook.

7 caveat ( noun) a warning or caution to prevent misunderstanding or discourage behavior Syn: word to the wise, admonition The teacher tried subtle caveats to let the students know that they needed to settle down and get to work.

8 equitable (adj) fair, just, embodying principles of justice Syn: Right, just reasonable even handed Morrie’s time was spent equitable between family and friends.

9 extricate ( verb) to free from entanglement; to remove with effort Syn: extract disentangle It took all afternoon to extricate the cat from the tree.

10 filch (verb) to steal, especially in a sneaky way. Syn: swipe purloinPilfer I was shocked to discover he had been filching money from his little sister’s piggy bank.

11 flout (verb) to mock, treat with contempt Syn: mock, sneer at scorn, scoff at She flouted the Homecoming tradition and refused to wear a mum.

12 fractious (adj) unruly; quarrelsome, contrary, tending to be troublesome recalcitrantpeevish One fractious student in a class can cause the everyone to be miserable; it is best to remove him.

13 precept (noun) a rule of conduct or action Syn: principle maxim The teacher has rather strict precepts for classroom behavior.

14 salutary (adj) beneficial, helpful, healthful, wholesome Syn: wholesome curativeSalubrious Daily exercise will have a salutary effect on your weight and stress levels.

15 scathing (adj) bitterly severe, causing great harm Syn: ferocious Harsh, searing, savage Ant: mild After reading the scathing comments about the applicant, we certainly didn’t want to hire him.

16 scourge (verb) to whip or punish severely (noun) a cause of suffering Syn: Flog, beat plaguepestilence You should not scourge the donkey to get him to behave. The one freshman in the group was a scourge to their mature conversation.

17 sepulchral (adj) funeral, typical of the tomb/grave; extremely gloomy dolefullugubriousmournful The sepulchral background music in the commercial made me even more depressed.

18 soporific ( adj) tending to cause sleep (noun) something that induces sleep Syn: narcotic Anesthetic Ant: stimulating My husband will not attend the ballet with me because he feels it is soporific.

19 straitlaced (adj) extremely strict in moral standards; prudish; puritanical Syn: overly strict Stuffy Ant: indulgent The straitlaced student would not feel comfortable at a wild, permissive party.

20 transient (adj) lasting only a short time (noun) one who stays only a short time. impermanentephemeral George and Lennie were transient farm workers.

21 unwieldy (adj) not easily carried or managed because of size or complexity Syn: cumbersome, Bulky,Impractical The giant sack of football equipment was too unwieldy for one guy to carry.

22 vapid (adj) dull, uninteresting; lacking in sharpness, flavor, or liveliness Syn: bland lifelessboringinsipid Ant: lively I was totally bored by the play because most of the actors were just plain vapid.

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