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Teaching and Learning Forum December 2012. Agenda Welcome Updates Strategy 2013 - 2016,  2020.

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Presentation on theme: "Teaching and Learning Forum December 2012. Agenda Welcome Updates Strategy 2013 - 2016,  2020."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teaching and Learning Forum December 2012

2 Agenda Welcome Updates Strategy 2013 - 2016,  2020

3 Updates Academic Review (Dec 5) Events 26-27 March 2013 – ALDinHE conference,ALDinHE conference 15-16 April 2013– British Conference of Undergraduate Researchers (BCUR),British Conference of Undergraduate Researchers (BCUR), 17 April 2013 – PedRIO Conference, 28 June 2013 - VC’s Teaching and Learning Conference

4 QA QAA: UK Quality Code for Higher Education code/Pages/default.aspx PU next Institutional Review, December 2015 at the latest! It could be sooner. 2015 Evidence Base

5 Back office paperwork If a QAA auditor walked into the School office tomorrow could you sit them down and give them access to the papers from the last three years for: Module and programme action plans Staff-Student liaison committee meeting papers and the responses from School T&LC. Evidence of meetings with alumni, professional bodies, employers … External examiners appointments, reports and responses

6 External Examiners Reports QAA measures us against our own processes, and national expectations EE UG report deadline 31 July 2012 School response 10 September 2012 to the External and QS ** 2 September 2013 *** 9 September 2013 And 2014, 2015, 2016 …. And PGT dates too PLEASE

7 Thank you for your report for…. which we received on….. Following our usual practice it will be discussed by the programme managers, and recommendations included in module and programme Action Plans. These Action Plans are discussed at School Teaching and Learning committee (on … date). Your point(s) about … will be referred to the staff-student liaison committee Dr.. Bloggs was pleased with your comments about... Your suggestions have been incorporated in his module action plan. The programme team for … met to discuss the comments you made in your oral report and have added ….. These updates are reported in the Programme Action Plan.

8 External Examiners 2012 - 2013

9 External Examiners 2012-13 Beyond Urgent Appoint to 2018 next 3 years and the next 3

10 Updates HEA Annual Visit - –colleagues sign up to the new discipline newsletters –Annual report, events and workshops can be useful in framing your Action Plans

11 New Appeals etc office Claire Oldfield started in November

12 Ed-D PedRIO CSF PedRIO Ed-D CSF (…… ASTI)Quality enhancement Evidence / research led approachesPGCAP, GTA, TDF, Workshops, conferences, 7 Steps, web site Responsive to School and individual requests Developmental and creative Lighthouse new agendas Support changing processes Involve experts from UoP, externally Focused on individuals and their practices. Opportunities for personal development, national links TLD events attended by the converted! Problem in connecting with others Can be very helpful for new academics, and cheers up seasoned academic Work directly with staff and studentsAs fast as practical Supporting staff and students to enhance all aspects of the student learning experience

13 Plymouth University Teaching Development Framework Flexible, in-house accreditation at all levels of HEA fellowship Nationally accepted professional recognition for teaching and learning in HE Access to resources, workshops and support Free to university employees Associate Fellowship - Research students/ ECRs / ALs Fellowship - Lecturers/ Readers/ Professors Senior Fellowship - Staff enhancing / leading T&L Principal Fellowship - Senior T&L leaders

14 Developing our L&T Strategy to 2020

15 aligned with the University Strategy it supports the aims of the Schools is appropriately ambitious, it will provide the framework for our activities up to the next QAA institutional audit, which we anticipate in 2016 should be robust to 2020 meets the QAA code needs can flex with emerging agendas impact tested and benchmarked via KPIs, NSS, SPQ, PTES, PRES and reported via Action Plans

16 Developing our L&T Strategy to 2020

17 T&L Forum Future format –Need to hear from Schools / central initiatives / sharing more –Build towards QAA (2015) Suggested: –Half day sessions in September and January –2 * 2 hr working lunch sessions, with time to network in November and May

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